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Everything posted by JustinCredible

  1. Wait and see. Turning up at parliament is not one of his stronger points.....
  2. If you pay Tax on your Pension in the UK it is NOT taxable in Thailand. If you do not pay Tax in the UK it IS Taxable in Tahiland.
  3. From memory, 60,000 each (wife and one son)
  4. To get this allowance you have to give TRO a Certificate from your insurer, showing the total annual premium. My Certificate does not break down the benefits, it just shows the total premium, and was accepted at my local office.
  5. Correct. PLUS Allowance for children under 20 years of age IF you are named on Birth Certificate.
  6. I filed my Return on Monday. I was told specifically to keep the papers "safe" because it was quite probable that Immigration would ask for them at some in the future.
  7. Why are they not stopped by police? Not a helmet in sight!!!
  8. Totally agree. Maybe these Petitions should be accompanied by a 250,000 Bt Deposit. If the Petition fails, the deposit then goes to charity. That "might" stop some of the glory seekers.
  9. Is the harsh criticisms of Sir Keir Starmer fair and justified 100% justified.
  10. I received one of these calls a couple of days ago. He said that I might not need a TIN. I replied "What an amazing coincidence, I am at the Revenue Office as we speak. Would you care to talk to the lady processing my Return?" He hung up.
  11. Labour have finally worked out that with such changes they have ZERO chance of winning another Election.
  12. If people are that concerned, the simple answer is STOP going there. Who knows, maybe the club will then drop the scheme.
  13. Ask Bob Smith for his advice.
  14. You beat me to it. "Friends say" - seriously, he has friends. I suspect that this is Fake News.
  15. Yes, I posted on Telegram AFTER the above post and got a reply within one hour. Admin is looking into the problem. There are two Telegram Channels. One is just HD Prime and they use it to send out updates (you cannot post on that one) and the other is username @hdprime
  16. I am able to get live channels, but all of my catch-up channels have vanished with the exception of sports channels. I am not able to add any more to catch-up. Regarding you trying to download again, are you sure that you tried to download the latest version? Some months back, they were blocked by some ISP's and they created a new version. I cannot remember now which was which, but one version is https://hd-prime.com and the other is https://hdprime.com. Also, I gave up trying to contact them via email and tried using Telegram. I usually get a response within minutes.
  17. If you have a Yellow Tabian Baan, you DO already have a TIN. It is on the 2nd page headed Thai I.D. number. That is the TIN that my local Office gave me.
  18. If it is a daily occurrence, why not hire some security? A couple of motorbike taxi guys would sort it out.
  19. Does this mean that they finally realize that Climate Change is real?
  20. I get mine done by the Abbot at one of our village Wats. If he is not available I go to my doctor. Both refuse any payment.
  21. Agreed. Imagine what he would do if she ever let one rip in public. 😆
  22. I was told by the Revenue Department, just last week, that if you pay tax on the money you bring into Thailand, by Law, you will still be required to submit a Tax Return, together with a Certificate from your home country confirming that you have already paid the Tax. When I asked how they would know about money coming into Thailand they said that you would also need to submit a 12 month Thai Bank statement. They went on to say that there WILL be additional checks om ALL foreigners. They are currently in discussions with both Thai Banks and Immigration. The above is NOT scaremongering, it is a genuine report of my conversations with the Revenue Office.
  23. That might be the case, but it does not stop the rest of the world laughing at America. I saw a FB post earlier today just proving how dumb some Americans can be. Rear car sticker " The world is flat. Stop listening to Lies" and just to the right (on the same car) "Vote Trump and Save America". Just about sums it up.
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