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Nam Plah

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Posts posted by Nam Plah

  1. Media Producer with 16 years experience seeks legitimate employment.

    Banglamung area, American Expat, 44 Years old, serious inquiries only.

    I have worked in print, web, film and video production environments and have delivered a broad range of creative content as both an independent producer and a studio employee.

    Areas of experience:

    • Web
    • Print
    • Film/Video Post Production
    • Visual Effects
    • Product/Architectural Previz
    • Interface Design
    • Audio/Music Production
    • Video/Audio Editing
    • Digital Illustration
    • 3D and 2D Animation
    • Graphic Design
    • Interactive Design
    • More...
    • Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/After Effects/Premiere
    • Macromedia Flash/Dreamweaver/Director/Fireworks
    • 3D Studio MAX
    • Quicktime/MPEG/Win Media Authoring
    • CD/DVD Development Software
    • More...

    Prospective employers:

    • Web Developers

    • Film/Video Studios

    • Multimedia Productions

    • Interactive/Game Developers

    • Publishing Outfits

    • Advertising and Marketing Agencies

    • Corporate Communications

    • Construction and Architectural Developers

    CV, samples, employer references and terms available by request.

    PM for details and email/phone contact.

    Thank you for your interest.

  2. Thank you for your kindness and wisdom.

    It has been three weeks and I am contimuing to work through this as best I can. I do pray to Buddha for her every night but I would like some guidance from a monk.

    I will try and get myself to a Wat/Pagoda and seek help in my prayer.

    phloiwang, I don't know what and "Arahant" is but I get the sense that I'm not one...

    Thank you again for taking time to send me your thoughts.

    I have only a few friends locally and they seem unable to offer anything in the way of emotional support or spiritual insight.

    I am walking in the way of a man on a jouurney towards a deeper discovery of himself and the nature of our lives as all those true seekers have from history;

    by himself.

  3. Thank you all for your insights and kind words.

    I am just very overwhelmed and confused and grasping at straws and I do feel guilt and confusion.

    The fact that I posted this at all attests to a lack of understanding from friends and family...

    One friend said he had a hard time even listening to me explain what happened.

    I won't let my darkness cloud her light.

    I will miss her until we meet again.

    Thank you again from the both of us. :o

  4. how do you know that expressing and living naturally your mourning--which we see as grief--does not show to your fiance simply as love? while i understand the buddhist perspective of letting go, just how would expressing love be of detriment to "her soul's journey onward"? and with all due respect, is it rather egotistical to think that your feelings are so powerful in the life of another person that even death does not break the bind. does not buddhism work also to subdue the ego? to offer perspective?

    Whew, well... I am not trying to sound egotistical but I spent the last three days of her life with her in the ICU telling her how much I loved her. When her family arrived and the doctors said there was no hope the family asked me to remove her from life support.

    That is how much I love her. She knows my heart and I know she feels my pain and lonliness and I simply worry that when she hears me crying and saying that I would do anything to have her back and that I still talk to her when I am alone the echoes reach across to her.

    I'm not trying to appear mystical or egotistical, I just KNOW that LOVE is stronger than DEATH.

    Her family all celebrated and told me to be happy for her...I couldn't really get myself to feel that point exactly.

    They told me not to cry and show her that I was "Sabai Jai" and OK so it would be easier for HER to let go...

    I also tell her when I am sad to go and be a good girl and do good things wherever she is going and not to linger in limbo or falter.

    I really don't expect anyone to understand as I don't understand myself.

    I just wondered what the Buddhists say about this and what my job is.

    Anyway, thank you all for your support and insight.

    Thanks for the offer Sabai Jai, I am in Jomtien.

    I'll find my way through this I know, I want to be sure I honor her the way she needs me to as I am barely a Buddhist and she is in my hope on her way to Buddha's realm.

    She was a very good and very strong, brave girl.

    I want to try and be at least half the human being she was.

  5. My fiance passed away two weeks ago very suddenly.

    She was an exceptionally good person in so many ways and she suffered needlessly.

    I am having problems with my grief and lonliness and difficulty understanding the why's and second guessing all my actions leading up to her death.

    She was a devout Buddhist and I attended her five day Buddhist funeral at her home up country in Kanchanaburi with her family.

    It was the first time meeting the family and my first funeral of any kind. I was the lone farang and quite lost in sorrow and unfamiliarity with everything.

    The family were genuinely good people to me and took care of me well.

    I miss her very much and am sad a lot of the time but after my experience with her family and the Buddhist funeral I feel that I may be doing her a disservice by not letting her go...

