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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. Oops! I am sorry. I have deleted the post I made here as I had not read exactly what you were replying to. I apologise and agree with your post quoted above!
  2. Which group do you fall into if I may ask?
  3. You seem to have pussy on the brain. I suggest you stop being a bully in a place where there are others also trying to absorb the ambience, or otherwise
  4. Does that mean you are a bully and do not care about others?
  5. It was meant to be semi humorous. Look at the emoji, which is what I believe they are there to represent/convey. I do not understand the difference between; "I, me," Are they not the same person, i.e. you? I did not think that one's number of posts gave any relevance as to the quality of the said posts.
  6. So being obsessed with Trump and defending everything he says or does is completely rational according to you.
  7. Are you sure they are masculine? I have heard that they seem to be very temperamental especially when you want some action in a hurry and they suddenly discharge unwanted liquids when you forgot about their periodic maintenance!
  8. Ignoring internal politics can I ask what you agree with/do not agree with regarding his external actions?
  9. Name calling would seem to be getting out of hand. Are you just parroting Trump or do you have some proof that a duly elected PM is a "Dictator"?
  10. Does he know the difference between them?
  11. Were they/could they be "thinking" when they voted for him?
  12. Is that just of the US or of all Presidents world wide?
  13. And gets you assaulted by some guy off their head on drugs etc; T.I.T.S.
  14. Why did you quote me when you posted the above/ I do not see any connection.
  15. Could they have caught up that quickly? I thought they still used an abacus.
  16. Is that because you are on a (your) high horse?
  17. I believe that one should not tarnish the image, or otherwise of a Turd. As the old saying states; "If you don't eat you cannot sh!t and you will surely die as (lack of) a result! In other word we all need good sh!ts IMO.
  18. I think it shows "brainwashing" and lack of independent thought and argumentative ability. It seems to me to consist of a set of regurgitated words and phrases such as; Left wing, socialist, Liars, MSM, Biden did/didn't do it etc;
  19. It seems to me that many seem to be quoting from the same meaningless script(s). I wonder who provides it?
  20. A very childish, aggravating and therefore pointless and possibly counter productive rection to something that annoys you. As I said above I believe that one should complain to the management and react to their actions, or lack thereof.
  21. Very sad and demoralising for the US Armed Forces. Unfortunately it is one of the few election promises it has actually carried out. One wonders what renumeration, if any, they get for this sudden CinC dismissal? Does anyone know?
  22. Did you understand the headline? If yes why the comment and if NO then you should have asked for clarification IMO.
  23. What is the difference between the above and an overly loud conversation at an adjacent table/TV/Music System? If troublesome you talk I would to the management and either then stay or leave depending on their reaction/actions.
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