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Everything posted by malibukid

  1. to date Israel has killed over 40k civilians. kind of rich to call them terrorizers .
  2. took 5 days to get something sent up from Bangkok express. i think it must have gone by elephant. lol common experience.
  3. well they have not been to Chiang Mai, no modern buses just red trucks that will jar you kidneys and should have been scraped years ago.
  4. i could never understand the attraction to alcohol. it can kill you, make you act stupid, ruin relationships and you feel like crap the day after. its for people who are afraid to be themselves. crutch.
  5. too cheap to get a room. looks like Pai. has turned into a real classy place.
  6. should have stayed on the golf course with all his money. he wants one thing only Power. does not give a fig for the American working class, and secretly despises them.
  7. you want to believe what CNN corporate/government media tells you go right ahead. all propaganda.
  8. the whole thing was staged.
  9. Loud? have you ever lived next to Chinese guest at a hotel?
  10. Biden has brought this upon himself. Israel would love to bring America into a war between the US and Iran. Israel is playing the U.S.
  11. many ATM up here in CM are out of order and not serviced or removed. i think this is costing the banks too much money to maintain. more people shopping cashless.
  12. the couple would have to have used their ATM card to access t.he ATM after the machine closed to count the deposit. their should be a record of this and a CCTV image of the couple. easy to trace for questioning.
  13. part of the major problems with the world today is this revenge BS that comes straight out of the bible. a book that in my opinion is now obsolete as well. time to get over this eye for an eye BS. problem is America is a theocracy and will demand its pound of flesh. personally i think people are a produce to their genes and their f uped upbringing. Trump was probably a very messed up kid from the beginning. so i say just keep him out of politics and let him fade away on the golf course.
  14. because she is not a burden on thee NHS
  15. even if her where to go to prison he would probably get a helicopter ride to a VIP hospital suite within hours.
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