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rough diamond

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Everything posted by rough diamond

  1. But will you assimilate the info? I doubt it.
  2. Do you ever proof read your posts before pressing the enter key?
  3. As would you if you spouted forth in a pub the way you do here on AN. For God's sake put a sock in it.
  4. Can you speak in any setting as well as he did, especially in a second language?
  5. Ever seems to comes from your blinkered outputs.
  6. Or better still a shut down.
  7. It is whatever comes into the so called mind of it. It has no fixed beliefs. Just look at how many opposing responses it makes in one day. Consistency is not in it's keyboard vocabulary.
  8. Agreed they are just like you but less extravagant in their pointless output.
  9. Your comment above is a terminological in-exactitude! (a lie to you). 5 July 1945 The 1945 election marked a watershed in British history. The successful Conservative wartime leader, Sir Winston Churchill, was defeated by Clement Attlee's Labour Party. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/special/politics97/background/pastelec/ge45.shtml
  10. I think you should watch the video again as you might get the right info this time, although I doubt if anything will make you admit that you have got it wrong.
  11. Is "frivolous" the name of one of his 4 ladyboys?
  12. Please go there in that case. I'm sure many AN posters would help with a "go to Korea Fund me" page.
  13. No danger there then as no truths are being spoken in that post you refer to.
  14. Just like all the 100's of it's posts every day.
  15. We know that from the lack of quality in your continuously repetitive and nonsensical posts.
  16. You of course are a prime example of an utter dingbat.
  17. Support Ukraine and stop appeasing Putin.
  18. You do all the time (like 100's of times a day!) so what is the difference?
  19. Russia does not own any part of Ukraine. It has invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine illegally.
  20. It is called sloppiness and a lack of understanding of the correct use of grammar.
  21. Would you send your kids off to Russia to join and fight in the illegal invasion?
  22. How are we supposed to know which of the countries were included/excluded from your "3"?
  23. So you would rather Trump gets a totally unwarranted Nobel Prize and appease a Dictatorial invader rather than restore Ukraine's right to self determination and reclamation of it's illegally occupied lands?
  24. Finland did pretty well without the US against the Soviet Union in 1939/40!
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