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sanook 1

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Everything posted by sanook 1

  1. Can a video with sound (with all the info from the dececeased who gets what) be a substitute for a written will in thailand?
  2. So conclusion seems its ok if we do not return the answers , as we can still use their services as normal? Or am i missing something?
  3. On the "fatca crs form" part 2..im living of savings and dont work/pay any taxes. Living in Thailand but adress in Europe..#on part/page 2 question 1:yes or no?
  4. Does the car tents normally accept/sell a car for Commission? And if,what % do they normally ask for Commission?
  5. Thank you sir! Very good info there.
  6. Is it possible for a thai citizen to upgrade sor kor 1 land to chanote? And if possible, how to do?
  7. Can a small motorbike with sidecar (eg honda click)be registered for the road legally,eg por ro bor with the sidecar attached? Some say yes,some say no..??
  8. Thanks! My thought also,that there is no mandatory filter change as in the engine oil replace.
  9. I buy the cvt oil myself from lazada and the shop charges 200 b for the job.
  10. About to leave the car at shop for a cvt gearbox oil change,is there an oil filter(or similar)to be changed at the same time with the cvt oil change?
  11. Does one need to pay a Khao yai entrance fee if passing on rd 304 from prachinburi to korat?
  12. Have a few mai sart,mai daeng and badok trees(spelling might be wrong) that we want to remove/sell,medium sized. What should we expect per tree from the timber guy,ballpark figure in Isaan..?
  13. How about Royal Garden,busy nowadays or easier parking?
  14. How about T21,is the parking there bigger,less hassle?
  15. What about the parking,opens at 9 or 11 am?
  16. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Is there always parking available? Is it 2 hours free and then a hourly rate?
  18. Thanks!
  19. Are there any "to go to" gold shops,like Chinatown Bangkok style in khon kaen or similar/popular would be grateful if someone could recommend.
  20. Thanks! I guess that is daytime only?
  21. How far down jomtien beach rd (soi number) does the baht buses start and stop their route?
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