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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. Already a 4% increase this week in Sterling and the grouts couldnt offload their bonds yesterday...dump yer euros thats for sure they will be worth **%# in a few weeks time....looks like its gonna get cheaper for Brits :D


    Major problems the 7th januari and all solved day 8th. I hope your not bothering with the stockmarket with your limited knowledge about economy.

    Keep your analysis at the beer-price level and you should be just fine, even as a brit. :D .

    Limited knowledge???....check the exchange rate...Sterling up again even though an interest rate cut.....still if I had euros I would be a bit worried like you seem to be :o

    Im from Sweden, we dont have Euro, im not the least bit worried. :D .

    Infact the dollar, pound seem to be cheaper than ever (actually the dollar went up a little the last month but thats a currensy that dont matter at all in my world. I can do my once in a lifetime visit to the states when the dollar is back on rock bottom), and the Swedish money i transfered here 2 years ago are now very high when i transfer them back again since the baht seems to be the only currensy that went up towards our money. (The Euro been about 10 for years. Right now its 10.24 krona for one Euro and the next time i need some it can be up/down 0,50, but it is stabil between 9.50 and 10.50 kr). The negative thing is that when i occasionaly try to use a Swedish atm card over here, i get shocked at how little i get. The baht is strong towards us. The pound is still very cheap compared to what it was. I buy a pound for 12 kr now, and Euro 10:24, The pound was 14:50! Seems to be the only currensy that i can buy much cheaper than usuall. And the baht seems to be the only currensy that costs more than usuall.

    The "limited knowledge" comment was more that if you are doing complete analysis of your economy based on one day, being totaly depressed first, and superhappy the next day, it is for your own good that you stick to beer-price effect.

  2. And in case you didnt know, wear a real t-shirt with arms. I had a shirt with no arms and the lady told me to come back with clothes on! Even though my shirt had a big flag of Thailand saying "I love Thailand" with Thai letters! Had to go and buy a shirt in Nathon and come back. Probably well known fact, but i post it anyway. :o .

    Also i needed to bring medical certificate. About a year and a half ago.

    Good luck.

  3. I ate a thai omelette for breakfast yesterday and the 99 baht breakfast at Catcandoo for dinner. I'd be happy as hel_l to eat nothing but breakfast all the time.

    I´m gonna invite some friends for my delecios crepes, but after your laughter and this latest post im thinking of making only egg and bacon for you! :o .

    (Joking offcourse :D .)

  4. Posting the number and upgrading it, just MIGHT save a few lives.

    No, it won't. Here's why:

    The girls HAVE TO GO WITH MEN WHO ARE DRUNK. They can't and don't turn away a "fare," most of the time, and Samui (as in other places in Thailand) foster drinking to excess. I haven't lived in the West in over 20 years, but are there bars/clubs there that open and serve alcohol until 5am? I don't think so.

    I have always said that places like Fusion host people who are already intoxicated, often very much so. It's the bar where you go to have one (or more) too many.

    In practical terms, the way things are is the way they are going to be. Just look out for yourself.

    I do look out for myself, but the problem is others don't, and crash in to me or others! :o

    I agree with you Jens that information never hurts. And if you only wake up one person, and save one life, it is still worth it.

    It is strange, that most of these people, (i myself included very much when i was a tourist and sadly still to some level i guess), in their home country they would never even consider for a millisecond to drive drunk. Or without helmet. Or proper gear. For the love of god, some of these people wouldn´t even consider driving a bike! Never done it and zero education on it.

    Then they come here and completely loose up on their own rules. I don´t know if it´s a bit of "it´s legal so it can´t be dangerous" thinking? ( i know it is not leagal, but the lack of police doing their job can easily give that impression). Most European countries nowadays are pretty tighten up on these issues. Government "think" for you. If it´s legal it´s not dangerous. Almost. But here you have to think for yourself and if you are stupid enough to sit on a bike when you are really drunk, most lightly nobody will stop you. Except maybe god, hopefully without you killing anybody.

    I guess it wouldnt hurt if the travel-agents or insurance companies over in Europe did a small information campain and got peoples eyes open. It is dangerous and people do die. Don´t beleive anything else.

