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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. Or better yet, start a new thread next year. Superbowl is now over and this thread seems to have mainly degenerated into bashing of various nationalities.

    why you aren't talking about the game instead, is beyond me, was it that bad? Or were you too busy eating breakfast to watch? And how can you watch the Superbowl at 6 am and not drink beer? It just all seems so wrong.

    Game was good, it's just over. If I want to discuss it I'll do it in the sport section where the posters might know a thing or two about the game. Here are mostly just a few resident trolls (i.e., my buddy m33, that knullnylle :D )

    No beer this morning, only Screwdrivers and Bloody Marys.

    Now, that is impressive. Swedish. And i didnt even teach you that. Would take some work for you to find out a word like that. For sure no dictionarys.

    Btw, mods, its very inappropriate what he just called me, please give him a suspension on at least 2 days! :o .

    You make it sound as if it is insulting or something, mattias.

    Like you would use it if you didnt think it was, hahaha!

    Im just joking. "Knullnylle" is a thing that gay people use to their boyfriends. In slang it means "the mouth i love to stick my.........(forumrules prevent me from further translation)". The reason i felt insulted is i never knew you looked at me that way. But if you didnt mean it as an insult, im sorry.

    Hmmm, i think twice before i accept further invitations from you buddy. You´re really into boys??? :D:D:D .

  2. Or better yet, start a new thread next year. Superbowl is now over and this thread seems to have mainly degenerated into bashing of various nationalities.

    why you aren't talking about the game instead, is beyond me, was it that bad? Or were you too busy eating breakfast to watch? And how can you watch the Superbowl at 6 am and not drink beer? It just all seems so wrong.

    Game was good, it's just over. If I want to discuss it I'll do it in the sport section where the posters might know a thing or two about the game. Here are mostly just a few resident trolls (i.e., my buddy m33, that knullnylle :D )

    No beer this morning, only Screwdrivers and Bloody Marys.

    Now, that is impressive. Swedish. And i didnt even teach you that. Would take some work for you to find out a word like that. For sure no dictionarys.

    Btw, mods, its very inappropriate what he just called me, please give him a suspension on at least 2 days! :o .

  3. Their smile.

    They do smile a lot.

    A lot more than other nationalities.

    Been to more than 80 countries, so I believe I have some sort of decent material (experience) for that stat.

    Back when I first moved here , in my naive state I thought that officials would care that horses were starving to death and other horrible things were going on at the beach rental stable. I had a lot of really disturbing pictures and almost every Thai I showed them to would giggle .

    One time I got called to help with a horse that dying, he was way past helping, in horrible pain and needed to be put down immediately .

    I tried in vain to get a policeman present to shoot it, or give me the gun so I could and there was this whole crowd around the horse and a young woman, a westerner whose horse it was and she was really distraught, crying and the crowd was just laughing, giggling ... so funny this horse dying in wretched pain and this "Farang" caring about it so much.. Ha Ha Ha .

    Yeah that was when I realized ....Well I can't say on this forum as such sentiments are banned

    Ouch!! I have to say i was not prepared for that kind of answer when i started this thread, but thanks for sharing!

    Yeah, i guess the "uneducation" shines true a bit sometimes for us westerners. Driving around Samui, more than one time it happened that the car in front of us throw his empty foodbox or bottle out his window on the street, and im prepare to stop him and beat him up when my wife say "how is this your buisness, stay out". I guess thats another side of "thainess". See something that you in your heart beleive is so wrong, but since it´s not your buisness you dont say anything. Being me, with very strong oppinions, i guess thats one of the things that really annoys me over here. :o . I was having a beer at our local team mart when a thaiman went in and bought a redbull, drank it and then smached the bottle on the cement right outside the shop. And smiled at me, like "wasnt that cool?" sort of smile. I asked him "who is gonna clean up that glass?". He said "the lady in the shop". I said "no, you are gonna clean it up right now monkey boy" and took a step forward towards him. He cleaned it very fast and left, shaking his head shouting "falang ba" all over the place.

    "Thainess" hard to get. We are on the other side of the world. Particulary on the islands in the south, were i live, its alot of uneducated "monkeyboys". It´s hard for me to accept complete stupidity. I really try, because i realize this is their place and im a guesst. But it is hard. :D .

