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Everything posted by fangless

  1. Would he not be better to get her mugged and loose some teeth rather than kill her? PS; I think this post can be considered as retribution!
  2. What a cheesey excuse! It would be OK if you had some bread in there as well!
  3. The more anti vaxxers who remove themselves from the reproduction cycle and the gene pool the better it becomes for the rest of us! It is self selection culling at it's best.
  4. More importantly is why are there no answers or at least acknowledgements from the newbie (Troll?) OP?
  5. Nothing new for CM. Pre Covid many Tour Guides/Companies did exactly that and not just for food outlets. Many owners of establishments pay a "tip" to the so called guides to be included in the tour and/or offer discounts!
  6. How do you build workers, do you need a special building mould? ????
  7. Congratulations! You were the first to answer correctly "With great difficulty!". You have just won first prize in our observational test!
  8. Why specifically Burmese? If the elderly father is Thai would it not be better for him to have a native Thai speaker and help out a Thai rather than an immigrant? Also why no connections locally? I would have thought that some local knowledge would be a high priority!
  9. I think that should read "If some Immigration Officers is happy for falangs to use agents to sidestep having the 800K in the bank, who are we to argue"
  10. Have a look at this; Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Price in Thailand | Mobilewithprices
  11. TODAY’s DAILY INSULT; Keep repeating, ‘Socks first, then shoes.’
  12. Chat-up Line:- • What has 148 teeth and holds back the incredible hulk? My Zipper!
  13. Paddy and Mick shared first prize of £500,000 (in the Irish Sweepstakes and were celebrating their winnings over a jar of stout. “But Paddy, OiVe been thinking,” said Mick with a worried frown, “what will we do with all them Christmas beggin’ letters?” “Shure,” said Paddy, “we’ll go on sending ’em out as usual.”
  14. Santa went to the Doctors with a problem. Doctor: What seems to be the problem? Santa: I seem to have a mince pie stuck up my bottom! Doctor: Well your in luck because I've got just the cream for that!
  15. What other fruit do you get if you cross a Christmas tree with an apple? A pineapple!
  16. What happened to the turkey at Christmas? It got gobbled!
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