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blaze master

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Everything posted by blaze master

  1. Uh oh opening scene reacher just f up. Bigly.
  2. I steal tv shows too. Reacher just came out today first 3 episodes. Watching ep1 now.
  3. Maybe the op needs to change the misleading headline ?
  4. How do you get tv series for.free ?
  5. Why would I do something stupid like that ? And what relevance does that have to the posters homophonic slur ? It's almost like you're defending that poster. Crazy stuff.
  6. Nice homophonic slur. Who even uses that word anymore. You can park your dinosaur outback.
  7. Enough with the imposters. Also many aspects of this proud culture are ...ahem...borrowed.
  8. It's not much different then when he lived there 30 years ago.
  9. There has been a radical change in the demographics of London in the last 30 years.
  10. I for one can't wait for the 2028 election. Finally all of this nonsense talk will be over. I wonder what members will scatter then. Quite a few scattered after the election and haven't returned. Thankfully as many were vile angry bullies. Remember the d man. Classic. Vote the rock 2028.
  11. You know what else would boost the economy. Clean air.
  12. Go re read what you wrote. You said maybe someone on the other side should take the shot. Please don't talk to me I'd rather not get swatted.
  13. I wish other posters would comment like this. Well said with no name calling.
  14. I mean neither did the big guy either right.
  15. I guess its cool now to openly call for the assignation of the US president. Now that's what I call fighting for democracy.
  16. Is that true ? If it is you'll have a dem running along soon explaining why that's perfectly normal.
  17. Am I reading this comment wrong...or did you just call for someone to shoot the president. If so probably not a great idea to write that online. You know because you're not for violence at all.
  18. Totally.
  19. You mean other countries growing better quality rice more effiecntly ? Right.
  20. I dont know. Why do democrats revere philandering leaders ?
  21. You're lying. I know you grab a grilled cheese sammy from time.to time.
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