  5. Well Matthias, when I read the reaction from Beentheredonethat I think you better say: This is Samui instead of This is Thailand

    Probably true. Btw, how is it nowadays, haven´t used immigration for a few years myself, are you allowed to go to another immigration or are you forced to use this one if you live here?

    If samui is that extreme, would it be possible to go another one? Whats the closest, and is it any better?

    Just curious.

  6. Well, not every farang. I haven't paid anything over and above the 1900 baht for an extension (and before that the 500 baht that an extension cost) in many many years. I have to add that I have always received courteous, helpful and quick service.

    They probably know that you have been here a long time. Plus have a local Hubby. :o

    Allthough this is most lightly the case, i have to say rules should be set and the same for everybody. Not changing from case to case. Samui immigration seem to run their own little buisness in a way sometimes.

    Then again: T.i.t!

  7. the promotion actually started in june 2008, 590 bath Excluding VAT for a 2meg connection as said preivously you need to included the cost for the landline so one month Including VAT is 850 bath.

    very decent service indeed.

    I have to get back when i recieve my first bill. But i did ask for the price several times and they promised it was 560 baht. Everything included. I said i though it was very cheap and if they were sure, and they said it was a promotion over christmas and new year. Then again T.i.t!

    I dont beleive it fully before i see the bill, but they said 100%! :o

  8. All those recepie sounds delicios and i tryed some off them. Just leave out the syrup, dont belong there at all.

    Judging by the minced meat comment i feel sorry right back at you! :D .

    American pancakes are too thick to wrap around anything. I would say "don't knock it til you try it" about the maple syrup but I'm sure you'll come back with have eaten "real" American pancakes with "real" maple syrup many times or something like that. As for me, I'll stick to sausage & eggs.

    I have tryied American pancake with maple suryp once, but not sure if it was "real". Might have been a fake copy. :o .

    I´d still say the maple syrup dont belong on crepes though.

  9. Good service (compared to none existing service at TOT)

    850 Baht/month

    Speed test result:

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 2513 kbps (314.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 420 kbps (52.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

    I'm so happy with changing operator from TOT to TT&T (last time I moved)


    I second wht you are saying. I just moved myself and my landlord signed me up for tt&t. I use to have a "1mb" connection with ToT that were usualla around 500 kbps download speed and i think never over 700kbps. I paid 960 baht for that! Now i pay 560 baht for tt&t "2mb" connection and the speed for download is usually around 1600 kbps, upload around 400, and it seems to work very good everyday. So far at least. I should have done this change a long time ago if i knew.

    Tt&t told me that this ws somekind of promotion over christmas and new year if you sign up for a year. Don´t know if that is true or not but op should hurry down and see whats on.

  10. Anyone on the island know where I can have breakfast at 8 am in the morning, have a budget of 1000 baht, would like to have really good pancakes or french toast along with eggs and bacon. If you guys have any recommendations please let me know.

    Don't know what's really good about pancakes and french toast, but do you mean the US type "pancakes" with Butter and ususally served with artificial "Maple Syrup" or Crepes, the french type of "pan cakes"?

    I'm guessing he's talking about the paper-thin French crepes that are served with nothing more than 100% all -natural Quebecois maple syrup, of course. :o

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Crepes. But with maple syrup? :D . Thought only Americans did that shit. :D .

    Anyway, who sell crepes over here? I never seen them. Except in my own kitchen. Filled with minced meet and cheese on top! :P

    I feel sorry for you matthias33!

    as it aspires that you may never had GENUINE Mapple Syrup.. otherwise you wouldn't come with such a bland omelet substitute...

    well made CREPE SUZETTE! really rocks!

    Crepe with warm Strawberry Compote and ***** Vanilla Ice Cream... dusted with white Chocolate flakes.... mango & coconut cream crepes

    Shrimp & crab meat Crepes...

    Ricotta and Spinach Crepe...

    Parma/Serrano Ham & Walnut Crepe

    Stilton Crepe...

    Chicken & Mushroom..

    well there is room for creativity..

    minced meat... :D


    All those recepie sounds delicios and i tryed some off them. Just leave out the syrup, dont belong there at all.

