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Posts posted by fangless

  1. 10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

    but CM is certainly 100% corrupt. 

    And the corruption begins with them having to buy their jobs.


    20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    My proof would be the ability to buy a retirement extension for 25k with no money in the bank and no income.

    But I can't show you a receipt as they don't give them.

    Please answer my actual questions without  going off on a tangent. 

    Where is your proof that "CM is certainly 100% corrupt." and that "the corruption begins with them having to buy their jobs".

    I assume you are aware of the defamation and libel laws of Thailand!

  2. 9 hours ago, FolkGuitar said:

    Others have commented that visa agents bring in paperwork the day before, then next day come with their clients in to a 'special desk'  (must be a hidden one that all the other officers can't see) in the same bullpen as everyone else, only to have photo taken, and quickly leave.


    I have used a visa company for my legitimate retirement extension (800,000 in the bank)for a number of years.  The cost is 7900 for extension and 4 x 90 days (I have recently done these on line myself so will try to negotiate a cheaper price next year.
    I drop off passport and bank letter and sign numerous papers at their office (10 minutes).  I am then called one or two days later and given a time to meet a rep of the agent outside of Immigration (pre COVID).  Rep then escorts me into the main building and takes me through a door at the far right of the ground floor into a small office manned by an officer in uniform and a person in plain clothes.  There is a large hatch/opening in the wall connecting to the main office which means we are in full of everyone.  Sit down and get photo taken.  Sign a paper and receive passport with extension in it.  10 minutes at most at Immigration, 20 minutes in total.

    I use the agent as I would rather spend my time in the bar than wasting it at Immigration.  From the IO’s point of view I am sure they prefer handling the paperwork from the agent as they know it will be 100% accurate and they can probably process 5 0r 6 agent customers in the time it takes them to do a standard walk in customer.

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  3. Need some advice on any options please.
    American couple with young teen daughter.  Wife employed as a teacher at an International school with child enrolled at same school.  Wife has WP, husband on extension based on wife's WP.  There is possibility of her employment ending soon.  If child remains at an International school for a further year what options do the Husband and wife have if they wanted to remain in Thailand for that year.

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