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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. this would make a great TV drama for channel 3.. :D

    Where's the rich boy who falls in love with the sweet but poor girl who is the daughter of the maid, but his family expects him to marry the rich but nasty girl next door?

    SBK - just read all the posts in this thread and the other one disussing COCO and you can fill in the above casting.

    the fact is that if you look back at all the history of COCO it will make a grat TV drama.

    sometimes life is even better then fiction.


    Highdiver, nobody said it out loud so far, and i will not either i know the rules. But i was discussing it with a thaivisa member poolside today and we both said "if thats the end of the story, its pure moviematerial"!!!!

    Total agreement- life IS better than fiction and TMHO: we have not seen anything yet!!!!

  2. "test flight" eh? :D

    Test flight as i know it is a flight that is done after repairs, normaly with the mecanic onboard. Certain manouvers are to be made (depending on what repair) and certain papers with the results are to be filled out by the mecanich for the planes service-book.

    I agree that something is very strange in this story. A test flight ending up in another country?

    Did he simply get lost? To much attetion on whats going on with the plane and to little attention on navigation??

    Dont get it. :o

  3. If the floatplane could no longer be used in the Samui area as intended (water landings), was the flightplan to go to Singapore and return to Samui or on to Australia or? Why couldn't the Ossie pilot get his CPL validated by the Thai DCA? Great info, Gatorade! Very valuable to this thread which has generated much interest. Keep up the good work!

    Agreed, good stuff Gatorade. So this was a non commercial flight then, ok.

    I know the press tend to misreport this sort of thing, but "no approved flight plan" was mentioned.

    If there were no flight plan, then it was an illegal international flight as filing in most cases is mandatory, and all that remains is the question why.

    If there was a flight plan into Singapore, then unless they strayed wildly off it and did not get approval, I dont see why they would send up the airforce.

    Possibly, athough very unlikely as they would (should) have used these earlier, it was a double VHF failure, as suggested.

    There is something very odd about this.

    Agreed. If you are on a flight plan and follow it not even double vhf failure would cause military action. You would simply put the transpondercode 7600 (7700 for emergensy,7500 for highjack, if i remember them correctly) and traffic-leader Atc would know you have com-failure, as long as you follow your flightplan you can continue this flight without radio, when you come to the airport the tower knows you are without com and they will give you clearance to land with a green flashlight.

    Only reason for airforce to join you is illegal entrance. As i see it.

  4. If the floatplane could no longer be used in the Samui area as intended (water landings), was the flightplan to go to Singapore and return to Samui or on to Australia or? Why couldn't the Ossie pilot get his CPL validated by the Thai DCA? Great info, Gatorade! Very valuable to this thread which has generated much interest. Keep up the good work!

    The ossie pilots cpl was valid. He flew it on water in Phuket for another company before coco bought it.

    Edit: You might mean the later ossie pilot actually, and if i had a gues he intended to either come back to samui or to land it on a airport. This plane has the land/sea option at the same time.

  5. I would report this to bangkok airways. sometime's without proper supervision employee's will try to earn a quick buck, seatran is a classic example staff getting backhander's from truck driver's and friend's to push in front of the queue.

    and If they get caught they get the sack !

    So i think a complaint to bangkok airway's is worth the effort

    Seatran: One of wifeys family is seatran queue staff: We have regular free eggs and sometimes a bottle of thai whiskey.

    The guy has no understanding at all that this is wrong!

    Stuck at Donsak seatran terminal last August, with a minimum wait of 7 hours, I went down the 1000 baht road and got on the next ferry. Terrible I know, but the alternative was to spend 7 house min at the ferry terminal, and then pay for a hotel in Nathon, as I would have been too late to check into my bungalow.

    Ok, now you guys woke me up!! Came to Donsak 3 o clock in the afternoon about two weeks ago. There where approx 30 cars inside. 3 o clock, with 4? boats left. The lady said "full"! I said "no, look inside, there is almost no cars and 4 more boats!" She kept saying "full"! I lost my temper because it simply never crossed my mind that she wanted me to bribe her, i just thought of it as pure rasism. Where i come from bribes practicly dont exist so i dont automaticly make this connection. Reading you guys posts make me realize that bringing up a 1000 would have got me on the 4o clock ferry, shame shame shame.

    On the other hand i just went over to raja instead and got the 3:30 ferry, same price and to my oppinion better boat, so no harm done. :o

  6. Must do things in Bangkok for me (5 days in a row 4 times/year):

    1. Shopping Pantip placa/pratunam Market

    2. Visit Bambo bar suk. soi 3 at least one time!

    3. Eat the Turkich kebab/pizzas outside Bambo-bar at least one time!!

    4. Visit the "world highest hotel" Bayoke sky buffe atleast one time!! This rules. Best buffe in the world!!! And view all over Bangkok!!

    5. Yok Yor river-dinner at least one time (bring the wife and family for this one). SO romantic and SO good food!

    (yes, i am fat! As you see i am a lover of food, living in Samui, coming to Bangkok, foodchoice!!!, Nighlife!!!.)


  7. i get the feeling if a farang manager is not there, noone really cares.

