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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. If its a few years old mio or a honda wave you get it around 2-3k/month. If you want a brand new airblade or fino (much more comfortable) you have to pay around 4-4500/month. Posting nr or reccomendations are a bit useless, the streets in every village has renters all over the place. You will not have a problem finding a scooter and these are the prices they all have.

  2. I have to admit that when I lived on Samui I used to pay the 5000, but I always thought it was worth it because of the extra service it gave me.

    Whenever I walked into the office whether for the annual renewal or simply the 90 day report they used to deal with me soon as possible, even used to fill my forms out for me, if I hadnt done so, and I never had a problem with anything.

    When I read on here about the problems people have, as per the present poster, then although I admit its morally wrong for them to charge the extra money, I considered it a worthwhile investment for the years peace of mind.

    Having said that, now I use Korat immigration and I have found them superb, and they never ask for anything extra. I do think though, as it has been said many times before, that it helps if you go to immigration looking smart with a nice smile etc and the correct paperwork of course.

    HL :o

    Well, 3000 extra to get the forms filled out is way to much. Try the "photo-guy" right next to immigration next time. He always filled my forms for 100 baht. Infact i still go to him with forms of driverlicence, cartax, register vehicle forms and so on. He do it all for 100 baht and are nice to explain it in understandable english. Very helpful and nice.

    The only thing i could agree on the extra 3000 is if immigration is filled with people and they let you pass the line. If you are on a holiday it might be worth that money to save the time. If you are an expat it is not worth it.

  3. Why not teach your children about snakes so they understand not to approach them instead of just killing them and using them as the excuse?

    I've never killed a snake and just because I now have a 1 year old child neither will I start.

    One year olds are very easy to teach. With action, not words. You let him/her tuch a glas and say "no,dont do that" and the next time he/she knows so. You can offcourse try to sit down with a one year old and tell him/her about snakes and not to play with them, and hope he understands what you talk about. I seriously doubt it works though. So, with your attitude, lets hope you dont get a snake near your kid before he/she is old enough to understand your speaks.

    "whats up with all your nasty scars? Ohh that, its my dad, he refused on general principal to kill snakes when i was a baby in Thailand"

    Hope the mother of your child has better knowledge about children than you. For your childs sake.

    Are you acting thick or were you just born that way?

    The fact is I will protect my son from snakes or any other harm until he is old enough to understand what snakes are and what they can do - however it does not mean I have to kill them or is this reason beyond your 'man must KILL' neanderthal brain can comprehend?

    We've had several snake type visitors in my house (over several years) and all of them have just been ushered out with a broom or whatever long hand implement there was at hand.

    They don't want be near you as much as you don't want be near them.

    Look, dont be a smartass now, ok. If you are very good at this, you can spot what kind of snake it is, and remove it from your home without harm. Great for you. And in this case it would have been great for the snake. But such actions without very much knowledge and experience about snakes can be very dangerous. If there is a snake on my floor, i would try to kill it for the simple reason that i dont want it in or near my house, and i dont have the skills or experience to catch it alive and put it in a box and drive it far from my house in the jungle where it belongs. To attempt something like that for a guy with 0 experience is just insane. They dot want to be near me is right, but if they ever come in my house they are near me and if they fled the scene by themselves i wouldnt run after them just because my "man must kill neandertal brain" says so. But if a snake is in my house in my case i had to either call an expert to remove it safely or try to hit it til its dead so i can take it away from our neighbourhood. Just chase it out of the house means it can go and bite some of my neighbours kids and that wouldnt be fair either. On the plus side, we most lightly will not get a snake in our concrete neigbourhood ever so its just a meaningless conversation, but i am still on the op:s side to 100% in this thread.

  4. On the topic of plastic bottles, one thing that i was always annoyed but is the little plastic on top of the waterbottles. Whats that there for? And secondly, why cant restaurants remove it before they put the bottle on your table. You take it off, put it on the table and within seconds its gone with the wind. The beach is filled with those things.

    The seal is there to show that the bottle has not been tampered with, Einstein, or do you want your water to be refilled from the tap (plastic caps alone can be easily replaced)?

    No, the little plastic ring under the screw cork shows if the bottle has been opened or not, einstein (are you Thai or what? :o ). The plastic seal has absolutely nothing to do with that at all, wich is why you never see this in for instans Europe.