    Judging by the minced meat comment i feel sorry right back at you! :wai: .

  11. Already a 4% increase this week in Sterling and the grouts couldnt offload their bonds yesterday...dump yer euros thats for sure they will be worth **%# in a few weeks time....looks like its gonna get cheaper for Brits :D


    Major problems the 7th januari and all solved day 8th. I hope your not bothering with the stockmarket with your limited knowledge about economy.

    Keep your analysis at the beer-price level and you should be just fine, even as a brit. :o .

  12. Anyone on the island know where I can have breakfast at 8 am in the morning, have a budget of 1000 baht, would like to have really good pancakes or french toast along with eggs and bacon. If you guys have any recommendations please let me know.

    Don't know what's really good about pancakes and french toast, but do you mean the US type "pancakes" with Butter and ususally served with artificial "Maple Syrup" or Crepes, the french type of "pan cakes"?

    I'm guessing he's talking about the paper-thin French crepes that are served with nothing more than 100% all -natural Quebecois maple syrup, of course. :o

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Crepes. But with maple syrup? :D . Thought only Americans did that shit. :D .

    Anyway, who sell crepes over here? I never seen them. Except in my own kitchen. Filled with minced meet and cheese on top! :D

  13. Try turning off the power to the box for a minute,also removing the card and re inserting might do the trick.Has your dish moved ?I can recommend Samui Guru in Bophut if your still having problems 081 7264675.

    thanks for your reply.did as you suggested,took out the card,turned off the power,and unscrewed the white cable that goes into black box,reconnected and bingo it all came back ok,many thanks.

    It's the same principle that a IT-pro uses when he gets a flat tire.

    Turn off the car and restart, maybe it works now.


    Spot on poorsucker!

    Brilliant comment!

  14. Since the op of this thread been speaking alot about catcando on this forum, i reccon you are at least a regular, and maybe speak to the owner there. I been there 3 times now (unfortunately i missed the christmas-thing) and 2 times i had the ribs, 1 time i had a burger. I have to say, they are on to a winner when it comes to food, prices, atmosphere, and i in particular enjoy the draft chang jug for 99 baht. However, the latest 2 times the waitress just dont listened to the order. She says "yes". To me that means that she understood. We were 4 people on the table and only 3 got food. The third time we were 3 at the table and the other 2 had to wait for their egg and bacon til i already ate my burger finished. That was after a reminder that "we ordered breakfast" ( it takes about 2 minuites to cook so obviously the same waitress again didnt listen).

    Now, i would like the owner to acknowledge that he has a problem here. Because this place is gonna be a winner. And i might become a regular for sure. But this waitress need to start doing her job, or be changed. She is really hurting the place with not asking if she got it right instead of just guessing and serving wrong.

    As a remark, i like everything else about this place and i am not into trying to speak bad about catcando. It is very good. Just only one person among the staff dont fit in at all and needs training or replacement. To my oppinion.

  15. Any big difference between the three supermarket?

    I'm not interested in food.

    Last year I went to Tesco but it seemed that only people below 1.60m had a choice of clothes to buy :o

    Ditto for shoes....

    I dont really buy clothes in any of them, except i manage to buy boxer-shorts (is it called that in English, mens underwear?) in tesco. Makro dont even sell clothing as far as i know?

    For baby clothes both tesco and big c are good and cheap, but for daddy himself, nope!

  16. Well I had a very nice Xmas, all you can eat buffet dinner for 299 baht. It was very nice except the sprouts were chewy. He explained that he ran out of time and gave them to the Thai staff to cook. Say no more. Apart from the sprouts it was a feast. I did notice some bars were charging from 850 -1000 baht just for a dinner. Thats around the 17 -20 pounds a hit. JEEZ you can get a cheaper dinner back home in the UK for that. And when things are quiet you would think bar owners would reduce prices to get people in. Maybe they are using the Thai logic when things go quiet. no doubt the same bar owners will be crying about no customers etc in the new year and I don't see there being a high season this winter. My advice is reduce your prices rather than charge stupid prices, but then I don't own a bar so what do I know ? :o

    i know what you mean,is saw a sign outside moby dicks(usually more known for short time rooms at 400bHT)Advertising xmas lunch for 800 baht..........starters was soup de jour,followed by usual roast plus veg,followed by tea or coffee..................they were taking the piss i think!.

