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Everything posted by ohpont

  1. It will be interesting to have a more recent study, this one was published in 2019...and the data is from...? Obsolete in 2024. Anyone get some?, preferably an academic study. Thank you. oh
  2. Sometimes, vitamin B Complex does wonder... Maybe worth trying. Cheers. oh
  3. Phiten titanium power tape disks available on line in Thailand, just do wonder. Celebrex work well for back pain but at a cost. Best oh
  4. It's my understanding that you will have to send one million plus transfer charges... Happy New Year! Cheers oh
  5. One restaurant owner from northern Germany tells the filmmakers that the girls only stand on the side of the road in such short skirts because of the warm weather here. LOL oh
  6. ohpont


    Nana bakery get so many shops in and around Chiang Mai, quite a few south. You could phone and order (or reserve) to the shop at you favorite location. That's usually how I "practise" Cheers. oh
  7. Trois Rivières? Did you find it in Thailand? Last time I get some was in Laos, in a petrol station, middle of the afternoon 555 In here, Issan Rum is the one. Cheers, don't drink and park, parking cause accidents!!! oh
  8. A new regulation of the Corrections Department allows jailed convicts to seek approval to serve their period of detention outside a prison. Cheers, big oh
  9. I will stick to a wait and see attitude! Cheers oh
  10. ohpont

    Boy Blues Bar

    Boy with a Capital B, Full name Thirasak "Boy" Konchanthet, an artist and a great man. R I P oh
  11. ohpont

    Boy Blues Bar

    Picture taken on friday evening. The show will go on. You will be remembered. Thank you so much! R I P oh
  12. Boy Blues Bar 5 h · We would like to invite everyone to come to Santitham Temple to say farewell and show respects to our beloved Boy. Fri 26th at 7pm (Prayer ceremony) Sat 27th at 7pm (Prayer ceremony) Sun 28th at 7pm (Prayer ceremony) Mon 29th at 12pm (Cremation ceremony) RIP oh
  13. ac·ro·nym uninterruptible power supply, There is a rather draconian law on what they call defamation, rather don't meld with that.. The question is rather will it be possible or not that a legit mail go to an archive folder? from an american company.. same mail was sent to 3 different mail address to the same company in Bangkok, only one use this excuse. I rather be sure before answering... Hope you understand better now. Regards oh
  14. Hope this help! oh
  15. "Thank you very much for your email. As checked, the email was overlooked as it went to archive folder." I am rather skeptical on that, could you confirm that? It came from a courier Youpees company a the excuse to delay delivery by one month... Thanks in advance and cheers, with moderation. oh
  16. Don't know the name of this group and looking for their CD. TIA oh
  17. https://goo.gl/maps/BXyyZdHcNiFabzn49 Very helpful, a lot of choice. They also order very quickly if not in stock! Best of luck. oh
  18. Apicheat Wannagord, week days in Phayao City and week end in Pong district, usually. 081 9527238 or 054 482313, have her call him. He knows how to do for foreigners. If no will, in your case, might go to the state. Regards. oh
  19. Is it possible to get a paying Bivalent Booster shot as a short term visitor in Singapore, and where? As it is not available in Thailand. Thank you very much in advance and best regards. ohpont
  20. I tried so many, and this one is The One, Dr. Don. In Chiang Rai, nothing serious, Chiang Mai I did find a italian osteopath, fantastic. Good clinics in HCM City if you travel... https://bioenergyasia.com/index.php/about-us/profile/ Winter, I cover myself with Merinos, helped so much and if some pain arrive, Titan Power Tape from Phiten, usually it works! Hope this help and sorry for C Rai...Didn't find any up north. oh
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