  4. Or better yet, start a new thread next year. Superbowl is now over and this thread seems to have mainly degenerated into bashing of various nationalities.

    why you aren't talking about the game instead, is beyond me, was it that bad? Or were you too busy eating breakfast to watch? And how can you watch the Superbowl at 6 am and not drink beer? It just all seems so wrong.

    Careful sbk. You are getting uncomfortably close to the truth, hahaha!

    Non of these people give jack shit about the game, its just a tradition to go to a bar when its on. It has to be a big screen somewhere close by showing the thing, but most lightly nobody in the place is watching that, hahaha. Its about cheap food and getting a reason to drink beer.

    Not that i dont respect that, i´m all for traditions.

    Was funny when koohesti pointed out that "now the game is over so i guess its ok to go off topic"!!!!!!!!! When the whole thread been showing pictures off American fastfood! You guys are just so funny. I love you to death! :o

  5. Will he be strong enough to fight the concrete mafia?

    The big problem over here seems to be to get the "approved founds" turned into concrete from money, and then get that concrete true all the "filter fingers" on the way before finally end up on the roads. If they started of with a meter thikness there might be a possibility the roads get to 30 cm thiknessafter passing all the "filters" on the way. Alot of creative drivers found out how to sell half their truckload to private constructions. Thats probably one of the reasons why these concrete trucks drive in the speed of lightning around this island. They have a "sidetrack" to do on all their runs. Don´t really know what could be done to fix this problem either, it´s well established among the drivers and constructors by now, and probably it is big money involved in this buisness... :o .

  6. We drove past a sign today in highspeed that said Metallica is playing in green mango with ac/dc as a opening act. My wife drove to fast for me to read all the facts. Anybody else seen this? Otherwise i go back toorrow and try to come back here with detail later on.....

    Info about tickets and price is most wanted.


    That's an incredibly similar Post to the OP or am i losing it ???

    Nope, just mattias being a smart aleck. :D

    No worries, I understand the skepticism, couldn't believe it myself when I saw it. :D

    Ok, if you say like that i save my follow up post (pretty good actually, i can´t read thai and it was a sign that told us to not put metal in our wall socket) and say, yeah, sorry, i just made the whole thing up. You guys know buy now i like to spice up the forum now and then. :D .

    Sorry! :o

  7. Please feel free to fill in the dots...

    I am a farang married to a Thai woman and my wife likes .......

    .....me! :o

    And, she likes shopping. If i really want her to have a perfect day i should wake her up saying "lets go to bigc or tesco, eat in their foodcourt, then we need to shop alot of things for the house, then we go to the beach and you can have a good massage while i take care of my son, then in the evening i heard there is a market in a nearby tempel so lets go there and share a jug of chang and spend some money on meaningless small things and play wheel of fortune and lottery".

    Now i dont do days like that very often. But she is fairly ok with any of those above things once a week. In general, showing her somekind of interesst now and then. Like any woman i suppose.

    But to the op, you have to reconcider your question a bit. "What should i expect when i marry a Thai" is a bit crazy. Like others say, all women are individuals and i also suggest you get to know your fiance better. We dont know her, you should! What generally speaking difference Thaiwomen from westernwomen is attitude if you ask me. Its not humiliating to take care of your husband. It is what a good wife wants to do. The difference i see on my wife compared to former westerngirlfriends is that she feels that cleaning the home is her job. Making sure i am happy is also "her job". She always ask "have you eaten yet" and stuff like that. She have a pride in making sure i have clean clothes and other things that in Europe nowadays does not excist, because women try to be men and men try to be women so equality is reached. But offcourse, it´s a generalisiation and you find good and bad women everywhere in the world. Thais are not brought up with feminism in the way my generation in Europe is, that might be the bigger difference if i should point out anything.

  8. Funny, but my Thai visitors always refuse the offer of my cooking!

    Even close family laugh politelty at the 'joke'.


    Yeah, but then again that would fall under the "offer to join meal-visitors politely decline" rule. Try to offer a red label/soda next time and i bet they accept the offer! :D .