    I don't know how to reconcile the idea of missing her and feeling grief for her passing and still support her soul's journey onward. I don't want her to linger here because I am having a problem with losing her.

    If someone has any insight into how I can best release her while still holding onto her memory from a Budhist perspective I would be much indebted.

    I also ask that please nobody flame or joke on this thread. I am serious and sober and extremely distresed.

    Thank you.

  6. According to the Guiness Book of Records:

    "...the largest firework ever produced was
    Universe I Part II,
    exploded for the Lake Toya Festival, Hokkaido, Japan on 15 Jul 1988. The 1,543 pound shell was 54.7 inches in diameter and burst to a diameter of 3,937 feet."

    Pattaya Mail
    is reporting:

    "Wuttipol said that 120 smaller fireworks would be part of the display, but that the centerpiece would be the world’s largest firework, measuring 125 cm in diameter. This rocket will be buried in the ground for stability and will soar 800 meters or more into the sky above the bay before it explodes. The event will be recorded by Japanese television for later broadcasting.

    Council members expressed
    concern over safety, saying there has been too little time given for full support measures
    . The organizers, however, say that
    all safety standards are being observed

    If you plan on attending I personally would reccommend avoiding the Bali Hai location as it will be crowded and even with "
    all safety standards are being observed
    ." the size of this particular ordinance would make me want to stay a good distance away.

    Radio Hill seems like a nice viewpoint or Sirikut Park Overlook.

    See you before 7pm Sunday.

  7. I agree with Scott about the diagnoses of this character.

    Huffing paint thinner (benzene and other petroleum distillates) and glue (butylene, acetone, MEK) sounds like a physiological disorder due to volatile organic compounds exposure leading to hypertoxicity and a "meltdown" of the CNS (central nervous system).

    Raw, open nerves stimulated to the point of incandesence will surely result in a violent reaction to loud noises and other sensory irritations.

    While he may be legitimately mentally ill and should get professional attention the admix of toxic substances in his body and brain are the most likely culprits in his senseless and brutal actions.

    I pray for the recovery of his victim and her family.

  8. If the burger meat is too lean I add a tablespoon of vegetable oil, a teaspoon of worstrechire sauce and a well beaten egg to the patty mixture (often adding a minced clove of garlic, a minced chile some salt and pepper and a few sprinkles of japanese breadcrumbs).

    I know it sounds kooky but it keeps those lean burgers from drying out and adds a little zing to them.

    Gourmet additions to my sammich are some carmelized shallots, ripe roma tomatos and pinch of parboiled shredded cabbage instead of lettuce.

    Sharp cheddar cheese melted on the patty is very nice too.

  9. anyone notice a problem with distorted sound on bloomberg last few days or so

    I have some experience with radio and tv broadcasting and electronics and I know exactly what you mean about the audio distortion.

    It isn't limited to Bloomberg either.

    Many programs are ruined by audio signal overload. There seems to be a lack of:

    Compression and Limiting


    Line Impedence Matching

    Automatic Volume Controlling

    I suspect it is due to a "hot" signal being fed into the equivilent of a microphone preamp input.

    If one takes a hot, pre-amped audio signal like that coming from an IPod and plugs it into the "Microphone" instead of the "Line" input on a home PC soundcard the resulting audio is similarly distorted.

    Considering that Sophon is celebrating 20 years of programming one might assume that they have some technical expertise in the area of broadcasting.

    If your TV has an equaliser function you might try filtering the audio to suit your ears and minimize the offending frequencies.

  10. I recall reading that in antiquity Thailand was responsible for the first domestication and systemic cultivation of the grain now known as rice.

    Meaning that if true, Thailand is indirectly responsible for keeping billions of impoverished people from starving.

    Can any other nation past or present make such a claim?

  11. I switched from Chang to Cheers because I liked the taste :

    Cheers !!!??? :D

    I'm guessing you may be from the USA... :o

    totster :D

    ok- I AM American,

    I don't have great tastes in Beer but I'm not a complete loon (contrary to some local's opinions of me) :D

    Chang gave me the worst hangover I can remember.

    I drank so much Heineken that it just started to taste like bilge water so one night after quite a few Heinekens my pal produced a few Cheers from his freezer and it actually tasted good. Go figure.

    I'll have to try San Miguel and Archa(?) but I mostly drink Sang Som as it get's the job done and requires fewer trips to the urinal.

    The hangover isn't half bad either, I'll even splash some in my morning coffee if I need a hangover remedy... :D

  12. Well the brand looks like a deformed "1n".

    I posted in another thread and somebody

    suggested "Freedom beer".

