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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. The lunatics have gradually taken over the asylum. But wait; the anti-lunatic brigade are here. And they mean business! Or do they?
  2. It's good news all right. Too late for the poor souls who took the shot. But at least they might be spared more 'boosters'. They only got approval for mRNA covid emergency use because there were big players denouncing alternative treatments. Some representatives will becoming under immense pressure from you know WHO. Keeping them crossed.
  3. Don't agree with you Sir. This is unscientific, made up stuff. It was driving the pandemic; a computer programme. if you tested positive it was an error. If you tested negative it was also wrong. It was/is all utter nonsense. And I'll tell you why Dan. The virus has not yet been shown to exist outside of a computer. Not likely to be found either in my view. And I'll tell you why. A virus is simply a part of cell being broken down. It probably helps the body get rid of the busted cells efficiently.
  4. Hi Dan, Sorry to inform you bud, but you are wrong, Kary died in August 2019, The covid hoax began in November of that year. Quite close you will agree. Lots of PCR testing = many cases. Less testing = less cases. It was all planned well before Dr Mullis passed IMO.
  5. Interesting to know that the covid all kicked off a couple of months after Dr Kary Mullis died. He consistently said that the PCR test was not a diagnostic tool. Given that the pandemic was mostly gonna be driven by the PCR test, it would obviously be better if the inventor of the test was not about to speak against it.
  6. You are really good at the funny one-liners Scottie. Why don't you post on the joke threads? You, me, the cat, the tree, the volcano, the oceans are all part of nature. Nature doesn't do things for nothing. Given that our bodies are nature, does it not make sense, that the body has specific functions, to ensure certain fundamental things? And the two most basic ones are survival and reproduction. In a nut-shell; that is what it is all about. Along the way, the body needs to protect itself. This it does extremely well. Our problems in health, are essentially twofold. One is the defence system not being up to the task of defending. What does it defend against? Toxins!! Smoke, poisons, chemicals in food, medicines (including vaxxes), EMFs etc. Nature is us. We are nature.
  7. Now, hang on there Yellow. I know nothing about that baseball stuff. but I know there is a lady who can do a very long footy throw-in. Seen it on TikTok. What about darts? What about poker? What about chess? Some women can give a man a decent contest. Women the equal of men? They are not in the race when it comes to log-rolling or beer-drinking, but are streets ahead in cooking, cleaning the oven and giving birth. Breastfeeding the baby too. Yonks ago. It was the man's job to go hunting. It was the ladies' job to keep the cave clean and free of vermin. Better if we don't get the roles too confused.
  8. In answer to the OP's question; 'Why do people still believe in covid?'. I think on the AN platform, any alternative views on covid and the pandemic, were taken down by moderation for years. So the members were shielded from the truth. Now, they find it hard to accept that there are other discussion points to the main, lockstep narrative. Now, there is a way of expressing those viewpoints. And it is not easily digested by many of the AN members. Thus they resort to silly one-liners, as that is all they have to offer. My research began when I was at Uni back in the day. At medical school we were not encouraged to ask too many questions; even back then. Well, although I was sitting alongside future doctors, I was myself on a one year exchange programme. My study was Exercise Physiology. The exchange gave me access to classes and lectures. And, although, at the end of a lecture, the prof, (or teacher, or doctor), might say; ''Are there any questions?'' The questions I would ask was not what the prof wanted to hear, or answer. My fundamental area of study was energy systems. What allows the body to do what it does? How do muscles actually move? That sort of thing. In the teaching hospital there was the theme of taking each part of the body in isolation. I simply could not accept those general teachings. And at times; said so. When covid arrived on the scene, it amazed me how people could be so easily fooled by white-coats, who, by my own knowledge were not speaking the truth. It rekindled interest in my previous research. And!!! It led to me writing this post now. Nature has all the answers we seek.
  9. I'm no doctor Scottie. Although i was a white-coat in my prime. Don't want people to take a jab that was part of the big hoax. And only got approved because other 'remedies' were rubbished; including Ivermectin.** My research over 40+ years has led me to a natural health pathway. Let me explain. The body has two primary functions. That of survival and reproduction. To do the first, it has to be able to defend itself. Which it does fantastically well. And obviously it has to succeed in the former to do the second. It follows that the body - our bodies - do their best to keep us in good health. Mostly is is ourselves that is the enemy. In our modern lifestyle the body is constantly trying to put right the stuff we inflict onto it. We have lost touch with nature. It has all the answers we seek. There yer go Scottie; a two volume book precised into 100 words. ** Don't take it myself. But others have/do; and it has reduced symptoms greatly for them.
  10. Some successes, some failures. My daughter is a district nurse in Hertfordshire (England). She lost her job because she refused the jab. Bit of a mixed bag. Some had the jab; some didn't.
  11. So I guess you had a jab Scottie. I haven't, and did my best to persuade friends, neighbors and family to have a second thought before rolling up their sleeves.