    As a sidenote, my wife kind of "forced" me to stay for the first time in the family house in Bangkok for a few days some months ago. I already in the begining told her that i didnt want to, i rather stay in a hotel and visit them daytime, mostly because i can´t eat anything in that soi and also for other reasons. But i ended up sleeping there and my father in law woke up 7 in the morning, went to 7/11 and got bacon, sausages, and home and cooked it all with eggs. All served with "roza" ketchup, hahaha. Actually very good breakfast and i ate it all. In the evening the mom cocked master food. I bet my wife been telling her what i can and can not eat because the table was filled with my favourite dishes. Fried fish, rice, curry, deep fried chicken and pork, woked vegetables. Im here to tell you that i didnt know anything about the "decline" and even if i did i would have a hard time not to eat. I loved the food and they really made a big effort to please me. I already long for the next time we go there! My only remark to my wife after we left was that i had a hard time with the floor toilett and the fact that they didnt have a real shower. She told her mom and 3 days later she called us back and they are now the only house in that soi with a real toilett and a real shower. I´m staying there in the future! :o .

  9. I always thought the beach (& water) in Choeng Mon was one of the best on Samui.

    Have you been there lately? The few times we went at the end of last year there was practically no beach at all due to high water and windy conditions. The chairs were gone and the massage ladies moved out, the restaurants were covered in plastic as protection for the wind. Kind of a funeral feeling. Is it ok again now? I too enjoy that beach very much and its the closest one that is really good for us living in the north.

    Duh, that was due to the weather. The same happened at Bophut Beach 3 weeks ago. Monster waves and virtually no beach to speak of. Days later it was back to normal.

    Yeah, but the chong moen seemed to be ruined for nov-dec. Not that we were thre everyday but even the restaurant workers said it was unusuall to last that long. Kind of lost interesst going there and being dissapointed, but i guess its back to normal now again?

  10. I find it so sad that the lonley planet has to describe bathing and wearing clean clothes as a "thainess" trait? <deleted>?! Now I understand why so many foreigners stink on the BTS, bus, street.... do people not really know you should bathe regularly and wear clean clothes? For the love of god what is wrong with people?

    Its a warm country. If you happen to stink a bit in the afternoon on the bts, well, i dont think thats how they ment. Lonely planet describes alot of things very into detail, so that people that never been in the place described get an idea about how to behaive. Infact it is so into detail that also i, who lived some years in Thailand and been coming here regulary since 2003 picked up a few interesting things. Its not that they "have to tell people to shower, otherwise they wouldnt". It´s more a description that in Thailand it is considered maybe more rude than in other places of the world to not be clean in certain situations.

    Sbk- the food was interessting. You are suppose to offer anybody that visits your home to participate in the meal, and they are suppose to decline? I can imagine that tradition would be very frustrating if enforced. Especially if like you say some people didn´t get the decline part, hahaha! Allthought in my house it would not cause much problem. If my wife cooks she always cook for 10. Thaifood. If i cook Swedich food i cook for her and my and my son, and usually the 2 of them hardly touch it so we could easily have guests. But really-strange tradition...

  11. I was reading lonely planet (a bit old, 10th edition august 2003) yesterday and it describes "Thainess". How Thais do it, so to speak. Also pointing out that the more of this Thaiway you adapt as a foreigner, the more respect you gain from Thais. Speaking a little Thai being the optimal. Among things like 1. Being clean and newly showered, 2. wear clean clothes, 3. Don´t shout or raise your voice, 4. Be polite and smile, 5. always take off your shoes before entering a building were there is a buddha pic on the wall, 6. dont tuch heads, i found one thing in particular interessting:

    When Thais visit Thaihomes the one they visit is always suppose to offer something. A glass of water, a fruit, a shot of ricewine or whatever the house holds to offer. The visitor is suppose to accept whatever is being offered. Even if you are not the least bit thirsty/hungry, to not at least taste from the thing offered is considered rude. Now i remembered a thing that happened when my wife first visited Sweden a few years ago. My dads wife offered her a beer (as a joke) 10 in the morning, and she said "yes thank you". I thought it was very strange that she wanted to drink a beer 10 in the morning and so did the person that offered it to her. She had one zip of the can and left the rest. At the time i didnt know what this was all about, but yesterday, after reading up a bit on "Thainess" i confronted her with this and she said "yes, i never say no if somebody offer me something in their home, thats not polite".

