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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. BS, their grandfathers had the courage to stand up against the czar 100 years ago. snowflakes, cowards
  2. hopefully Jack Smith can drive a proverbial stake through his heart
  3. i think we will see a Beatles reunion before that.
  4. will he bring his harem?
  5. and their self registering computer system at the airport is a nightmare
  6. doubt that the senators will willingly go gently into the goodnight next May.
  7. a people get the government they deserve, so no sympathy
  8. really. Thailand needs to lighten up. nothing like a late night skinny dip
  9. they are cowards. i have confronted a few on Bali. i had three choices in 68 in America. 1. sign up, 2. go to Canada, 3 protest. i choose to stay and protest. it worked. not take a vacation
  10. Thais do not have the stomach for a fight. weak
  11. its going up because of business as usual is returning
  12. the joke heard around the world
  13. now CNN and BBC transmission will be blacked out when reporting on this mess tike big brother to the north. however most have phone now
  14. i smoked everyday and it improved my skiing and surfing abilities.
  15. got chicken and flew the coup
  16. was hungry and thought that it was part of the buffet
  17. please keep it up i need to buy more baht.
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