Marriage extension and and there is 2 moore docs to fill in additional to the tm7. "Acknoledgement of terms and and conditions for permit of temp stay in the kingdom"..1: Who fill in the thai section on the first half of the paper,me,my wife, or immigration? 2: "Statement", Is for the wife only to fill in?
Should the name in tabien baan state/match with who is the owner of the land (no chanot) the house is built on, or can the landpaper be in another persons name?
For non o marriage extension, which page of the tabien baan do they want a copy/signature of? Is it the one with number 1 and 2 (next page) in the top right corner? 1 and number 3 on same page/down right?
As the title says and which one would you recomend? Google maps gives me 2 choices. 1:Rd 2040 and then Ah 121 via Buriram. 2: Rd 215 and then 2208 via Surin.
From my understanding its quite common that thai people make life/health insurance for the elderly in the family.
Mother in law is 70.
Would it be worth it or the premium is to high at that age?
Lol, my misstake, i does not show on the printscreen.. Like a thumbnail, moore like jupiter then, 2 grey rings, the inner moore light, the outer darkgrey...