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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Will you be supporting your assertion that only one person sent the emails?
  2. Why Americans chose a demagogue to helm their democracy may be partially explained by the fact that, in many ways, the United States isn’t a democracy any longer—and in many ways, that’s thanks to the Roberts court. Our system was never perfect; on a basic level, the US only became a democracy in 1965 when it finally gave all Black people the right to vote. But for nearly two decades, Roberts and his colleagues have done immense damage to the underpinnings of the democracy Americans painstakingly built. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/11/supreme-court-donald-trump-reelection/
  3. Why do you post a link to nothing? I asked you for a link to your assertion that ONE person had posted the emails. Shall I post a link to green men on mars, will that help?
  4. The gold price is collapsing into Fridays' close along with the price of oil. This portends a recession and consequent asset price collapse. The market isn't liking the Trump victory outside of MAGA plays like TSLA and DJT.
  5. After initially falling, the DXY has risen sharply since the election. The next rate change will be an emergency rise at this rate. Inflation is baaack.
  6. It relates to any event that has not yet happened.
  7. IF does not refer to indecision but the fact that Trump is not yet president.
  8. Such lovely people, MAGA WASHINGTON (AP) — Racist text messages invoking slavery raised alarm across the country this week after they were sent to Black men, women and students, including middle schoolers, prompting inquiries by the FBI and other agencies.
  9. https://theconversation.com/if-trump-puts-rfk-jr-in-charge-of-health-get-ready-for-a-distorted-reality-where-global-health-suffers-243152 I thought it was common knowledge, sorry.
  10. Meantime, the USD yields look like they will invert again and the dollar is rising like a Musk rocket. Hello unaffordable loans and incoming depression, probably fueled by expectation of debt blowout due to incoming tax reductions and massive spending. PLus the depression in GDP caused by the expulsion of millions of migrants. It might make MAGA feel good but migrants are the single reason the US outperformed Europe these past few years.
  11. Increasing life expectancy of individuals is unrelated to the survival of the species. On individual longevity, Trump has just appointed a vaccine cynic (not a skeptic) to the WH. How's that going to work out.
  12. That's scratching around the edges and has no bearing on survival of the species.
  13. Trump can't dodge his fines. He might reduce them on appeal but they are increasing by over 100k every day.
  14. When did the human species ever display collective judgement designed to enhance the species longevity, as opposed to the opposite?
  15. Do a count of new posts by Trump gloaters and the losers complaining and get back to us. Otherwise this is just another troll post.
  16. No, Biden lost because people hated Trump because of his handling of the pandemic but that's gone now. America is just not ready to elect a black woman of Indian descent yet. The dems will win next time because of war, poverty and climate change.
  17. Once a few million lose their health cover and find that inflation has gone through the roof and unemployment rising, things will change.
  18. Does a bear poop in the woods?
  19. While it is true that Harris didn't articulate policies, Trump didn't either. His one message was immigrants. The left weren't prepared to campaign on the politics of division and so lost. Here come the Progressives. AOC will be old enough next election.
  20. “The fact that a once proud people chose, twice, to demean itself with a leader like Donald Trump will be one of history’s great cautionary tales,” said Cal Jillson, a constitutional and presidential scholar at Southern Methodist University whose new book, “Race, Ethnicity, and American Decline,” anticipated some of the existential issues of the election. “Donald Trump’s actions will be as divisive, ill-considered, and mean-spirited in his second term as in his first,” he said. “He will undercut Ukraine, NATO, and the U.N. abroad and the rule of law, individual rights, and our senses of national cohesion and purpose at home.” https://apnews.com/article/trump-democracy-2024-election-harris-votecast-4bf1465b465ea1da92fb7474f2f9becd
  21. Trump is your retribution with Musk's money.
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