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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Those who believe everybody fits into a binary gender assignment are who is deluded. Furthermore they have to reject all medical expert advice and accept the word of religious nut cases to do it.
  2. Support for a bail fund says nothing about being tough on crime or her opinion or otherwise of guilt. Your first link proves you lied.
  3. Trump won't do that. I don't think checking the visa applications of awful gold digging women is his thing.
  4. I asked for evidence to support your lie that nobody was prosecuted.
  5. It's truly sad that the young and gullible are the most likely to fall victim to this inflammatory rhetoric.
  6. Who doesn't think this poor gullible kid isn't a victim as a direct result of Trump's incendiary rhetoric? I might have said the same about the other kid who shot political activists but he'sd now a hero of the far right loonies.
  7. You have lots of rocks to live under 🙂
  8. There's many out there. If buying online with useless guarantee I'd buy a brand name. I have an Asus PN51N or something like that. You don't need anything special as you appear to realize. 4Gb RAM might do but I'd get 8 Gb. 256 Gb SSD (preferably m2) is adequate. Don't spend too much, buy another in 3 or 4 years, if not longer.
  9. She's a war hawk in his opinion but it in no way justifies this kind of incendiary talk. Under any circumstances. Political assassination attempts are provably up because of it.
  10. I'm in two minds here. While he deserves all he gets, he didn't ask to be born into the royal family. The king isn't just his brother. As a birthright royal he's entitled to suck on the royal teat until death. Maybe doing so might remind the good folks of Britain of the fallacy of birthright entitlement.
  11. Yes, blue helmets are only seen in areas where there is great depression.
  12. pardon me. I don't, it gets confused sometimes. Carry on.
  13. Advocating home comfort instead of actually showing up isn't spinning? LOL. Nobody here, nothing to see here.
  14. I just spat out my coffee. I have to pay that for novelty. Of course, turning up at a rally isn't designed to show public support.
  15. Was it not possible to avoid that kind of imagery and the resultant backlash? Should he have avoided it?
  16. Buy a very cheap mini computer brand new.
  17. The trump team called and asked if you'd stop reminding people about the garbage joke.
  18. We have testimony from his insiders, we don't need to read his mind.
  19. I thought you supported Trump? Did the dems promulgate a big lie in a past election or something?
  20. Tell us he never wanted or tried to instead of narrowly defined terms to evade the truth.
  21. By forcing all sides to stop. You know, actually recognizing international law and justice might be a good start.
  22. I'm saying he uttered the name of his opponent and used the word guns in the same paragraph. Spin this dog whistle anyway you like it but we know what he's saying. Yes, the precise words would not hold up as a direct provable threat to kill in a court of law but this is the court of public opinion. As far as I'm concerned, any reference to guns, shooting and opponents by a politician is a dog whistle to the kind of nut case who follow Trump around like a dog. We already have Gabby Giffords and Paul Pelosi as victims of this very incitement.
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