    I just met the previous owner of moby dick, he sold it a year ago for 28 miljon baht. If its true, no wonder they have to charge high prices over there!

    Samui-land of hopes and dreams! :D .

  17. I broke my pelvis in October and Bangkok hospital could not be bettered. The treatment,when I was transfered to the main one in Bangkok itself, was also first class.

    I do have medical insurance though................ erm............. ! :o

    Yep. On serious stuff they do transfer you to the main one in Bkk and i agree that one is first class. AND requires medical insurance with full coverage, its VERY expensive.

  18. people here drive like crazy without any thinking for consequences and when they fell on the floor it's like a baby learning life, the small accident they did in the ghost road was certainly a lesson for them and maybe saved them from a future big accident wich could have cost their life.

    sand is normal in places near the sea, holes in the road are not and are a real threat.

    The way she was bleeding i call it more than a "lesson". Hope she survived. :o .

  19. Chaweng to Nathon? 50 baht in a Songthaew, 400 baht in 'meter' Taxi.

    I think he's asking about prices on SAMUI. It's 400 baht just from the airport 2-3 km away to Chaweng. You can sometimes push a hard bargain and get one between Bangrak and Chaweng for 300 baht but no way you can get a taxi all the way from Nathon to Chaweng for only 400 baht. The songthaews aren't 50 baht either between Chaweng-Nathon. You'd have to pay that just to go from the stoplight in Bophut to Tesco. Granted, if your Thai is good enough you can probably explain to the songthaew driver that you know how much they are supposed to charge but if you don't they'll try to rip you off. But IMO, songthaew drivers are just taxi drivers in training.

    Songthaew between Nathon and Chaweng costs Bht.60 as per the published price in the vehicle.The trick is to have the right change.

    Is that published price in English? There are so many tourists and expats around that you'd think they would have it in English.

    I was having a debate with someone about the price. He told me "just hop on without talking to the driver and press the button when you want to get off and pay him 50 baht". I said "BS" because they always ask me where I'm going and tell me 100 baht or something like that. But tried it yesterday (on the Ring Road) and it worked. Of course, I didn't get to where I was going and had to get a taxi bike to take me the rest of the way for 100 baht.

    I'm not a Thai reader but was able to work it out.The minimum fare is Bht.20.Nathon to Maenam Bht.30 and Nathon to Chaweng Bht.60.

    Anywhere in between I work out pro rata.

    Like your friend I just get on,ring to get off and give them the correct money.On the rare occasion that I need change I adopt the old Thai lady approach i.e leave your hand sticking through the window and stare until the correct change is forthcoming.

    Never knew about that price-list. I always paid 50 baht / "leg" i ride on the ringroad songthaews. I gone nathon-chaweng, chaweng lamai, many times, just "pling" and jump off and give a 50 true the window. I guess i most of the time gone a route that would have been less than 50 then?

    I always make sure i have 50 baht before jumping on. I dont trust them with change, hahaha.

  20. Do you know which police station he had to go, HD ?

    We had a burglary in Bang Po area 2 years ago and had to go to the Police Station in Nathon...long shot but could have been the same guy.


    I got the impression that whenever it is serious, like a break-in, physical abuse or similar, it´s the Nathon station that is handleling it. When i was managing a resort 2 years ago, we had a few happenings. One break in and one case of a Thaiwoman that went crazy on her bf with knives and stuff. In both cases i called the number i had for Chaweng police, but in both cases we ended up waiting for the Nathon division to arrive.

    Don´t know if it´s always like this but got that impression myself.

  21. hi mattias,where did you here this?If its true that would be a big blow not only to herbert.

    I read it on another forum. But it is to be considered a rumor not fact! Was posted by a member in a Swedich thaiforum. Therefore i posted it here to see if anybody here heard about it?

    Would be a major issue for many i suppose.

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