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Everything posted by HonestQuietTom

  1. Hurricanes and strikes. https://thehill.com/business/4965531-jobs-report-october-12000-election-harris-trump/
  2. What are you talking about? The economy has turned around - it is boomin' Inflation has been beaten (without inducing a recession) https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/02/harris-trump-election-booming-us-economy-challenge.html The only thing standing in the way of a border solution is Trump - a sleazebag that would rather politicise the issue than solve it. Glory days ahead with Madam President in the big chair.
  3. 🤣🤣🤣 Aged like milk this thread. Brings to mind:
  4. President Kamala Harris Inmate Donald j Trump
  5. You missed the edit made 6 minutes ago. (2020 primary is the exception that proves the rule 😜) Now that I think about - being the first to drop out of the 2020 primary probably put her in the box seat for VP selection which of course she "won". Clever girl eh?
  6. This is hilarious. You obviously know very little about US politics. Voter suppression is in the Republicans DNA. The Brennan Center has found that at least 29 states have passed 94 restrictive voting laws, only a few of which have been blocked by courts or repealed. Freed from federal oversight, states such as Georgia, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi and South Carolina have gone to town, enacting dozens of new restrictions in a cynical effort to make it more difficult for Black, brown and Indigenous voters and college students, all of whom lean Democratic, to cast ballots. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2024-05-26/voter-suppression-race-youth-election-2024-donald-trump-georgia-supreme-court-robin-abcarian
  7. She's won every election she's ever contested (2020 primary is the exception that proves the rule 😜) In a couple of days you can add the Presidential election to that list. Out of curiosity, what have you ever achieved? Does it stack up to Kamala's lifetime of winning?
  8. Read it and weep. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/meet-the-press/data-show-trump-didn-t-build-great-economy-he-inherited-n1237793
  9. Trumps loss is becoming more and more likely by the minute. He is currently down 3 in Iowa 🤣🤣🤣 Who is going to listen to the ramblings of a senile old fool with zero chance of ever gaining power again. (besides - I'm not sure they'll let him have a phone to "truth" whilst he's in the federal penetentiary) I would bet there are an awful lot of Republicans who cannot wait to stick the boot into Trump once his cult is defeated. He will go from rooster to feather duster in the blink of an eye
  10. In case you're not aware, it is no longer 2018. How far back into the past are you going to reach for excuses? Time to take the L like a man don't ya think?
  11. I'm gonna mark this one down as the first sore loser post of the 2024 election. We are all just now realising Kamala has won.
  12. You give Biden too much credit - he was dragged kicking and screaming to the decision. Boomers are a generation that just don't want to step aside - RBG, Mitch McConnel, Diane Feinstein etc..
  13. That's true. Given the hissy fit you cry babies have had since the one and a half assassination attempts, should he not have made his point with words other than "9 guns pointing at her face"? At least that's what would one would expect if they were taking all your previous whining about dangerous rhetoric at face value, don't you agree? Oh diddums, are your feelings hurt? Lies, deceit and propaganda are all the Trump campaign peddles day and night. Toughen up and take your pending defeat like a man.
  14. Finally, you've posted a cartoon that is factual. (woulda been a nice touch to put some cute little red MAGA hats on the garbage cans)
  15. Why are they waiting for Harris to be elected? Why hasn't Biden already started making headway with your nonsense list of make believe garbage?
  16. Ever taken a minute to ponder whether or not it is you that is misinformed and not those with differing political views to you?
  17. No, Bidens' economy started 12-18 months after his inauguration when whatever (if any) of his policy changes are implemented and beginning to have an effect on the real economy. There is a lag. Do you think, should Trump win, that he will claim ownership of any bad statistics on January 20 next year or will he continue to blame his predecessor?
  18. Exactly. The only difference was that Obama's economy was humming and Trump's was in the ditch https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/09/05/trump-obama-economy/
  19. Nonsense. It wasn't Trump's economy - it was Obama's. All trump did was crash it during his historically inept handling of covid. 20% tariffs on all products coming into the US is monumentally stupid.
  20. Time will tell. Pride is a powerful motivator and Biden, no doubt, is feeling incredibly indignant that the impending election has allowed Netanyahu to be so recalcitrant. Other people's money? How are Kamala's policies any different than Trumps (no tax on tips / no tax on overtime / no tax on social security / making car loans tax deductible) Practically all government policy involves spending "other peoples money" What a silly argument to make. No necessarily - there are female Republicans and nobody knows what will become of the Republican Party once Trump's cult is vanquished once and for all on November 5. No constitutional change required. https://demandjustice.org/priorities/supreme-court-reform/
  21. The difference is that the election will be in the rear view mirror. The October 7th terrorist attack was perfectly timed for Israel - a full year of unchecked retaliation due to the upcoming US election. I kind of think Joe Biden will finish up his presidency (if Harris wins) by coming out much much harder against Netanyahu (not Israel, but Netanyahu). Harris will pick up where he leaves off. You oughta spend a minute to educate yourself on corporate welfare in the US. She doesn't need to control SCOTUS, she only needs to get the law passed in congress. Again, she does not need to control SCOTUS to implement changes to fix the politicisation and ethical issues https://afj.org/why-courts-matter/supreme-court-reform/ All but, all but.
  22. Epstein, Weinstein and Diddy have all either been convicted or are currently charged with rather serious crimes. How is Willie Brown comparison?
  23. Nonsense. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/10/30/trump-maga-blame-immigrants-democrats/
  24. Yep, this is a crime of proportions never seen before. Much worse than Trumps Jan 6 insurrection. Global markets will crash. The moon will probably fall out of the sky. We are all doomed.
  25. Hmmm, You probably need to expand your reading list to include a few non biased sources. Donald Trump Gets Bad News From Two Early Voting Trends in Pennsylvania https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-bad-news-pennsylvania-early-voting-harris-1978491
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