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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. the new government will have to spend money and subsidize the farmers with modern equipment and at the same time police and impose large fines and the threat of land confiscation to repeat for offenders
  2. the general population will just play dead as usual. nothing will change. no stomach for protest.
  3. not so fast. jury still out on the recent election
  4. will not for mr. trump hopefully. shame on Thailand
  5. send these rotten apples home pronto. just the tip of the iceberg
  6. Russians are not terribly popular here at the moment. nothing but trouble.
  7. at least in America there are consequences
  8. have you ever noticed how they march the kids around in the school yard in the morning. everyone wearing the same uniform with the same hair cuts? it starts early. obey
  9. that why the Thai military bought all those shiny new U.S. strike vehicles from uncle Sam.
  10. it happened to me in America. you soon become co-dependent and resentful.. driving miss Daisy.
  11. and can you imagine being young now.
  12. i see these creeps everywhere. nothing but dirty looks from them
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