  12. Dr Coleman was highlighting some of the hand-sanitizers he has seen analysed. Better to be fore-warned about these things. I will point out that I do not agree with him on some things. Banking for one. Viruses another.
  13. So what eh! What were all the jabs for then Scottie?
  14. Watched it all the way through. The people involved have a misunderstanding about cancer. What causes it, How to deal with it. And how to prevent it. Gonna be a real money spinner that. Did I hear Moderna mentioned?
  15. There is no paper out there that shows that a virus has been isolated. Just white-coat nonsense.
  16. You don't have to take my word for it Scottie. Although you should. The covid virus has never been isolated. Go do some research. Ask yourself why over 100 countries said they have not found an isolated virus when presented with FOIs. Medical authorities also.. Not one came back to say they had, or could point to a point to a paper that showed it to be done.
  17. Dr Coleman was right to point out about some hand sanitizers. They were/are bio-toxic. The more toxic ones should not be anywhere the skin. What were people using them for? Because they were told to by idiot white-coats?
  18. Your take then? Belief in a mysterious entity, called a virus, that has never been shown to exist.
  19. 'The more I learn, the more I realise there is so much more to know'. Who said that? Must get down to basics with this pandemic/covid/vorus stuff. Where is it shown to exist? It's never been isolated. If you can't find it; the claims that it is doing this, or causing that, is plainly ridiculous.
  20. Well! If you mean the flu virus, then I have to say; ''Utter nonsense Sir''. Been reading much fiction? Or watching too much BBC and CNN? As I explained to one particular poster, and any other that was paying attention. IMO, the flu is the general name given to a set - all-be-it wide ranging set - of symptoms. They are not usually a risk to the person. They are the way the body rids itself of stuff it don't want or need. If you walked in the forest at certain times, you would see the leaves from trees on the ground. Billions of them. You wouldn't automatically think 'virus', would you? It's nature doing what it is supposed to do. Humans are just the same.
  21. Thanks Scottie. Very informative post. Adds content to the discussion for sure. The covid virus has never been shown to exist. Plenty of papers out there that state they did things in a petri-dish; and more recently on a computer. But a virus - any virus - has not been isolated; ever. That is the first step along the scientific methodology. Go look yourself. Don't have to take my word for it. But you could do worse.
  22. Indeed Ray! However. Are you suggesting that the mayoclinic is more truthful than me? If you are then I suggest you read more of my posts. None so blind as will not see Ray. If you still don't get it; Ill spell it out for you. There was no pandemic. Covid was a giant hoax. Pathogenic viruses do not exist. The covid vaxxes were/are fraudulent. Of course; if you are ill, go seek out a medical pro.
  23. Of course I'll forgive you Ray. There are no enemies here; just educators. We are all free-thinkers; are we not? Beware Ray. All is not what is seems with the wwws you posted. My explanation of the flu and covid are the truth.
  24. Correct Ray. Neither are caused by a virus, Let's take the flu first. It is the name given to a set of symptoms that we humans 'suffer' with at times. Suffer, is not really the right word though. For as uncomfortable as it might be; ie, fever, cough, sneezes, tiredness, blocked nose etc. Without them we could be seriously sick in the future. They are returning the body back to good health. Let me explain. As I type, the body is working at keeping me in the best condition it can. Given the circumstances. What are these? The defence/maintenance system will eliminate anything it sees as unnatural, harmful or obviously toxic. It has mechanisms within to do this, The efficiency of the mechanisms depend upon various factors. Nutritious diet. Plenty of fresh water. Clean air. Free from EMFs (AMAP). Being at one with nature. Giving and accepting love. Free of fear. Over the course of time, for how long, and how much, depends upon our local environment, we take in toxins. The ones associated with flu are taken in mostly through breathing. Anything we can smell is taken in. Smoke? Stuff that is in the body, also, that the blood-vascular system wants to eliminate. Can be problematic that, as the failure to eliminate can lead to cancer. Another topic for that. But sticking to particles that are inhaled for the mo. Some are captured in the mucus membranes in the head. While others get no further than the fine fibrils, that the air has to pass through on its way to the lung exchange centre, where gasses swap places. If the fibrils do not take out the undesirables, then enzymes and proteins, get to work capturing, coating, and tucking them away. At certain times of the year, or when the sensors say; ''enough, we are full up'', detoxification gets underway. Not always easy to deal with. Can make yer feel awful for a few days. This, in a nutshell, is influenza. As for covid. Easy! There is no such thing. All made up by the white-coats.
  25. Where did you get this nonsense from Ray? Influenza is the name given to a body process. The process is to enable the body to return to optimum health. Take a look at; The effects of WW1. Its weaponry and trauma. Suddenly - in 1917 - aspirin became freely available for manufacture. Medical malpractice. Radio (in the US)
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