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Everything posted by RetiredNavy71

  1. A fascist is a fascist is a fascist knucklehead. It doesn't matter when they existed or what brought them to power. What I do know is that they were a force to be reckoned with and were annihilated and any future version of them will be annihilated. Put that in your pipe and smoke it
  2. Can you tell this story in layman's terms so that all of us can understand your gibberish
  3. Well given Trump's propensity to say alot but not necessarily do anything to back up the bluster will determine what Trump's policies will do. Stay tuned bud...
  4. I don't think Trump can unilaterally do any of those things without Congressional and Senate approval. Cutting those vital programs would be suicidal at best
  5. So what happens when you get old and need SS and Medicare and it's not there? Be careful what you wish for
  6. No its not sleazeball. They'll keep them locked up and include you with them for good measure
  7. And it's a perfect fit.....for you. Mania that freak show
  8. Now that's the kettle calling the pot black
  9. Well if ten million people say "I don't like Trump", are those same people going to be shot or thrown in jail? The free speech provision goes out the window and with it The Constitution. Then he has a real problem with the potential for the kind of violence that he will be facing because no one will ever let him get away with that. So that said my answer is no
  10. Get over it
  11. Don't go where? If its been removed then it doesn't exist. Try to make sense next time around
  12. Well the last time I partied in Soi Cowboy and Pattaya for that matter was 1992, the year before I retired from the US Navy. I can relate to how things were back in the day but I'm eager to see and find out how much things have really changed. Great article by the way and thanks again
  13. Wow so eloquently stated bro. I couldn't have said it any better
  14. He's part of the Khmer Rouge lol
  15. Sorry to disappoint you dick cheese but I hate no man which puts me in a better position than you. Oh by the way do you know what invective means?
  16. I'd say you are most likely unable to define the words that you just used in your last sentence
  17. Problem is they're so brainwashed they only know one truth.....their daddy's version Donald J. Trump
  18. Some folks have issues with basic mathematics bro
  19. Well said brother
  20. News flash it doesn't even belong to him
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