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Everything posted by HonestQuietTom

  1. The gender gap is certainly present in early voting....not a promising set of numbers for Trump. Not to mention: Even with GOP voters having cast more ballots in battleground states of Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina, Sams argued the Democratic nominee’s campaign is fine with the current numbers and added that they have surpassed surpassed its “internal metric” from two years ago. “We feel really good about the numbers that we’re seeing in our own early vote push,” Sams said. “We’re exceeding our own internal metrics from 2022, and we’re excited about bringing us home next week.” https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4960816-harris-campaign-senior-advisor-early-voting-numbers/
  2. Trump and Epstein Trump and Weinstein Trump and P Diddy
  3. Won't be long and we'll all know what voters really think. If Trump loses, citing the pre-election polling will of course be one of the justifications for another attempt at overthrowing democracy. I wonder if they'll "lock him up" quick smart this time around.
  4. Trump isn't going to do most of what he is campaigning on. He is not an ideologue, he is a narcissistic egomaniac. He has no political philosophy and no interest in policy. He just wants attention and for people to call him sir. Odds are, whatever he breaks will be swiftly fixed once he exits stage left.
  5. Out of curiosity - are you a real man? If so, what make you so? Do tell.
  6. Plenty of reasons including because the alternative is a ridiculous racist, dementia riddled joke
  7. Regrets eh? What could have been. It's not too late. Sounds like all that is needed is a bucket list and some viagara. You'll never be younger than you are today - carpe diem.
  8. Convert others. Freudian slip?
  9. Very much the same and just as accurate as Not all Trumpers are racist But all racists are Trumpers
  10. Why keep playing when I've already won? BTW - if the "lefts facts" are not correct, then they are by definition NOT facts. There is no such thing as left or right facts, there are left or right talking points, but facts are non partisan, they are the truth or they are not facts.
  11. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-10-21/trump-swaps-grassroots-for-billionaire-donors-to-fund-2024-race
  12. Such as? Why is the internet flooded with memes such as this one:
  13. You do struggle to stick to the topic and answer the question posed. What was you point? That Trump called for peace after 3 hours of crimes committed at his behest. If so, then yes, you proved your point. Pelosi's daughter? Is there any MAGA nonsense that you have swallowed? Neither side convinced the other side? Of what? Do you believe there is such a thing as "alternative facts"?
  14. I believe it is the level of ones selfishness more so than ones intelligence that distinguishes Trump supporters from the rest of society. The more selfish, the greater the admiration for Trump. Kind of explains the gender imbalance in each supporter base.
  15. Most likely prideful - as we all are to varying degrees.
  16. I didn't lie about where he was from - I got it wrong and I corrected it as soon as it was pointed out. (It wasn't the poorest state in mainland US, it was the second poorest) Of course you shouldn't believe an anonymous internet poster about anything - even if what they've posted is something you agree with. All you need to do is google "Brett Favre" and "Welfare" and you will find a preponderance of articles from a preponderance of media outlets detailing the scandal. E.g.: https://www.espn.com.au/espn/story/_/id/34733525/apathy-outrage-mississippi-welfare-case-involving-brett-favre
  17. Facts are facts, regardless of the reporting outlet. Here's something more to your liking - the exact same details reported by......Fox News Trump broke his silence at 4:17 p.m., tweeting to his followers to "go home and go in peace." https://www.foxnews.com/us/clear-the-capitol-pence-pleaded-timeline-of-riot-shows
  18. No, just dementia and a lifelong stutter. Biden is no political mastermind, there is a reason he is not the candidate.
  19. Kind of sounds like a completely separate issue you are referring to here regarding "Hillary's" rioters. The question was - What did trump do for over 3 hours whilst insurrectionists marauded through the capitol? For what it's worth, Hillary made a concession speech the morning after the election - November the 9th (days before the articles in your links) in which she said: “Last night I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country,” and “I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans.” "But the Democratic nominee urged Americans to “accept this result” and the peaceful transfer of power. “Donald Trump is going to be our president,” she said. “We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.” "Speaking to the alarm felt by many about the tone of the campaign, Clinton acknowledged the divisions in American society and stressed “the rule of law” and equality under the law. “We respect and cherish these values … and we must defend them,” she said."
  20. 1:00pm - insurrectionists storm the outer police barriers to the capital 4:17pm - Trump asks insurrectionists to go home https://www.npr.org/2022/01/05/1069977469/a-timeline-of-how-the-jan-6-attack-unfolded-including-who-said-what-and-when
  21. There is no voter fraud on a level that has any impact on election outcomes. Check out the clip of Joe Rogan asking Trump if he is "ever going to present something" in terms of election fraud in 2020. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-rogan-donald-trump-2020-election-fraud-evidence-1975386
  22. The 2020 general election was the most secure in American history. Almost 95% of all ballots were cast on auditable paper, up from less than 80% in 2016, including all ballots in every swing state. States across the country conducted more legitimate audits of those ballots than ever before. More pre-election litigation clarified the rules, and more post-election litigation confirmed the results, than ever before. https://electioninnovation.org/research/nov-2021-election-integrity-survey/
  23. There's an abundance of good ideas that will never get off the ground - national ID is one of them.
  24. Tucker - the same clown who has just said that he was viciously mauled in his sleep by a demon that left claw marks. 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-says-he-was-mauled-by-a-demon-in-bed-videos/
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