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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Well done The Pilgrims. Took full advantage of Pool's cockiness. Home to United would be nice.
  2. Get the filthy things out ASAP. Brain will be less foggy when you do. Don't personally go to dentists. Don't trust them. Don't like them. Not much a dentist can do, that you can't do yourself.
  3. Think Ukraine's secrets are a tad safer now. Wouldn't want anything going walkies now, would we. Let's know what was really going on.
  4. But we got knocked out. Have to concentrate on getting promoted now.
  5. Better to have turned lezzie. Save all that hospital dosh.
  6. You only get the truth from me Sir. Don't take my musings as being 100% correct. Take your biased hat off. Then, I suggest you do your own research. You will only come to one conclusion. You have been well and truly had.
  7. I have relatives, friends and ex-associates entrenched in the NHS, and in the general UK Medical cycle. They certainly painted/paint a different picture to your post. Lots of PCR testing == lots of covid cases. No PCR testing == no cases. And the effectiveness of the PCR test was a fraud in any case. If I could be a tad intrusive Sir. What were the symptoms your son experienced?
  8. You are right Sir? They are stuffed full with white-coats all right. But should we even give them the time of day? Half are on the take from Big Pharma, The other half are just plain stupid and don't know what they are talking about. They could do worse than join AN, and start reading my posts.. Look at the rubbish that is on the NIH www. Simply utter nonsense being put up as facts..
  9. Really!!! Could you point a finger to those white-coats who say so?
  10. Plenty of this disinformation out there for sure bro. Fortunately my posts are rooted in the truth.
  11. Why are you even entertaining these biased 'fact-checkers'? Why don't you take note of people that actually know what they are talking about?
  12. Not sure they could be classed as mountains Chris. More like hillocks. Great pics.
  13. In the not too distant future the unvaxxed people's sperm will be worth its weight in gold. Maybe also blood as well. What woman in her right mind will conceive to a covid vaxxed guy?
  14. Correct Sir. Covid was no risk to anyone. Driven by vested interests early on. The blanket lockstep narrative. Then fraudulent PCR testing. Where were there people dropping dead? Hospitals were generally empty. All utter nonsense. Too much television for many. Too many sheep out there.
  15. The vulnerable, the health-compromised and the elderly were the very people who should not have taken the covid jab. Under any circumstances.
  16. Yes! I did change my line of thought as I read through the references. I find the 'data' concerned with covid and the jabs so un-scientific. Computer modeling. Estimation. Visualisation etc. We also know that the causes of death during the covid era - in the UK at least - were falsified to reinforce the virus narrative. What I am interested in personally is; 'Is it True'. Some of the references in the piece are utter nonsense. As I said; especially the NIH one. If rubbish can be referenced, it puts the integrity of the work in jeopardy.
  17. Another interesting, but for me at least, difficult study to read. Maybe the translation skewed the sentences. Thanks to the diligent and tenacious Red. Does the study has come from the angle that vaccinations, can be worthwhile? I'm not keen on using computer modeling and estimating and visualising in these sort of studies. They start off from a hypothetical stance, and from then on it's basically vague and irrelevant. Nonsense even; in a scientific sense. I find the reference #11 (The NIH in America) particularly irksome. They are either simply stupid, or compromised. There is no science behind their statements what-so-ever. It's money for old rope for these white-coat dunces. IMO, the covid vax cannot help the recipient at all, and they have done nothing but harm.
  18. The historian John Hamer explains this in his book too; 'The falsification of history.' So much of what we are told happened, did not in fact happen at all. Great topic for debate.
  19. That is fantastic bro. I actually like fruit, root and fungus mixed wine. I select the ingredients mostly on availability. When the mango is on the tree, I use mango,, etc. I made 20 litres for a Buddha rave a few years ago. There was beautiful carnage, Ladies rolling about on the floor. Guys falling into the pond. They loved it.
  20. Bang on the money there Sir. As for wine. I prefer to make my own. Only takes a few hours. Mine taste good, will blow yer head off and cost no more than 70 baht a litre. And it's medicinal.
  21. I need a coffee fix. But i'll not be wasting any more than 10 baht on a cup. Most farang couldn't tell the difference between a 10 and a 150 baht cup of coffee.
  22. Why are they mostly male? Strength! Same as with dentists. When I was young, there were no lady dentists. Now they are everywhere. This is where strength comes in. Now we all know that pulling out a tooth can require some effort. Sometimes, so much effort, that the patient is nearly lifted out the chair. Women don't have the strength to be a Dentist or Proctologist.
  23. Carry yer own 3 in 1 in yer top pocket. Ask for a cup of hot water. Sit down and mix it yourself. Easy peasy lemon queezy. Don't have to throw yer money away.
  24. So you have discovered the secrets too Elvis? Once you understand that women will find you irresistible after observing a few simple things, you might have to fight the ladies off. Simply explore the ladies personal, and unique, biorhythms. Similar to biomechanics. Once you have the knowledge; you are king. And not just for a day. Even as a 70 year old, one can have 25 year olds mentally ravaging you. Of course there are other subtle aspects to interaction. but understanding biorythmn is key to unlocking desires. Professor Pigeon spent 40 years researching women; their biorhythms and their secret desires.
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