    Now, have anybody else had fun experiences where "Thainess" is involved? In particular when Thais go abroad or in the contact with foreigners in Thailand. I bet there must be alot of fun stories out there....

  12. me and my friend are moving to koh samui from Bangkok, what is the best way to go there from bangkok, and how much it costs, our budget is not great

    Also I would stay there for like 2 months, any suggestions about a 1 bdr place with adsl, for below 15000 per month

    Really appreciate help, we are two girls from England

    Of the budget alternatives i think the lomprayha service is the best one. You buy tickets in kao san road. 6 or 7 hours bus from kao san to chumpon. Then 4 hours with the catamaran, with stop on koh tao, koh pagnan and finally you end up in maenam on koh samui. 1200 baht.

    There is similar priced alternatives with train/bus.

  13. I always thought the beach (& water) in Choeng Mon was one of the best on Samui.

    Have you been there lately? The few times we went at the end of last year there was practically no beach at all due to high water and windy conditions. The chairs were gone and the massage ladies moved out, the restaurants were covered in plastic as protection for the wind. Kind of a funeral feeling. Is it ok again now? I too enjoy that beach very much and its the closest one that is really good for us living in the north.

  14. If you normaly have a rent car on your holiday, i could reccomend Lipa noi beach, south of Nathon on the westcoast of the island. But you go there daytime for the beach and get out of there when the sun goes down, that area is absolutely nothing to stay in for a tourist, but the beach is nice. At least some parts of the year, depending on tides and winds (others may fill in information) it is the best beach on the island. Normaly early spring (jan-april) it is very good. Good for kids aswell. Shallow water.

    Lamai is nice too, and there are some good hotels right on the beach. The nightlife is there and the restaurants aswell. Choeng mon is my favorite on the island, but if Chaweng gives you allergic reactions, most lightly Choeng mon would to, its the same kind of water. And alot of jetski pollution.

    Theres a few good and cheap hotels in Ban rak wich have pools on the beach. The beach works for tanning, but its nothing to swim in. The tourists there seem to tan on the beach and swim in the pools, wich offcourse works to. Ban rak nowadays have very good nightlife and many good restaurants.

    /Have a nice holiday! :o

  15. What annoys me most with the 1112 service is the phonecall. The person that works there is completely missfitted.

    - Hello i want to order. A whopper meal.

    - Whats your phone number?

    -(my number)

    - Where do you live?

    -(My adress)

    (By now the mcdonalds delivery say "thank you sir, you will recieve you meal within 30 minuites", but by now pizzadeleivery will start pressing my nerves by continuing)

    -what you want sir?

    -A whopper meal.

    -whats your phonenumber?

    Well, it just goes on and on with the same questions over and over again til i loose my temper. Another thing that is way better with mc donalds is that they have computers. When i say my phonenumber, they answer with my name and adress. I used them someties in bkk to deliver to my hotel, so they always ask me "you stay in your hotel in bkk or you stay at your house in samui?". Very easy and hasslefree.

    Then again i like burger kings burgers much better, but the phonecall is just not worth it for me anymore. :o . 1112 needs to get much better staff and a computer system in work.

  16. Maccaroniman, your op says you been way to nice. "i want to ask my gf to marry me", "its our anniversery" or even the worse one "i cant pay you because i had to buy i brand new truck", none of these really lame "excuses" qualify for being late on payment. The answer to all of them is "that is simply not my problem, you pay me and keep saving and im sure your gf or your car can be the next in line".

    This whole thing reminds me of a very rescent story in a chaweng resort, that got closed down for these reasons, a leasor filled with these kind of "explanations" why he could never pay his depts. "I can´t pay my dept to you because i just bought a brand new truck"! Unbeleiveble how crazy some people are. And manage to get away with it. "I´m in dept far over my ears, but i had to go and buy a new truck so therefore i cant pay of my depts".

    In Sweden a few years ago i bumped in to the most extreme of the extremes. He was so in dept that there was really no way out of it. Except he had very rich parents. So, his mom felt compassion for him and opened up the wallet, for him to go and pay off everybody he owned money. Did he paid them? Nope. He bought a new car and all his problems remained! Why is it always like this? Goes beyond my understanding for sure. And btw, when i asked my gf to marry me, it didnt cost anything. That was a question that was for free. Why do the people with big depts think they need to spend more money on those things than the people that infact lend them the money? Or do they even spend money on those things or is it all just lame excuses to not pay the depts? Anyway i recognise all the things you say maccaroniman, seems to be standard phraseology from these loosers. Ive heard all of them before.

