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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. To who? Have you read it? By that I mean the one that Z has reportedly said he will sign.
  2. Not even as novels, they would never be classed as believable and as such put in the science fiction/fantasy category! He Just writes Putin's speeches and reprints them here.
  3. Which idiot(s); Thought of it Proposed it Approved it Made it it Erected it. Finally; why was it not defaced (raped)? Mind you it would be a great address for an escort agency.
  4. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lealane/2019/05/02/percentage-of-americans-who-never-traveled-beyond-the-state-where-they-were-born-a-surprise/ The abo e link is 5 YO but the best I can find in a short time; Eleven percent of survey respondents have never traveled outside of the state where they were born. -- Over half of those surveyed (54 percent) say they’ve visited 10 states or fewer. -- As many as 13 percent say they have never flown in an airplane. -- Forty percent of those questioned said they’ve never left the country. -- Over half of respondents have never owned a passport. (For years U.S. citizens did not need one to travel to Mexico, Canada and on many cruises, which may clarify the previous stat.)
  5. It is NOT an either or question. Of course the war MUST stop but NOT by capitulation to an aggressor.
  6. Is there any clarification as to what information will be required to retrieve/obtain our e-mail address. Is there any way of sending your OP to our registered e-mail addresses. This might at least remind a lot of us as to our e-mail address. Will this apply immediately after the next software update or can we continue with username until such time as we change devices etc?
  7. I pray you have forgotten your e-mail and take your own advice. AN support e-mail is going to be very overworked when people ask what there e-mail is. It will be interesting to see what verification is required to get that e-mail as otherwise I could possibly log in with another's username, claim I am them and get their/provide another e-mail.
  8. Thank God. I would hate to live in that sterile concrete jungle now. It used to be like HK Jakarta etc. Just look at what they did to Raffles and Boogie street as an example of ruining a citiy's character.
  9. At any cost to Ukraine and the rest of Europe?
  10. This has the makings of a huge headache for AN and customers. I hope they are only talking about new sign-ins on a system that does not already have your details. If you are imposing 2FA on all log ins then goodbye.
  11. How can any of the businesses/governments in these countries plan ahead with the orange idiots constant changes.
  12. Nothing to do with liking the hat. They probably took one look at you and the hat and thought" I need bigger balls to go near a wacko like that".
  13. And turned Thailand into a sterile concrete jungle where the leader had to be obeyed. He once stated "that "If Singapore is a nanny state, then I am proud to have fostered one".
  14. Why don't you just stick to posting your normal hyperbole rubbish and stay out of serious subjects.
  15. Then I suggest you should not make posts that seem to look like you are complaining like Bob.
  16. Most of them are with the same repetitive Trump/US postings.
  17. I thought it was the other way round in that you had to be a lunatic to be a Trump supporter.
  18. Must have been a very long hangover to have missed the election etc. PS; If YT has been asleep all this time who has been posting under his name? PPS; It might help explain the inconsistency in his replies.
  19. Most people IMO are in favour of being able to drink at any time of the day that suits their lifestyle/wishes for that day/occasion and not to drink all day. PS; Drinking all day everyday is a medical/physical impossibility anyway.
  20. Then move to where it is not 3rd world. Your choice.
  21. If this was not such a serious subject I would suggest it be posted in one of your favourite ladyboy forums.
  22. He would have to come back but I doubt if Bob is capable of altering his deeply ingrained and jaundiced views on ANY subject never mind Thailand
  23. Yes. All the anti Trumpers.
  24. For the better.
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