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pattayasan last won the day on November 18 2024

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  1. Trump would have known of the advice to keep a force there but ignored it. He ordered everyone out and Biden knew it was a political loser to overturn Trump's decision. It's inconceivable that the army did not advise Trump they wanted to keep troops there but did advise Biden.
  2. You got nothing. Your talking points are lies.
  3. Trump also set an unacheivable timeline for withdrawal. Biden was handed a poisoned chalice.
  4. Trump surrendered Afghanistan and made sure 5,000 terrorists were released so they could harass and kill Americans on the way out.
  5. Overpopulation is always acknowledged as a main drive of pollution. What is also acknowledged (and understood) is that burning fossil fuels and the release of methane is the overwhelming driver of climate change.
  6. Nothing in there says he's not convicted already and remains convicted. The sentencing itself is immaterial to the conviction.
  7. More of that accusation confession thing. A second Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey was sent to members of the Presidents and Executive Politics section of the APSA in 2018, ranked Donald Trump for the first time, putting him in last position.[26] In the 2024 edition, Trump scored 10.92 out of 100, easily the worst, while self-identified Republican historians rated Trump in the bottom five.[27] The study organizers noted a drop in recent Republican presidents' scores by speculating that respondents put more weight towards a president's fealty towards political and institutional norms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historical_rankings_of_presidents_of_the_United_States
  8. Sure it is. I heard they were going to buy heroin with the money and distribute it to poor countries. See how this works?
  9. Prove that. I dispute it. A conviction is generally considered “official” once a defendant is found guilty by a judge or jury, regardless of whether sentencing has occurred. Sentencing is a separate phase where the penalties for the conviction are determined. However, the legal status of a conviction can still be affected by appeals, post-trial motions, or legal rulings that challenge its validity, as is the case with Trump’s postponed sentencing. The conviction remains in effect unless overturned or vacated through further legal proceedings.
  10. Rubbish. He's totally convicted. Trump remains a felon.
  11. Hold on there a bit. The convictions still stand pending any further appeals. As a state case even a self pardon is off the table.
  12. It always was his handlers expert advisors. Unlike the GOP, dems aren't autocrats. They listen to advisors which is why they have always had them. Now you get sycophants. Good luck.
  13. A taste of the chaos Trump and Musk want to inflict on Americans.
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