  5. Yes, I regularly say, "No thank you" to a plastic bag. Get funny looks too :o

    Yeah, the plastic bag thing in thailand is hard to get. You buy a pack of smokes and they want to put it in a small plastic bag for you. I watch thais buy a pack of ciggarettes in 7/11 and get it in the small plastic bag, go outside and trow away the bag in the wind to light a cigarrette. Crazy.

    And if you carry 6 halfempty bags and buy a cd, the want to give you another bag for that! And like said, you get a "falang ba" look when you say you dont need a bag.

    On the topic of plastic bottles, one thing that i was always annoyed but is the little plastic on top of the waterbottles. Whats that there for? And secondly, why cant restaurants remove it before they put the bottle on your table. You take it off, put it on the table and within seconds its gone with the wind. The beach is filled with those things.

  6. Why not teach your children about snakes so they understand not to approach them instead of just killing them and using them as the excuse?

    I've never killed a snake and just because I now have a 1 year old child neither will I start.

    One year olds are very easy to teach. With action, not words. You let him/her tuch a glas and say "no,dont do that" and the next time he/she knows so. You can offcourse try to sit down with a one year old and tell him/her about snakes and not to play with them, and hope he understands what you talk about. I seriously doubt it works though. So, with your attitude, lets hope you dont get a snake near your kid before he/she is old enough to understand your speaks.

    "whats up with all your nasty scars? Ohh that, its my dad, he refused on general principal to kill snakes when i was a baby in Thailand"

    Hope the mother of your child has better knowledge about children than you. For your childs sake.

  7. Sorry snakelovers and wikkipedia users. Any snake entering my house i would kill first and ask later (if ever). Op did the right thing. Not in a snakelovers eyes maybe, but most definately in the eyes of every parent with somekind of sence.

    and do you mow down young Thai man riding a bike incase he is a mugger too?

    If he is anywhere near my family carrying a knife or more there´s a big chans i kill first and ask questions later. The argumentation from the snake people here is very lame. Op didnt have a clue what kind of snake this was, he just knew that in thailand 50 % of the snakes are poisonus enought to harm his child.

    "learn more about snakes" is up to each and everybody. He didnt go out in wild nature and look this thing up to kill it. He killed it in his own home i would have done the same without hersitate. Anyday.

  8. They're getting new stuff down from Bangkok all of the time. Things I bought - frozen bagels, salt and vinegar Walkers crisps, Big box of cornflakes (they have cheerios, organic cereals as well as the usual frosties and all of those), also they have rice milk which is difficult to get anywhere else. Simple Green cleaning fluid which is biodegradable, lots of stuff that they have in Tops already though... Bit pricey too :D

    Bagels!!! :D

    Ok, now I will definitely make the trip. I'll give you a ring when I do manage to come, naomisri, we should meet up again :D

    visited yesterday. stock is still very much wanting. BUT my question is who is the genius who picked the name for their Samui branch???!!! :o "Coco"...ya, THERE is a name you can trust on Samui! :D

    Yeah, same tought popped up in my head. Most not be at all samui-oriented people to take on a name like that! Somebody should let them know about the stamp that name have over here. Poor guys.....

  9. Mattias, booooooring. Do you like polemic? Please take care more about Samui problems, and leave our small KPG stories :D

    Stop this madness. I´m just asking if the concert is on, out of real interesst, i am a big fan of George thorogood and the destroyers and i for sure dont want to miss a concert that close to home. Stop calling it "scoring points" and "polemic" and everything else. If you dont have any details about the concert just dont post bs about me. <deleted> is wrong with you people! :o .

    "Take care about samui problems and leave our small kpg stories". Get real. Im asking about a concert for crying out loud!

  10. Actually Mattias, I have been at home with my critically ill dog and unable to leave the house for more than an hour in the day. But since its so necessary for you to score points, I will gladly close this thread.

    ***Re-opened per Poor Sucker's request***

    Actually sbk, it is not at all necessary for me to "score points" and quite frankly i don´t see how i did? :o . I just wanted to know if the concert infact is on.

    If poorsucker requested this thread open again, maybe he have some facts to share? Like ticket price and so.....?

  11. nice body, nice tits and big lips

    Mattias, believe it or not, "nice tits"(I assume you mean "big tits") and "big lips" are not every culture's ideal, so all you have really told us is that you, and probably your culture generally, admires these traits.

    Anyway, forget Angelina. Look at the person in the "Beyonce" video. How many people can do that :o ?

    And all you told us is that YOU are either not from the western world OR didnt understand much of the ideal over there.

