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Everything posted by Highball

  1. I think he's in better graces now. Much time has passed and tbh who is going to pull this nation out of its economic recession. Reality is things went south after he was coup'ed. Economy been a mess since with a gaggle of ineffective PMs and yet another coup (on top of his coup). Not only is Thailand losing its economy, but so much opportunity. Things so hopeless now everything is pinned on of all things tourism from India and china 😭
  2. Presumably to pick up another passenger within time. I don't know where they go, but when I set up a pickup they are always coming from a passenger drop. That's the nature of the job dontchaknow 🤯
  3. If she didn't know I'm inclined to give her a break. I simply don't know. The government is opaque and all sorts of skullduggery going on. I honestly don't recall the details been so long ago
  4. They might not work the same hours (they can), but they don't just take a fare and drive home. Rubbish.
  5. I had a few days growth one time. My wife asked me to scratch her back and I rubbed my beard on her back. She's been asking for that treatment again for a year. I guess some good can come from looking homeless and unkept
  6. Funny because Grab drivers are totally chill despite them using expensive vehicles to earn chump change.
  7. Was this really a thing? I was always under the impression she was set up. Others went to jail.
  8. The cops should randomly pull taxis over and check for weapons. Very common knowledge drivers carry all sorts of weapons. Iron bars come quickly to mind. Don't ask why all these incidents involve taxis and not Grab vehicles 😳😉
  9. How was she to know? Thais must do all this stupid shlt because there's no decent employment I'd test her for drugs. If she's clean I'd let her go providing she fingers the Brit. That's a lot of cocaine!
  10. These are my newsfeeds. I prefer to read my news. It changes. I add new sources and drop others constantly. I have limited patience for red meat news like Gateway, Town hall, Britbart, etc but read them because the sheer volume of US news they provide. I've no patience for MSNBC, CNN, guardian, huffpo. Even nixed Verge Tech due to its woke bias CNN .. remember when it's claim was most trusted name in news? Lol. Every airport in the world practically was tuned. Last few visits in US airports all tuned to Fox. Al Jeezera was pretty good for all but Arab news but lost it about six months ago. RT is really solid, but need another source critical of Russia.
  11. What a pantload. Leave the facial hair, black shirts, cheap cargo shorts and the belly back home. You'll be glad you did. Most people simply lack the ability to change.
  12. If by empathy you mean I am forced to wear an ineffective stupid mask and stay 2 3 meters away from everyone.. I have no empathy. I don't call that empathy, I call it a psyop based on a lab manipulated govt vaccine.
  13. Lol The vaccines weren't tested at all. Read RFKJRs book. Audio on tpb.
  14. Lol. He should do a year in jail and all licences revoked permanently
  15. Nothing will be done. Damn, this is scary. Probably over dramatized as all we t to police station none to hospital. Nevertheless Funny, no excuse for foreigners misbehaving here , but it's funny how hysterical the cops and Thai public get over farang committing minor misdemeanors and then we have this. Or... People being killed in crosswalks. It's just the poors lol bickering. This and the Phuket airport sandwich ripoff should both be banner news at Guardian
  16. Off topic I'm struggling with razors here. Bic were cheap and decent, now price up 50%. Clearly poor value but the other fancy Gillette products are ridiculously overpriced. Thinking about going to single blade safety razor Bic: 3 blade cartridge now tear my face up after two shaves.
  17. When will people learn. Stay out of Phuket. If youust use the airport bring a snack, get on the plane and gtfo Nearly 35 yrs in out of Thailand. I've only been to the airport twice. Pass thru via bus often .. pass through.
  18. The US is not "America". The United States is actually one of the oldest modern nation states on the planet. It has the oldest constitution bar none. Most nations model their constitutions on the US document and for good reason. Our issues with empire are largely due to corporate greed, military industrial complex, the AIPAC lot. The US population is not outward looking, seeking, empire building. This clearly exhibited by current inward politics.
  19. Men generally grow beards for three reasons To compensate for the hair loss on their head Because they have a baby face. Laziness Asian women hate beards. Most foreigners eat farang foods along with our body chemistry makes us smell very differently. This is extremely off putting to Asians and if you're interested especially Asian women. I hate the look and especially the smell. I'm always amazed here in Thailand when I see some guy with a beard with a woman in tow to be honest Personally, I only eat Thai food and my wife's friends had mentioned to her that I don't have that peculiar farang smell. Beards are smelly and aesthetically unappealing to Asian women. I think what's even worse is that stubble look. Here you have neither a beard or clean shaven and it generally looks like an absolute mess not something aesthetically cool or pleasing. No man living in Thailand should have a beard. End of story. If a Thai man wants to grow a beer that's completely up to him and that's within his social construct.
  20. Don't sweat it, they are mentally ill. Can't help themselves. It wasn't about maga .. but it will be in a few weeks! Hope they really give them something to whine about!
  21. For the record all these measures only treat symptoms. Unless I missed it - no mention of the government stepping in to mitigate and arrest the pollution. I wasn't happy when Move Fwd was sidelined, but ok .. I'm no yellow shirt fan, but this government is thus far full of promises and delivering nothing but cash handouts in what would be seen in west as vote buying. Protecting a nation's people is first order of government. If it cannot do that ... well ..
  22. I live and enjoy what the city has to offer as opposed to the hinterlands, the Nakon Nowhere's so full and boring Pattaya prostitutes would rather stay on in Pattaya than return to their moo bahn. Countless villages and small 'cities' are ghost towns as they have for decades nothing to offer financially or otherwise. I wonder how all of you live in the boonies especially if you're in an area that sees perpetual burning. While I've always seen Chaing Mai as a big nothing, the annual burning alone makes me question the sanity of anyone living there. It seems to be driven by those that are the most financially retarded among us. BKK has best medical care. Outside of CM and KK universities it's a wasteland of malpractice. I'm 60+, reasonably fit. My wife 48. Putting aside respiratory we cannot see - we have zero health physical issues due to the pollution. Our windows are open enjoying the cool days and evenings. Of course, if you live in farangville you're riding BTS and standing on open platforms. When my wife retires we will move south for some years, but the rest of country has zero appeal. I'd backpacked for years around rural Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao and Myanmar lest anyone think I'm soft. Provs are deadly boring, lacking so much that is easily obtained in the city of Oz. Can't imagine being dumb enough to live upcountry with this perpetual burning. Every year this occurs and every year the current PM makes some innane comment and absolutely nothing is done. Seems to me all that organic material would make great biofuel. If I had health issues I would move. No one to blame but yourselves as this will never change. The wealthy/ powerful living in BKK villas with AC 24/7 while you're upcountry breathing their pollution 555
  23. Perhaps that demand was from those not in Thailand? The posts were relevant to them not being in Thailand. I'm not averse to international news but international news VIA website or RSS is available everywhere. Appreciate your comments
  24. Crimes committed by J6 committee. Blanket pardons to come for Cheney, Shifty, Rascal, etc.. for any all unspecified crimes. Pardons for Biden family too. Why? J6 lol. They'll all be free in less than a month.👍
  25. What a low (no) value, partisan post. So much blah blah from you
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