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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Their parents did not commit a crime involving sufficient incarceration to justify removing their children, often NEVER to be seen again by their parent. A crime against humanity. Almost 1,000 children. Animals.
  2. Probably better to explain it than attack somebody for not understanding.
  3. The worst criminals are the babies. So heinous are their crimes that they had to be separated from their mothers.
  4. In response to a nuclear attack you think it would be the victim's fault? Yes, WW3 would break out if Russia used nukes, that's precisely why it won't.
  5. Start WW3? Short of nuclear and chemical weapons Putin is throwing everything he can at Ukraine now. He's not going to use either of those because it would be instant retaliation from NATO. He's never used either of those for only that reason.
  6. You mean Alex Jones style "crisis actors"?
  7. If you bothered to do any research you'd know the US economy fared better than Europe largely but not entirely because of immigration. It has not been the drag you claim. Immigrants increase the labor force, boost consumer spending, and start new businesses. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that immigration will increase GDP by $8.9 trillion between 2024 and 2034. source: chatGPY
  8. They might like to but the DPRK isn't selling. They are concerned about repercussions from China.
  9. bit of a leap in logic there. Maybe she was the cleaner? Or another victim? Which do you think is more likely?
  10. "The similarities between the fall of Rome and the current fall of western civilisation is everywhere if one wants to look for it." And if one doesn't look for it one can't see it? You don't deign to give us one clue about what you're talking about. Do you get these in your email?
  11. The chance of Ukraine not using the ATACMS to attack Russia more or less immediately is nil.
  12. Oh, I wonder why? Let me guess where they are still counting votes and why. Sheesh.
  13. Did she mention immigrants eating pets?
  14. I suggest maybe political candidates be a little more honest with low information voters.
  15. I didn't. The MAGA morons fell for this shiny object.
  16. Me obtuse? Get a grip. I offered a rational explanation why "drill baby drill" is meaningless tripe and you come back with some kind of deflection that has nothing to do with drilling. Here is more. How is the keystone pipeline going to help? Going to help what? Transport more oil than it's commercially viable to drill? How about you pad out your answers with some rationale. No wonder people get offside.
  17. Refineries and distribution don't drill.
  18. Don Jr is just a sock puppet. No analysis offered just rhetoric.
  19. The world is awash with oil so I guess drill baby drill was just a populist slogan.
  20. I remember a few years ago a woman who I saw every morning pushing an ooliang cart around got hit and killed by a drunk driver on Second Road.
  21. I notice you don't try to support your delusion that the Earth is warming naturally.
  22. Curiously, Republicans have no clue what Trumps policies are but for the Dems it's crystal clear. Perhaps just a little denial going on?
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