    Tits, female body and big lips do sell. In most cultures. Infact i personaly think those reasons have very much to do with the succes of Angelina Jolie in particular. (Not saying that she is´nt talented on top of those other benefits).

  12. have real admiration for her. Amazing woman.

    I totally agree with you eek.

    On a serious note, Angelina is the perfect roadmodel for anything, and she knows it. Feminists should pay her to work for them. She realized that men listen to women with a nice body, nice tits and big lips. She did that stuff, got the mens attention, and then started to do the work of her heart, when the world already listen to her. If her heart burned for feminism, she would be a dangerous weapon. In my country, feminists never understood thats how it worked. They took the most skinny, hairy women in their campains to say "we dont need to shave, its our right to look like this" and nobody listens. We all kind of think "yeah, why not, keep being hairy and lonely". Angelia did it on the rules of the world, she accepted the facts, and now she is actually using the power she has (celebracy) to do something good, because the world is listening. That woman is very smart. I have the deepest respect for her.

  13. I actually believe she is one of many western women who receive attention even in Thailand, just that certain groups of western men here tend think otherwise. But, often because the object of their desire isnt particularly interested in them. :o:D

    Those groups being the men who prefer other men or small children.

    Hahaha. Wait koohesti. Actually, when i think about it, eek is right. The women in the western world (most of them) that were within my reach, i dont give much attention over here in Thailand, simply because the competition over here is high. :D . But there was off course a few "out of reach" and those i think would bring some attention even over here. I´m pretty sure they would actually. Thing is they are so busy looking perfect that they hardly ever enjoy their perfect looks with choosing a man. Or so i would think. But then again miss Jolie did, because she married from what i understand the man most women in the world dream about. Btw as a complete sidenote, very off topic i´m here to tell you that "Pitt" means "Dick" in Swedish. We had alot of fun jokes (all in good jealousy off course) about that man over the years in my country, hahaha!

    Anyway, did you chiang mai people spot her yet?

  14. I imagine if you see a crowd and some paparazzi, then she will be in the middle of it.

    I also imagine it cant be easy being followed around everywhere you go.

    Have always liked her work and admired her more when she became a UN ambassador. I wish her luck in her work and hope she gets a little peace and quiet.

    As for "any lucky guy seen her"..according to many westerners on TV, all western women are completely and utterly repulsive and undesirable (to put it mildly), so why would any of them be interested in seeing the talented and beautiful Ms Jolie-Pitt? :o

    Angelina Jolie do not fall in the category of "all western women". She is truly one of a kind. She is probably one of the few women from the western world that would get my attention even in Thailand. I bet there would be more than a few interested in seing the talented and beutiful miss Jolie.

  15. You need the following:

    Copies of passport and Visa (must be Non-O or Non-B )

    Medical certificate.

    Letter from Immigration with your permanent address, or copy of WP pages 1-6 and page with last stamp.

    Copy of International driving license. (if you do not have this then you will need to take the tests)

    Can also work with copy of both sides of western license.

    If you intend to take license for both MC and car then you will need all of the above in two copies.

    You will need to be at motor office 9 AM for color blind test, reaction test and split vision test.

    You need to bring your motorbike/car, they do not have any to lend out.

    Good luck :o

    Yes, Eu-licence works fine. Medical and paper from immigration. That´s all i show. I had non long stay visa at the time. They just copied the eu licence. The medical certificate is just a paper from a clinic. Alot of them on the mainstreet in nathon. They dont check anything at all, just ask you if you feel ok, hahaha.

    Remeber to wear a shirt with arms (t-shirt is ok, but no bare shoulders!), otherwise they just tell you to come back later.

  16. Just returned from 8 nights on Samui.

    As a 1st time tourist there, this is what I noticed/observed about the place and thought I'd just put this up.

    Thanks for the post.

    Did you get to Fisherman's Village? I just had a friend staying for two weeks and FV was his favorite part of Samui by far.

    Fishermans village is nice, but the pricesituation op describes in Chaweng is hardly any better in fishermans nowadays. Most places there are expensive.

    Where else on the island did your friend go in his 2 weeks here, just as comparission?

    The OP describes much more than just the price situation and I wasn't putting FV out there as a cheap place. Prices in FV aren't cheap but the atmosphere is head and shoulders above the rest of the island IMO and I'm sure I'm not alone in that belief (as prevous threads on this forum have proven). So if anyplace on Samui would have higher prices, you'd expect it to be FV.