  17. The realtor has reportedly abandoned the house leaving 15 months of unpaid rental at Bt28,000 a month.

    Power had also been cut off for non-payment of power bills, according to the landlord who, reports said, has cancelled the rental contract and locked the premises.

    The landlord is a fool if he let the guy go over a year without paying rent. On the flip side, I've heard of cases where after missing 3 months the tenant is asked to pay up or leave and when this is done the landlord comes across like the bad guy. So what is a fair cut-off point to ask that rent is actually paid on time as agreed? 6 months? The answer should be obvious but afterall, TIT.

    I think a fair cutoff point is midnight on the day you where suppose to pay. After one week overdue on your rent you would for sure be trown out if its my house you rent.

  18. My wife called me when i was in the bar in banrak tonight. She said "i just got home and there is a police-checkpoint right outside our soi". (we live on the chaweng side of the ghostroad). She told me to not come home since i´ve been drinking!!! Like they would ever have a way to check that in samui, hahaha. Anyway, i went home just for the heck of it, got stopped and showed my thai driverlicence, i was drunk and without helmet (i know im stupid, dont comment further) and they said "go home". I think they were more after guns and drugs than missing helmets and alcohol intake. As far as i´m concerned ( i dont do drugs or carry guns) it was all for the good. Don´t bother me at all. Keep it up!

  19. From the looks of it now (might change over years), when my boy reach school-age we are out of here. I have a little higher ambitions for him than to climb coconut trees and from what i´ve seen so far that means that daddy have to give up either the paradise island life or the family. If i made the choice today it would mean that we all leave Samui. But i have a few years left til i have to make the final decision. :o .

    (If my wife ever read thaivisa i would say:consider yourself warned, hahaha)

    All joking aside, i have serious concerns on this subject. We been taking care of a boy for a few weeks that goes to school here. He is 9 years old and i can say that the things he know, any 4 year old in my own country know better. Talking about mathematics, sports, practical thinking and so on. On another note he is extremely well behaived and have manners, helps ut with dishes and housecleaning and so on. But the part that i expect schools to teach is just very limited, and if he dont get serious guidness and get placed in a real school within a few years, i honestly dont see much of a future for him except for maybe gardening a resort or becoming a ladyboy. It has been an enormous warningsign for me to see him and his friends play around. I bought a badminton-set for them the other day and non of them can hit the ball. I´ve been helping him out with mathematics, something i also did with my sisters 5-year old daughter this summer in Sweden, and i have to say i am shocked of the difference. Very scary. It might be hard words, and upset some people on the forum, but for me it looks like this place is raising future "tree-climbers" at the very best, and i dont want my son to become one of them. 5 years from now i wouldnt think we live here, for that reason only.

  20. He will have a few days overstay as well, I don't know if that will make a difference ? Cheers in advance :o

    That sucks - for the others on the visa run. That means everyone else must wait longer while it gets sorted out. At least that's what I was told the one time I took one of those visa runs after asking how long the border would take.

    Thats why I asked Koheetsi. I know to some farangs time is so precious that an extra 5-10 minutes added onto a 12 hour journey is just not on! Also Some companies wont take people with overstay.

    He ended up going via Chumphon to Ranong to do it no problem. I organised him a bike at Chumphon and he rode over the mountains, did his visa run, had a night there and is back today. Much more relaxed than a mad rush in a minivan.

    Thanks to al for the replies, Cheers Dunc :D

    I been on border-runs with some people with overstays, it´s really no big deal at all, don´t take any extra time, they just pay their fine.

    The biketrip to ranong is something i been thinking about since i did it with car the first time. It is marvelous landscape and fun, curvy roads. Must be the most pleasant/fun way to do a border-run. At the moment i can´t drive big bikes due to hip-problems, but the minuite i get that sorted i´m gonna take a chopper on the ranong-trip. Sounds so fun! And the hotels/restaurants in ranong are cheap and nice so a few days holiday there makes the trip even more relaxed and fun. Did he take any nice pics on the run to share in this forum?

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