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  1. Laugh all you want. Enjoy yourselves. UK is going to have its own cleansing. It's coming... Retribution
  2. Erm, yeah that's an idiom champion. I doubt he meant it literally. Are you embarrassed? Really? Now, that's pathetic *Don't trust people that don't drink. The saying proves itself time and again.
  3. I'm sure the relationship was always a bit transactional. Nevertheless, they share children. Ive absolutely no doubt the media circus ruined their marriage. The swamp... Pee tapes... Rape allegations
  4. Sorry, no She lectured a former and now current president of the United States on woke bs which is basically for all intents and purposes made the use of illegal The notion that a woman belongs in such a position anyways utter nonsense
  5. Indeed She shat all over a special and unique day for him, his family and the US. Dragged out the same tired rubbish that they spent the last ten years lying to the public about. He has every right to feel aggrieved and maligned.. he was. Doesn't matter. He's one tough mf and on a mission. One thing the left has to go to bed with every night. Not only did they lose, but they lost the nation. It's going to be three terms before the even possibility of a Democrat might see the presidential office. That's a whole lot of scorched earth between now and then.
  6. The board hits new lows each day. They're whining, pissing and moaning are as impotent as their penises. The petty melvolence and shallow thinking just hits new depth daily
  7. Hardly. Just another bored East German with far too much time on his hand. Go AfD!
  8. What did I get 'wrong'? Strange county.. Precisely what is so strange? You and your ilk come on this board daily and post rubbish. The really disingenuous thing about it all is that the US has been an absolute mess for a generation. The last four years have been catastrophic for most Americans. You post up your I'll informed, bombastic nonsense and raise a righteous hand in indignation. How smug. Out of the gate with the EOs the US and the world are better places. You gon' learn to today son.
  9. Because Trump being a businessman and not a pol and first term president he took on faith that the career pols, civil servants and military hacks were providing him with good advice. Obviously, that was not the case. Afghanistan was just one of the ways that chaos manifested itself all the while lawfare actions in addition to a constant barrage of media rumors about everything from golden showers to being a Russian asset. The deep state is a very, very dangerous thing. It killed the Kennedys as you will soon find out fully my simple friend You're not even a US citizen lol. Stop whining FF s
  10. No, the windmills in Jersey got the ax. Just the opposite I feel extremely positive about the future. The thick goo of lies has already been peeled back. I say this is deadly seriousness. Anyone that thought Harris could manage coffee shop let alone the US presidency has no business making predictions and especially input in any responsible endeavor. Gone is the incompetence and lies.
  11. As of about 15 years ago most western countries have laws about having sex overseas with minors. It's actually illegal in these countries despite the alleged crime taking place outside the country. They are not interested in roping the drunk tourist that took at lost 17yo waif back to his resort for a romp. It would be imo those with records from home countries, a pathology. Gangsters selling drugs, contraband directed back to home. Human trafficking.
  12. It's recon for home countries. Yes, absolutely Thai authorities do the collar. I believe I recall UK and FBI also involved in the KT murders. I'd suspect they also lend expertise on things like bombings and serial killers.
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