    As for where else we went, here's an incomplete list - Nathon (ate near one of the waterfalls), Bophut (several places along the ring road not far from the Bophut stoplight including that night market & a Thai 24-hour place), Lamai (the Swiss place on the corner nearby the girlie bars), Chaweng (seafood on the beach, at Kush, Ark Bar + others), Maenam/Bophhut (the famous crab place), Bangrak (Olive Tree, + others), Choeng Mon maybe (remember going, not sure if we ate), KPG-Thong Sala (Beck's), KPG-Haad Rin along the beach someplace. His last nights he was very happy just to go to FV as it was his favorite spot.

    Fair enough. On that list i would also rank "Fv" on the top. Absolutely no question about it. And for a married man (like myself) or for a man that not nessesarily look for women (koheesti and maybe friends? :D ) fv is a bit higher style nightime than the rest of the island wich (at least night-time) focus a bit more on the "other stuff". And you do get pretty descent pricing on for instans seafood in fishermans village still. Allthough for a man that call chaweng "pricy" i still dont think i would reccomend fishermans village. Op seams to be "thai-oriented" so to speak, knowing that 80-120 baht for fried rice/noodles is way to much in thailand, and for that reason only fishermans village as the tourist spot it now has become is out of the picture. Dont get me wrong, i like fishermans.

    Sidequestion: is there a waterfall in Nathon???? :o .(you talk about na muang?). Seems to me you took him to mostly shitty places except for fishermans so no wonder that became his favorite spot on the island. Both chaweng and lamai for sure has places to offer that would match anything in fishermans village both pricewise and qualitywise, but then again it is offcourse a point of validity were you stay and whats close. If i stay in lamai i wouldnt bother going to fishermans village, but if i stayed in bophut i wouldnt bother going to lamai. They are both tourist spots and everything is availibe in both places. Nothing more, nothing less in either place if you ask me.

  17. first house is a really decent hotel for the prices they charge, 5 mins from the center but no problem getting transport. right on a beautiful part of the beach, rooms are clean and probably get some good deals there right now.

    I second that. First is a good value for money 3-4 star. In ban rak you have samui pier and nara garden. Both with decent swimmingpools on the beach, and samui pier is brand new. But beach is not the best to swim at. Nightlife is all around all of the above resorts.


  18. Just returned from 8 nights on Samui.

    As a 1st time tourist there, this is what I noticed/observed about the place and thought I'd just put this up.

    Thanks for the post.

    Did you get to Fisherman's Village? I just had a friend staying for two weeks and FV was his favorite part of Samui by far.

    Fishermans village is nice, but the pricesituation op describes in Chaweng is hardly any better in fishermans nowadays. Most places there are expensive.

    Where else on the island did your friend go in his 2 weeks here, just as comparission?

  19. Koheesti started drinking yesterday and been going all night allday. He is drunk, and abusive and filled with lies.

    Replace "Koheesti" with "mattias33" and you pretty much sum up 95% of you own posts. :D:D

    Another lie. I´m a family man. I have not been doing all night-all day drinking since 2003. :o . Actually i don´t miss it that much but everything has it´s charm.

    Actually the gay thing is not that big surprice. Come to think of it i never seen you with a woman. I thought it was because you are the cheap charlie you are, but then again, you do spend some money on the guy-events every day. :D

  20. I'm not offended. But mattias might be a little embarrassed. If I had known that what his nickname means, I never would have posted it here. What I don't get is that the guy has that name airbrushed on the side of his little motor scooter so why would posting it here bother him? :D

    No, its not my nickname and i dont have it on my scooter. Koheesti started drinking yesterday and been going all night allday. He is drunk, and abusive and filled with lies. As expected on the super bowl day for an American ( they cant drink longtime, they drink fast and drunkens up quickly). What i didnt know is that he is homosexual but thats ok to, we can still have drinks together as long as you sit on your side and dont get to close. Now, go to sleep brother, sober up, take your thaivisa suspension tomorrow as a man and see you later! :o

  21. If that's what mattias likes to do in his spare time, that's his business. I'm surprised how insensitive you are there Jens.

    Ok. Now, i dont know how you started this, but first of all, i think it is against forumrules to post insulting things against other members. Secondly, i think the rules say we are suppose to use English language only. You are not dragging me into this bs fight (wasnt there a bs game already this morning, wich this topic should be about?). Now, keep me out of your offtopic gay slandering, or better yet, keep it off the forum.

    Mods, really?

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