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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. i was hoping to have laparoscopic surgery but because i had IMRT treatment for prostate cancer the surgeon recommended open incision.
  2. i encounter subliminal hostility here on a daily basis. in reality they can barely tolerate us.
  3. the Republicans just handed the Democrats a win in 2024
  4. i just came back from Bali and its packed
  5. this will never happen for the simple reason the the elites want cheap labor.
  6. can we please just have decent infrastructure in Chiang Mai, it dying.
  7. i got very sick on a AA flight a few weeks ago. an Asian guy across the aisle from me had the sniffles. i asked him if he was sick and he said "yes" i told the stewardess that he should not be on the flight. she did nothing but give him a cheapo mask that of course he did not ware. 3 day latter i was in the ER on Bali. just a heads up.
  8. Thailand is a whore that will turn a blind eye to these creeps in the interest of money. they do not police their borders nor require police and background checks on visa applications.
  9. maybe in Thailand but not so much in America. the rich still go to jail
  10. good if they will not fight for Puke.e. than they should protest in the streets like we did
  11. cowards and creeps. send them back to the super creep. he needs them for American F16 practice
  12. it is now getting more difficult. Putin desperate for cannon fodder. now telling the cuban to come to Russia for good construction jobs. upon arrival they get gun and uniform instead.
  13. are they turning tricks? i could see the local girls being upset
  14. unless your Justin Bieber
  15. 2 on 1 typical Thai cowards. democracy Thai style. again.
  16. Thais are incapable of understanding the concept of volume pricing
  17. does Thaskin have blood on his hands?
  18. google Bernie Murdoc, Elizabeth Homes, Jeffery Epstein, Martha Stewart and many more
  19. democracy Thia style
  20. they can visit the prison on Sundays? bring some tin biscuits
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