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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. Trump will fix the immigration issue. deport deport deport.
  2. just heard she's too busy for interviews. they are keep her under wraps
  3. desperate times desperate measures
  4. keep your mouth shut and wing it.
  5. she has nothing to say in the first place
  6. but Harris sounds like a first call lounge lizard with no clear plan forward.
  7. Thailand attracts the best and the brightest.
  8. Thailand is becoming Woke, in reality Thai's are very uptight and the only time they are permitted to get loose is in April for a week.
  9. i think Bhutan has the right idea
  10. woman dress provocatively to attract attention therefor bringing it upon themselves. they do this for a reason to attract mates sometimes unwittingly. sex sells, its as simple as that. have you ever been to the beach or out at the clubs?
  11. they stare at me all the time so i stare back..its called eye contact.
  12. she's a phony
  13. a lot of men who come over here have not had much experience with women in the first place and this is the reason that they come to Thailand in the first place to score. utterly ignorant of their predatory nature. like the kids who rent the scooters and end up in the ER. like lambs to the slaughter
  14. how a bout FBI checks for starters?
  15. Harris is a phony. same old BS, all of them bought and sold.
  16. great for BKK but as always we are SOL up here in CM. the Bangkok elites could care less about us. we desperately need an alternative to those smog belching songthews.
  17. she's a phony. its time we vote Green and put both parties on notice this November
  18. some of the girls are hot and friendlier than the locals and speak the English, better educated
  19. brains are not fully developed until about 30 years of age.
  20. they are raised to obey and not question authority.
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