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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. Where did you get that info from? The CDC web site? Polio is cause by toxins, and a toxic environment. Nothing to do with a virus. By the way, the polio 'virus' was 'discovered' somet 120 years ago by some white-coat injecting filth into monkey's brains. Just ridiculous then. Even more so now. But they are still at it. Not transmissible. Smallpox is a general term that was given to skin eruptions (and other symptoms) for centuries. It was/is caused by environmental conditions. No virus involved what-so-ever. Not transmissible. All these vaccines are pushed forward as a way for rich people to become even richer. Hopefully Kennedy will sort out the nonsense. Although I will not ne holding my breath. But there is some hope. Nature has the answers we seek.
  2. You are hooting up the wrong tree Sir.
  3. Good you came through your sickness OK Sir. Sorry about your mate. You might have had symptoms that we were all told were covid. But covid has never been shown to be anything other than in the imagination of the elite WHO and in computer programmes. I think - without checking - that Tedros announced its name 'covid-19' on 11th Feb 2020. Although it was common knowledge that one was coming (the following year) in November 2019. Covid is not even real. How can long covid be anything but nonsense? Dr Vernon Coleman has always insisted that covid was/is the rebranded flu. I'll go with that.
  4. Thanks for responding Sir. ''Your comments imply you don't believe in vaccines - nature alone would not have protected you from Polio to Smallpox, Measles. Rubella (German Measles). Mumps, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Tetanus, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib). Yellow Fever etc etc etc..'' If I could comment on the first three of your examples. Polio is not caused by a virus. The illness is not transmissible. Pox is the body desperately trying to rid itself of toxins. The symptoms of smallpox, chicken pox, measles etc, are virtually indistinguishable from one another. But none of the 'poxes' are caused by a virus. And nor are they transmissible. ''There is so much scientific evidence proving the efficacy and necessity of vaccines, if you are refusing to accept medically and scientifically proven facts then there is no more point in entering the debate with you than there is with a flat earther or a moon landing denier.'' There is no scientific evidence to support that claim Richard. As for being medically and scientifically proven facts; well I can't find any. I, and others, have been searching for some considerable time. In my case for over 40 years. You are stating what you think is true. Ask yourself; ''Is it true what people with vested interests say?'' And would you believe them? Only one conclusion. Must ask yourself; ''What are vaccines for?'' Answering that, will go part-way to finding your truth. Did man walk on the moon? Another topic for that Richard.
  5. From the nose down he looks like Dr Andrew Kaufman.
  6. OK! I hear you Richard. What about debate instead?
  7. You re out of step with nature Richard. Kick off your shoes and go walk in the wood.
  8. So you obviously believe there are viruses out there just waiting to attack. Personally I don't.
  9. I didn't know some of the points. I must take issue with #14. ''Were you aware of the recent study that showed that the C19 injection does not protect you from “long covid” symptoms?'' Long covid is made up nonsense. There is no such thing. A big-pharma fantasy to cover up vax damage.
  10. Not pathogens. Certainly no entities that can be passed onto another human. When you breathe in bad air - smoke for instance - the body's response is to cough. If there are still particles still inside, they are coated and stored away. At certain times of the year** the body rids itself of these coated undesirables. This is often call the flu or a cold. Some of it is expressed as snot or mucus. ** My research suggests that it is a change in atmospheric conditions that causes the expulsion of toxicity. A bit like the leaves shedding their leaves in autumn.
  11. They didn't isolate any virus. All these claims about finding a viris simply do not stand up to rigorous scientific scrutiny. According to their methodology the sample never left the petri dish. This sort of unscientific nonsense, has to be proved to be so. Now that Kennedy is the US health overseer there may be hope.
  12. I think you hve to look towards the future for the big answers. As AI gradually kicks in throughout the western world people - especially white-collar workers - will find they have no jobs. There will be blue-collar workers needed, but these can be gotten from other countries; on the cheap. Now a person without work, and therefore on a some sort of national benefit scheme is not a great contributor to the nations tax pot. And just like the OAPs and unemployables, will find that the governments would rather they were gone. Far too much drain on the economy they might think. So, they have to be gotten rid of. Of course, not just corralled into a raft and dumped way out into the sea. Or put into chambers that are then filled with a substance that kills them. No!! Of course not!! That would be barbarism in the extreme. But1 What about being blown up by a perceived enemy's bomb? Messy that. Far better to coax people into taking something that they think will do them good. Get them to crave for this thing even. Something that is, however. going to kill them. Maybe on the spot, or at the very least; prematurely. And what might that thing be? Is it already happening?
  13. I think you mean left-footed socks. Out of the four jabs you had; what one is keeping covid at bay? Here's another question. It is dark, and you need to go to the sock drawer. How many socks do you need to be sure of a matching pair? Same question about jabs and gloves. It's not as simple as you might think.
  14. If it walks like a duck. Looks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. Then it is probably a duck. Or, in your case HP; a newt. Would that be the lesser pimple newt? They are endangered in your parts.
  15. Yup! Only 9 volts? Viruses! Up there with the Unicorn, Bigfoot, the Nessie monster and flying piggies. 37 ad 1c 23 4e 5d 17 bf 3d 64 a2 49
  16. There are natural - and man-made - reasons why we get sick. Easy to blame a phantom virus. Just as with your dog, more obvious reasons are available. As the lucky survivors of Hiroshima were not thinking; 'there's something very contagious going around.'
  17. Indeed! As was posted earlier, three very learned researchers have said that effects of a 'hot' jab will result in serious effects within 5 years. But, i now see reports, that having the vaxxes can shorten the recipient's life considerably. If I'd had the jab, and then (rather than prior) educated myself on the whole covid saga, I wouldn't be having any more. Only a fool would do such a thing.
  18. i think you are mistaken there Sir. There is no paper that showns that any virus has been isolated. Without isolation, there cannot be a test.
  19. It's good that you had the shots and didn't suffer Sir. Covid is a set of symptoms that most get at certain times. It is the body ridding itself of undesirables that have been stored away by the defence mechanisms of the body. There symptoms can be brought on by a number of things. There is no test for something that is only shown to exist in a computer.
  20. Just watched a discussion between Sherri Tenpenny and Kate Shirirami. Both strongly state - as does Delores Cahill - that everyone who has had a 'hot' jab (as opposed to a placebo**) wiil have some serious health problem(s), within 5 years of having it. ** www.howbadismybatch.com Interesting.
  21. I've yet to read the questions, but I welcome the topic. Red Phoenix, and others, are doing a great job.
  22. Indeed! Being given quite a hard time I hear. There were some really clued up experts called to testify by his team. Shame it all went belly up.
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