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Everything posted by Highball

  1. Who cares what the recommendation of the CDC is. The reputation is an absolute shambles.. Fauci very well might find himself in jail if Justice were to actually prevail
  2. Seven pages and rated one star There's a reason for that
  3. Pro Russia news *doesn't last* long lol
  4. What is this trash domain lol? Bias much 😂TOTAL propaganda
  5. I'm tired of explaining things tonight. Biden? Burisma? 2014 coup? Mining resources? Deep state / MiC wetdream to topple Putin. Totally aggravate Russia by forcing NATO on Ukraine wholly unnecessary. EU lives in fear of Russia. That's an EU problem! Nevertheless they buy the gas and oil and enrich the Russia. Hilarious EU is so freaking weak. US pushed Russia to a point it has to act as if nothing else it's sovereignty and reputation on the line. US has hissy fit accuses Russia of all sorts of BS which US started and instagated. All just blah blah, propaganda. Then it's game on. If this was a serious war with serious repercussions Trump would not be so quick to want to settle it. It's just BS Russia and Ukraine are siblings with 1000 year history. Ukraine like it or not is in Russias orbit and we should respect that. Now like 1M dead kids over this absolutely senseless war. Ukraine it's one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. It's not worth $1 of us aid nor worth losing one life over. If the ukrainians really want complete sovereignty from Russia let them fight to the nail to the end for it.
  6. Robert Malone is on record stating his research was entirely misused and abused. The guy that came up with the test used for covid (I don't recall the name) that the test was entirely misused. It was not a covid specific test. We learned early on that basically anyone could present with COVID if the test was cycled enough. You're the problem, not the solution.
  7. No one cares about your BS science project You've lost all credibility The world was lied to. You were obviously part of that lie. Go away and take your BS science project with you
  8. Let's all revisit this thread in 90 days for a great laugh shall we?
  9. This is rubbish post and obvious propaganda. Even the avatar screams Ukraine. Prediction of collapse well past my death .. you are a wizard sir. Russia is despite all the sanctions and a war it was forced into - doing better than the whole of EU. Russia isn't going anywhere This sort of stuff absolutely must be removed from the forum if THIS FORUM doesn't collapse
  10. This is just some stupid gotcha retort. Virus, flu ...whatever. the nomenclature is irrelevant to the common man such as myself. Tossing around fake science and outright lies.. well, we been there princess. We walked through that fire. As Gandalf, we died as the grey and were reborn as the white. We don't care about your stupid fake facts we've lived through it and are now the stronger and wiser for it. The wiser for it
  11. 20 million lol. You are a true merchant of death sir. Your handlers must be so proud. NY Times cites about 450k and remember doctors, hospitals and all the other medical charlatans were paid to write up all sorts of nonsense as covid death. I recall someone in Florida having something like a road accident and was written up as a covid death. Doth ye protest too much https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-cases.html
  12. Search function has been broken since well before the board changed its name / url. Use Google site: Aseannow.com + your query
  13. Whatever. Call it whatever you want princess. I'm no epidemiologist and unlike so many people on this board I don't get paid to post propaganda and disinformation
  14. You were and are part of a serious disinformation problem. I expect you are being paid as well. There were many of you during that bleak time. You're howling at the moon. Better to create yet another username Tall John. Fear and nescience no longer your ally. For all your fake science you look rather the fool.
  15. In related news FDA Requires Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) Warning in the Prescribing Information for RSV Vaccines Abrysvo and Arexvy: FDA Safety Communication https://www.fda.gov/safety/medical-product-safety-information/fda-requires-guillain-barre-syndrome-gbs-warning-prescribing-information-rsv-vaccines-abrysvo-and
  16. He's correct. Proper trials run years and as I recall news stories at the time Pfizer didn't seriously trial at all.
  17. Truer words not posted today. +10
  18. Cards convenient until they are a headache. Use my method for never having bank, card problems..use cash. Wife buys what meager goods I need online. Life is simple here. Enjoy it. CASH
  19. Plenty to cut. My best friend in HS is/was gaming CA disability. Everyone not worth af is on disability in CA. I'd not spoken to him in 30 years. He was still living in the 70s. Of course, so many places themselves in disability by their own lifestyle. I probably missed less than five days of work in the 30 years of employment. Tons of medical doctors commit fraud. Keep social security pensions solvent cut the crap 👍
  20. It's been a pleasure gents, but my phone is at 5% Have a great evening and don't forget to wear your mask 🥱
  21. Lol. Asymptomatic is as good as not having it. No symptoms.. you're not sick and if asymptomatic you're not contagious. I thought you were the medical guru lol. This has been clearly understood for years
  22. No idea how to respond to this as I don't understand the question. It was a virulent flu to be sure. I can't take care of the world, but I can take care of myself and my wife. That's my contribution to world health.
  23. Well, it is/was a legit ailment. Just a nasty flu that US paid china to mfg. The trouble is all the machinations around it all based on not only worthless vaccines but dangerous Because bats lol 5555555
  24. He was healthy. How the F would I know his BMI but bet it was under 25. He's pretty slim other than a fat pooch from sedentary lifestyle. He eats properly 100% COVID related. He's coming out in Feb. I'd introduce you to him to wake you up out of your vaccine wetdream but he's super sensitive about discussing it. He still believes the vaccine is for his betterment. I think he can't admit how he screwed up his life.
  25. Perhaps, but, I'm quite healthy. Never caught COVID as well. Nuts works 👍
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