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Everything posted by HonestQuietTom

  1. Who is the Dem analyst? No reason not to name them and post a link, unless of course, they're a figment of your imagination.
  2. Your opinion is in all likelihood wrong. The 2020 election was during covid. Democrat voters, being the far more responsible cohort, voted early en masse as it was the responsible thing to do during a pandemic. In 2024 there is no covid - your assumptions hold no weight.
  3. This is the wackiest thing I've ever heard. Hitler's government had a fair bit of control over the Germany - was he a leftist? Ditto Mussolini's government. Ditto Pinochet's government. And so on.... Trump is the most anti democracy presidential candidate the US has ever seen - that is a fact whether you feel that's proven or not is irrelevant. Why do you really support Trump - have you the courage to answer that question honestly?
  4. No longer marketable? 😂😂😂 They're not "stuck on the sofa with their cats, boxes of bon bons and a box of Kleenex watching The View" - they're there, on the sofa, by choice - enjoying life fully satisfied that they've made the correct decision in rejecting the toxic advances of misogynisitc and deluded incel weirdos who beguilingly, in the face of mountains of evidence to the contrary, think that they are actually alphas.
  5. For the terrorist organisation Hamas... or for the innocent Palestinian people being indiscriminately slaughtered by the thousands? Why lie? Why can't you make your case honestly?
  6. Very very questionable on the "and their spouses"
  7. Decent Americans....oxymoron?
  8. No different to 2016 when Trump inherited Obama's economy. No different to 2000 when Bush inherited Clinton's economy The exact opposite of 2008 when Obama inherited a mess from Bush The exact opposite of 2020 when Biden inherited a mess from Trump Somehow Trump leads every poll in who is better for the economy...., go figure?
  9. Says a lot about those millions then doesn't it.
  10. They vetted all speakers when they loaded their speeches into the teleprompter. They cut Tony Hinchcliffe's use of the c- word in the process but not the racist crap they knew their MAGA numpties love so much. I have no concerns at all with people supporting Trump if they believe he is the answer to America's problems, but why oh why must you people be so allergic to facts and the truth? There is only one answer..., it is a cult
  11. Is that what she was doing in that Fox News interview?
  12. Holds weight? Whether or not one bets money has zero to do with whether or not their opinion is correct. Have you ever heard of anyone losing a bet before?
  13. People? Non US citizens with no first hand knowledge and no skin in the game. What's that saying.....A fool and his money are soon parted. For example:
  14. What makes you think trump voters care about his Healthcare plan? All they care about is the permission Trump's movement gives them to be openly racist and misogynistic. Policy is irrelevant.
  15. Polymarket? Not only is it rigged - but US citizens are banned from using it. What value do you think there is in predicting an election by using the opinions of people who can't vote in that election? https://fortune.com/crypto/2024/10/30/polymarket-trump-election-crypto-wash-trading-researchers/ MAGA 🤷‍♂️
  16. Men in daughters showers - sounds precisely like what Trump used to do at the Miss USA beauty pageants. https://www.cnn.com/2016/10/13/politics/donald-trump-miss-usa-contestant/index.html
  17. The comedian was booked by Trump's campaign and the comedian's "jokes" were vetted and approved by the Trump campaign. Trump is now and has always been courting the votes of racists - why pretend any different?
  18. I doubt it. America will easily withstand Trump's attempts at further insurrections. Trump is just a buffoon being used by the religious right - take away the mob and he is nothing The real threat to American democracy is the war on secularism But I do believe that America will also withstand these assaults Glass is always half full.
  19. I sincerely doubt that you could go on and on - you had just barley started before you abruptly quit. (kind of like Stormy Daniels description of Trumps efforts in the sack - brief and unfulfilling)
  20. I would beg to differ, many are probably decent Americans. I believe the answer is more along the lines of self interest and peer/social group pressure Let's see what the exit polls have to say
  21. Why avoid answering the questions posed?
  22. Confirmation that his dementia hasn't affected his eyesight.
  23. Trump's January 6th Armed mob that resulted in 9 deaths and countless convictions Trump's cynical use of the immigration issue to stir up hatred as opposed to actually trying to solve the problem Trump's continued rhetoric that those who disagree with MAGA are the enemy (within?) Trump's almost certain implementation of a national abortion ban once the election is over (just as he ensured the end of Roe v Wade with his Supreme Court picks) All in all - excellent speech by Ms. Harris that belled the Trump cat.
  24. Puerto Rican illegals can't vote for anyone, however the 5.9 million legal Puerto Ricans residing in the US are probably now very, very motivated to exercise their democratic right.
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