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sanook 1

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Everything posted by sanook 1

  1. If so, what car did you buy and how much cash discount did you get?
  2. Anyone could share your experince with cash discounts of the normal price(not other freebies) to be had at bangkok motoshow 2023.
  3. Did anyone get discount the 2 nd year, i seem to remember when i signed up with roojai that they would give a 10 or 20 % discount if no claim was made?
  4. Will they make a video call for roojai insurance renewal(year 2) as they do when you sign up?
  5. 1 rai is 1600 m2, yes in that case its huge, will do some research before head there.
  6. Thanks! will eventuallly go someday, and can report back my experince here.
  7. Do you mind sharing the price for the 100 kg bundle, second hand clothes at rong kluea?
  8. Any update on this? Did you go there and how was the prices on 2 hand clothes by buying bulk? I have seen the clothes in bkk markets before from rong klua selling at 20-60b a piece, very popular and (some) of the clothes looks very ok.
  9. Just saw ur post above, 3+ years?
  10. How long time ago was this?
  11. Is it apply in the morning and pickup the day after at savanakhet?
  12. Does the "passport need to valid for 6 month" apply for extensions? And if so, does the counting start(months left) from when you apply or receive the extension?
  13. Anyone ever used a cranetruck with a driver in thailand and knows the cost, per km(distance) or hour?
  14. Thanks! So its immigration at suvarnabhumi/Bkk airport that will do the transfer upon re enter? Only bring old and new pp +letter from embassy?
  15. Need a new passport soon and would like the 1 year marriage extension stamp to be transfered in to new pp. Does the embassy do this (if i visit them) before i re enter thailand or how?
  16. would they issue a new visa (non o) at savanakhet or vientaine to be valid until the expire date of the passport? Pp expire august next year.
  17. Thanks! When i googled most answers where that the petrol(this one) had belt and the diesel version has a chain. So good news if its undeed a chain.
  18. This chain appear when open the oil cap on the engine, is it a camchain?
  19. Rented a click 150 cc before, could honestly not feel any difference from the 125 cc model.
  20. Do you need newly taken pics each year or use same as last year extension will do? Roi et office if anyone with experience.
  21. I believe the "sor kor 1" is land given by the government and is not real ownership, is that correct? Is it possible to somehow transfer/change the name at the land office with a sor kor 1 title? Is there a possibility to upgrade the land to chanote somehow?
  22. Thanks! Please look at the other form i inserted, that is for me or wife to fill in?
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