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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. What were the statements made ? Who determined the harm the statements made to the plaintiffs.
  2. What's your thoughts now after the US intelligence said its likely it came from a lab.
  3. Very bad idea. In next week's headline. Scoopy with hello kitty plush toy involved in accident killing 2 children.
  4. You're the problem. None of those come up on my youtube selection. You're clearly watching some of the clips or the algorithm wouldn't feed them to you.
  5. Now that you're healthy why not raw dog it ?
  6. Another opinion piece passed as fact by the OP. Shocker
  7. Oh you funny fella you.
  8. All seamen overboard.
  9. My mistake. I meant homophobic.
  10. So much free porn online and you think... hey I got a great idea.
  11. Huh ? So now a headline from a liberal rag means Trump was sucking up to putin ? Interesting line of thought.
  12. Really? That's what you're going with ? How sad.Homophonic much. How progressive.
  13. How progressive eh.
  14. It's crazy to think that rich and powerful people meet to determine the course of history. As they are the ones holding the real power. A conspiracy even.
  15. No but he thinks it sounds convincing and smart.
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