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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Interesting set of events. Good it turned out OK. But not without some frustration; I'm sure. I had an issue with the delivery of a mouse; special gaming one. It was sent from China. The delivery was not one of Lazada's lads. Ordered it on the 3th=rd December. A week ago it reported that it had been delivered. I wasn't that fussed as it was COD. It arrived last Saturday.
  2. The Lambs held out for 90 minutes. in extra time Spurs scored three. The end of their dreams for this season. Gunners v United. The visitors take the tie on penalties! Well; I don't like it. The first FA Cup match should be over 90 minutes. Then. If it is still deadlocked after ET in the replay; penalties. The Lambs were robbed of a money-spinner at The Lane. And we were robbed of another meeting of the giants at Old Trafford. Boooooo.
  3. You could be in one of the most vulnerable groups to get a jab. The poison that gets injected, will not be so easily broken down; as (say) a healthy 23 year old. You didn't 'catch' covid. No one can. You may well have had symptoms of your body ridding itself of undesirables, That happens to all of us. But there is not a virus that could cause you grief. What you can take comfort in is that your body is actually able to expel the toxic entities. It's when it can't, that the 'brown bread' comes to the party.
  4. Well they are wrong. They simply do not know what they are talking about.
  5. This is monumental hogwash. No children have died from the covid-19. The CDC is full of compromised idiots who are now looking over their shoulders for RFK jr to stomp through their door.
  6. Incompetence. Mrs Mump does the cooking. I see that the car is running OK. Get the roles reversed and what would happen? The car would conk out, and we would be down with the runs.
  7. Indeed. Well they are close to the ocean, so no shortage of water there. But seriously; they would only have to install them every so often. Then, when the fires start they turn them on and they act as fire-break. Better than a highway. I'm sure The Don has it all planned out.
  8. They certainly could do with a splash of religion.
  9. Simply too many trees. Keep them in the forest where they belong.
  10. Sounds very interesting. Any pics?
  11. I'm all for the natural look. Men and women both. A lot of women spend thousands of hours in their lifetime messing about with nature. Men not so much, but a considerable time though. At the barbers, At the gym. At the massage parlor. Too much of this namby-panby stuff out there.
  12. What about those that don't have the money for shaving equipment?
  13. What! So they can be killed off? AI - for the present - can only act on data inputted into its system. Whether it can reason, or will be able to, remains firmly in the future. I think that 'weightings' will be given to certain data, and these' special ones' will over-ride the others. Maybe on a ratio of 10 to 1 (say) then the bot will change its mind when the 11th comes in. Another special one come in from a white=coat, and it will sway the bot's thinking again. Didn't Thailand have something called 'Sim Simmer', or 'Noibot' a few years back? I'll check on that.
  14. You are reading my mind Gary.
  15. Biggest surprise result so far yesterday. Beez 0 - Plymouth 1 Only been two so far. Cardiff winning at Turf Moor and Plymouth making the trip to West London and returning very happy pilgrims.
  16. TBH, I'm baffled by this shedding stuff. Obviously things can be passed from one to another, but through shedding? Nature does it all the time.
  17. Let's hope Kennedy is made fully aware. Top of my list for jail time are the regulators. Their job is to safeguard the populas,and ensure their is not excessive harm likely if they approve a drug, not enrich private companies.
  18. Well done Red for making people think, and maybe change their minds about having this dreadful poison injected into them, and their loved ones. It is the elderly, and those with underlying problems, that should not be putting themselves at risk by having the jab. They don't provide any protection what-so-ever. Don't stop you passing anything on either. Been listening to to many compromised white-coats Sir..
  19. Just who was driving the covid hoax? So many top officials captured. So many white-coats reinforced the nonsense. So many celebs cheered for it. I've my own ideas. And the clue is who was/is attending the Bilderberg and WEF gatherings. I don't agree with Martin Summers who insists that it was a failed US-led bio-weapon programme, to crash the Chinese economy.
  20. Never mind about real mozzies. What about the mechanical ones promoted by Billy Gates a while back? If I recall correctly, the false ones had a hormone that the real mozzies found irresistible and would prefer to mate with. Of course the mozzies would gradually become extinct. No more dengue or malaria. https://www.gatesnotes.com/work/save-lives/reader/hiv-prep That's technology for yer.
  21. No shocks as yet, but one surprise result; Clarets v Bluebirds. The FA Cup can certainly upset the form-book. I'm thinking that the The Lambs v Spurs game could give us a interesting result. Has banana-skin written all over it. Most interesting match for me personally; The Os v The Rams
  22. America started the war on Ukraine In Obama's tenure. Biden just nodded his approval.
  23. ''Hearts are trumps next time round.'' That's what we said when we let one go around the dinner table. Or; ''sorry vicar''.
  24. Timed myself making love to Mrs Mump yesterday. 3 hours, 26 minutes 7 seconds. Of course that time, includes the pre-sex financial negotiations and the kip afterwards.
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