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  1. Sounds like a very healthy, yet enjoyable way to deal with diet. Keep it up! 🙂
  2. According to the emojis, someone is confused about this post. In fact, I've noticed that, regardless of the subject, 'usually' there is one (only) confused person among the various other responses to most of my posts. Many agree. Many disagree. Some love it. Some don't. But only one is confused. I'd hate to think I'm causing you so much confusion. If you send me a message when this happens, I'll be happy to explain.
  3. Flour, potatoes, and rice on a low 'sugar' diet? All of those convert to sugar once in the body. One medium potato contains 'about' 25g of carbs that all turn into sugar. The body can't use a potato as is. It will convert it to sugar for cellular energy. Pasta and rice aren't far behind. Once a week for each is fine on a low-sugar diet, but more than that... it ain't a low-sugar diet anymore!
  4. Yet another excellent reason to avoid Pattaya!
  5. Songkran 'can be' fun. If you have kids, it's a delight to watch them play. With a group of friends, it can be a blast, especially for tourists. Get drunk enough, and it's an mobile party! At least until the fighting starts. But after 25 years of it, I'm done. Take away the blocks of ice and I'd consider an hour or two of it again. That's enough. I hope those who want to play enjoy the holiday.
  6. If you don't want to play, do your daily chores in the morning, before 11am, then stay home. It's only a couple of days.
  7. Better have another meeting and discuss what we haven't done for the past 50 years, just in case we might do it this year.
  8. 100% cocoa powder, Food-grade cocoa butter, sweetener of choice, (I also add a spoonful of vanilla extract and a pinch of salt. ) I buy where ever I can find the best prices, and still not sacrifice quality. As for proportions, I just wing it. Make it as rich as you'd like and as sweet as you'd like. If you prefer milk chocolate, add powdered milk, NOT fresh milk. 🙂
  9. Don't have to be a scientist to know that there are carbs in ALL veggies. While there are no vegetables that contain zero carbohydrates, there are many that have very low carbohydrate content.
  10. Man, I love carbs too! Wouldn't give 'em up for nothing! Same with sweet things. But I'll choose healthy carbs like spinach and broccoli, berries and nuts. And for a sweetener, Monkfruit or stevia if I want to go natural, Allulose or Erythritol for the times I don't. Breads, waffles, cakes, and pastries, just made without wheat flour. And of course, chocolate. I made mine into Almond Bark breakup. Nope... no suffering involved.
  11. LOL! No effort at all! Give up pasta, potatoes, rice, root vegetables, and sugar. Eat everything else. Doesn't get much easier than that. Find a sport you enjoy and go play! My wife plays with her group every afternoon, and I'm in the field 3-4 days a week. Good exercise and good fun!
  12. It's fine for us. Relatively low fixed income, but it's enough for the two of us here to still enjoy doing what we like.
  13. Wonderful! That gives me another four years to not think about it. Thanks.
  14. How long is 'the long run?' I've been following Keto, now going into my 6th year. How long before I start putting on weight? I'm an old guy. If it's another 6 years, that will be fine with me. I probably won't live much longer than that! 🙂
  15. Yes. There is a Grab page where you can add in stops along the way, with the taxi waiting for you. There are a dozen different options these days, but not so clear in the English translations.
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