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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Dr Cahill reckons that everyone who has a 'proper' mRNA jab will have serious effects within five years. Perhaps these posters, who are laughing, have not yet realised that they could still be vulnerable.
  2. That would have made interesting reading. Never mind. Have another go.
  3. Spurs are not having it all their own way this season. Played some decent footy, and scored plenty of goals, but??!! Quite cold here Keeps.
  4. Who knows? But, I'm sticking to my guns forecasting a Cherries win. The Gunners vs City game is easier to predict. 0-2 to City. That striker they got from City - what's his name now? Oh yes Jesus. Has been a flop. They need a goalscorer for the rest of the season.
  5. If we can't have fairness in sport, we may as well pack up and go home. The trannies did good in the Olympic boxing did they not!
  6. It wouldn't normally be as anticipated as this one on Saturday 1st. But this match is right up there; and could be special. Pool are riding high, and do not drop points that often. They have scored 7 more goals than the next club, and are averaging a shade under 2.5 a game. It takes a goal or two, a load of self belief and a big slice of luck to stop them giving the others a whacking. So into battle come the South Coast shockers! The cherries are at home. They have scored 9 in their last couple of games, against very good opposition. (Toon 1 - Cherries 4 -- Cherries 5 - Forest 0). They are scoring goals. They are on fire. They have belief. They are at home. And they are not keen on letting the opposition score either. Only the top two have plucked the ball out of their pwn net less times. Or getting beaten. Again; only the top two have lost less matches. I'd like to be there. My forecast; 3-2 to the home team. Cherries for Europe. Yea!
  7. Sorry to confuse you Will. WW2.
  8. Only a handful of people supposedly saw him after his 'suicide'. Did he even get locked up? Not even being in the monkey, was far easier than planning an escape. And his g/f. Has anyone seen her since her sentencing? The Don will no doubt sort it out, when he gets a bit of breathing space.
  9. I can recall. You are still on the platform however. Unlike others who were kicked off.
  10. Make it bigger Red. Too small to read. At least for me. Simply do not frequent these places. Best thing to do.
  11. Got me thinking about the real big hoaxes of all time. The moon landings were interesting alright. But the destroying of all the evidence due to advanced tech, is a give-a-way. 9/11? The assassinations; Epstein, JFK, RFK, John Lennon, MLK, Princess Di etc, were indeed big. The sinking of the Titanic? But! Flat earth? Humans setting up shop here, after coming from outer space. No such thing as atom bombs. The existence of 'a ' god, and the dinosaur hoax are arguably bigger. Oh yes! And that hot potato, that is still with us; covid. But for that we should refer to the bigger picture; do viruses even exist. One conspiracy that could have been bigger, and indeed, should have been was the attack on US Liberty. Been dampened down for 60 years. I quite like the fake atom bombs that were dropped on Japan at the tail end of WW11. And those dinosaurs? Only found out recently that a Chinese company will make the bones to order. Just tell them what monster you want for your museum. So don't even have to go and find them. But for me; the number one that is most intriguing is the ???.
  12. What the school closures really did, was to reinforce the belief that there was a deadly invisible entity out there, just waiting to pounce on the unprepared and vulnerable. Keeping the 'virus' theory going, is central to Big Pharma, and the tens of thousands of white-coats, earning a handsome living on the back of nonsense.
  13. I couldn't say Will. Un-official secrets and all that.
  14. Can't we get back to the days when a men carried clubs? And if they saw a nice bit of stuff in the wood, a whack on the head and a drag to the cave would be perfectly in order. This AI stuff is simply a data base. I don't have a smartphone. Don't trust them. My advice to all those who do have one is; throw them into the nearest river.
  15. I was staying in the Sun Wing hotel in Banjul. I went down to the dining area, and the place was deserted. I walked towards the foyer to see where all the staff had gone. It was then that I heard the wailing and crying coming from the big lounge. There must have been 100 people, mostly staff but not all, watching the news of Di's death on TV. Everyone was genuinely upset. Funeral passed up the A5, when I returned. Close to where me and Fatima were staying.
  16. I was in West Africa when the deed occurred. But on Saturday morning last, I listened to Tony Gosling on the NTBCFMPS show, the incident was brought up again. There were reports that she 'walked' to the ambulance. Check it out. Link provided if you want it. Found it quick; http://www.radio4all.net/files/[email protected]/NTBCFMPS-full-show-24Jan24.mp3
  17. Obviously can't speak for your news room BMT, but that don't compute with what I've heard from very reliable sources, and the post above yours by @Flyguy330. I must add that the Radio station was not nation-wide, but Radio Bristol. A lot of people heard the broadcast though.
  18. Back in England, my friend's Granddaughter goes to a school in Essex. In the Science room they have two writing boards. A black one for use with chalk, and a white one for use with specials felt pens. The black board is used for quick stuff, while the white board has diagrams, and writings, that are there for considerably longer. His Granddaughter visited him soon after the start of the new term (last year) and said that the students were not to refer to the black, or white, boards anymore. But instead were to refer them as 'colour neutral dark', and 'colour neutral light'. Or!! Cause they were given a choice. As 'Writing board dark', and 'Writing board light'. (Could have been 'Dark writing board' and 'Light writing board'. Can't quite recall.) My friend thought is was a joke. So he emailed the school in Romford, (Havering), and they confirmed what the Granddaughter had told him. Strange things ahead for the UK.
  19. Feel sorry for this lady. She did what she thought was the right thing and it all went wrong. Come to Isaan love. Much better here.
  20. Hypnosis would sort them out. Much cheaper too.
  21. She was put down like a unwanted dog. It is a fact that UK radio, and French TV, reported that she 'walked' to the ambulance. What happened in the next hour? RIP Di. You are loved, and it will never be forgotten what they did to you.
  22. Well done the news article for calling him a 'him'. Makes you think though; this sort of thing. Alex Belfield got 5 and a half years for upsetting some BBC workers by emailing hurty stuff, while this piece of crap gets 12, and will probable be out in 4. What about cutting his nuts off? Before he starts his term.
  23. Went into Big C the other day to get toothpaste. There were at least 10 to choose from. I was looking for the magic words; ''Fluoride Free.'' No luck there. So! I had a read of the ingredients for each tube. Found one. Just one that didn't mention fluoride. It's in a lot of bottled drinking water too. (Been discussed on TV in days past.) Good for Kennedy jnr, for getting on with something he said he would. A step in the right direction for US public health improvement. Hopefully, other countries will take note, and stop this filth being put into their water supplies.
  24. It's peer to peer. Probably not enough activity in the system. Can't hold much money in non peer to peer deposits, as it would ll be subject to exchange rate variation.
  25. The money doesn't get transferred. Not in the true sense. The Wise system is based on peer to peer. Someone else's dosh goes into your account. Of course when it's there it's yours. And your original money could be in someone else's account, or being held until everything balances out. Maybe never leaving the country it was 'sent' from. All depends on activity in the system. Wise doesn't do (say) Thailand to UK, so what stops the money piling up in Thailand? It is digits going round different countries in circles. It is not money moving about as such. It is digital IOUs circulating in the worldwide internet/computing system.
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