    Very full flavoured but not too much.

    Why keep it a secret ?

    If a few more people started buying it I

    might find it in the 7/11 across the street.


    PS Bottles - yai -

    "Freedom Beer..."

    Are you sure it's not American?


    I'll do my part to bring it to your local Seven!

  13. Perhaps he is simply a scammer just looking to take advantage of the new relief fund (See below).

    "New Emergency Tourist Relief Fund announced by Provincial Governor. At the Garden Seaview Resort in Naklua, Khun Prachar, the Governor of Chonburi Province who was joined by Khun Niran, the Mayor of Pattaya and other local dignitaries, officially launched a Tourist Emergency Relief Fund which is the brainchild of the Pattaya City Administration. The fund will be used if Tourists become the victims of crime or theft. If they require hospitalization or lose items of value, the fund which currently has a balance of 1,032,000 Baht will decide case-by-case whether to compensate the tourist. The fund committee which is in the process of being set-up, will be responsible for the fund according to details released in this press conference. Khun Prachar, addressed those who attended and mentioned that in 2006 a total of 6,056,391 Tourists of Thai and foreign origin came to Pattaya and generated an estimated income of over 50 Billion Baht. For this reason and to promote tourism in 2007, this unique Tourist Emergency Relief Fund has been set up and is now in operation. "

    Taken from Pattaya City News.

  14. I voted Chang on a day to day basis but I much

    prefer "Thai beer" (only English on the label)

    for the taste but can only get it at Tesco/Lotus

    and even they don't have it so often (but I

    managed to get a case tonight so Slainte!)


    "Thai beer"? :o


    Never saw it before. What does it taste like, cans or bottles?

    You should have never let the cat out of the bag... :D


  15. And does it make a difference?

    I switched from Chang to Cheers because I liked the taste and from Mehkong to Sang Som because of fewer psychotic episodes but I would be interested in the opinion (both learned and uneducated) of others.

    That is if you'all aint too soused...


  16. Since the big three only believe in the maxim, “If it bleeds it leads” what we need is a few freelance good-news reporters to balance the scale.

    I’ll start off with this report:

    An undisturbing story now from the Pratumnak Hill area where an unusual occurrence shocked neighbors in this quiet community.

    At three AM on February second, Pattaya Police responded to a call that a roving band of Katoeys were roaming along the beach along Jomtien near Pattaya Park and collecting rubbish and cigarette butts for disposal in appropriate waste receptacles.

    This so unnerved local residents that they immediately notified police that something was terribly wrong. Upon their arrival the katoeys in question told the police that they had grown tired of their tarnished image as a bunch of bag-snatching, back-stabbing, farang-drugging misanthropes with gender identity issues and wanted to put a new spin on their otherwise muddy reputations.

    Police immediately remanded them to Dongtan sub-station as they had strong indications through the katoeys suspicious behavior that they were all under the influence of a very strong narcotic substance or suffering from temporary psychotic delusions.

    Local residents refused to press charges in the case and all the katoeys involved were released with a warning not to scare people like that any more.

    The katoeys returned to Boystown for a round of Pina Coladas and Sex-On-The Beach.

  17. My pal retired early and sent me enticing pictures of Phuket, Phi Phi, Samui along with emails saying how amazing Thailand was and how I should come visit him.

    I arrived in BKK and he promptly drove me to his rented house in Pattaya!

    Sort of like somebody sending you postcards of Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon and Mt. Rushmore saying

    "Come, visit majestic USA!"

    only to have you set your bags down in his walk-up flat above a peep show on Times Square. :D

    B@st@rd! :D

    Been here for nearly 2 years now... :o

  18. North Pattaya, on 3rd Rd. between "The Cottage" nite club and the driving range on the beach side of the road (Cross from a "Quet-Diao" (sp?) restaurant and in between a "Detox Clinic" and a "Dance Studio" around soi 5 or 6..., less than a kilo south of Pattaya Nua.

    (Really wish I remembered his name)...he is Thai but has spent 20 some odd years in the U.S., Chicago and speaks great English, saved my friend a mint on his company formation and house purchase and recently performed a Notary for me for a great rate. Really good service, nice fellow and professional staff.

    Hope it helps someone.

  19. Are you referring to "Amy's Organic" pizza?

    For a so called "healthy" product it is pretty tasty, I used to eat it in the States.

    (I admit I doctored it up with fresh Parmasean, minced fresh garlic and chopped fresh basil but it it was perfectly fine out of the box.)

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