    Thai-style. "boss is gone, lets go to sleep". Only westerners look at "what did you do when i was not here?". Thais think "boss look=work, boss dont look=sleep or watch tv!" Dont know why but its the case. You want a good buisness with thai employes, make sure to watch them, all day!!!

  8. I only barely understand the latest posts, what with strange highlighting in colours and odd quoting techniques :o

    So, lets run it back a bit for clarity.

    • Any international flight requires a Flight Plan (there are a few minor exceptions)
    • It was a Cessna Caravan, it must be flown by a CPL minimum
    • It could easily have flown from Samui outside Malaysian airspace, so that is irrelevent

    So what else are the known facts? Changi is almost anal about security given that it was directly threatened by terrorists, so a response by F16 is not surprising. Its not every day the Singapore Airforce gets so much excitement :D

    Im guilty as charged when it comes to the "odd qouting techniques"! :D

    Agree with everything.

    A responce from a millitary aircraft dont requires you to be in a terrorist area though. For years this was common practice also in Sweden (dont know now, have not been flying for 3 years) when a airplane without permit entered a specific zone. Could be a Swedich airplane entering a military zone without clearence, could be a foreign plane entering Swedich airspace without flightplan. Millitary comes up besides you and use international signs (wingtipping, nose up and down) and escort you to nearest airport where you explain what happened. As long as you follow the one (they are coming 2 always, both side of you and then one goes before you, the other one after) in front of you and landed when you saw a runway and he gased on to let you land, you wouldnt be shot down by the one behind!! Common thing around the world and you learn this when you take your first (ppl) licence as a pilot.

    I would not think this aircraft (seen it many times and flew it with my friend) was able to do ppl flights, thanks for the confirmation!!

  9. Well, point noted here aswell!! Maybe alot of you guys are from Bangkok, where i reccon offcourse there are alot more "high-income" - Thais than where i live (Samui). Here i seriously think that you can count the Thais with salerys 90k/month on one hand. Ive spoken to everything from doctors, police, govermentalworkers and they are nowhere near that. But offcourse there is the few that did´nt sell the family land but builded a big hotel on the beach and have it paid, and they might be making that money. Obviously Bangkok as the capital, and a respected city also worldwise, have more of te high-educated jobs and people. Still its noticeable that the average income all over Thailand is 7000 baht and for every high-incom(90k) there must be at least 25 lowincoms (below 7k) to make this average. And you know what, i think they are just as happy. :o

    And as said before there are extra incomes in many of these low paid jobs, police take bribes, hotelstaff get tip and so on.

    And another poster pointed out a good thing: The people standing with their little barbeque selling chickenwings and so on (in Samui they even come with a bikebarbeque to the house, or fruit,icecram, and so on) they are making some serious money. On a 5 hour shift/day if they are good and learned where to go. But fact remains that the average in Thailand is 7k so the 90k:s can not be as many as some claim. In bangkok you get another oppinion because i imagine you can meet one or even two Thais a day that make that money. In Samui i never saw one. Average is average.

  10. As a licenced ppl pilot i dissagree. As long as the aircraft is maintained and book and papers are in order it´s no problem to take of. Within Thai airspace even without a flighplan, and if you tend to leave Thai airspace you hand in a flightplan 30 minuites before take of, no problem at all.

    I am close friend with the Australian pilot (not this one!) that was hired to fly for coco before. He left the job a year and 3 months ago due to not being paid salery. Up til that date (dont know what happened after my friend left) the plane was always in flying condition, even though it was never flewn, or rarely, they could take of any day. They used it mostly for visarun flights to ranong, since the original idea "fly and dive" never got airborne due to lack off licences for landing on water.

    (also facts only in this post)

    Unfortunate you're wrong!

    This is right, the maintanance and their records must be done by certified Mechanics, and if the Aircraft is foreign registered, it needs for each Take Off and Landing not an flightplan only but special permitt as well.

    To take off with any Aircraft in Thailand a Flightplan must be submitted 30 min. before Start of Engine and the Filghtplan need to show: Name of Pilot, PPL License No., Model of Aircraft (let say AA5A if you know which bird is that), License No., Departure and Arrival Airfield, ETD, ETA, Navigation Equipment, Mode C Transponder Code and so on and this flightplan has to be submitted to next official Air Traffic Control Center or to the ATC at Depature or Arrival Airfield with official ATC by Telex or Fax.

    The only exeption is that the airfield where your Aircraft is parking, submit a so named Group-Flightplan for Traning Flights which allows for all Arcrafts (which are named in that Flightplan) to flight within an Radius of 5 nm from that Airfiled.

    If you want to leave the Thai Airspace you need a special Permit and you need to submit the Flightplan min. 3 Days before take off not to the ATC only but to the DOA as well. According to the AIP the DOA suggest to file the Flightplan 3 Weeks before take off! You also need an Permit to enter the Airspace of the next Country and so on. This Flightplanes need to be submitted together with an Copy of your PPL, Medical and Passport. You also need to Visit the Imigration before leaving Thai Airspace. And at this point the DOA suggest that you visit the Next Immgration Office with all you Papers in Original and submitted signed Flightplan a few days before take off.


    I know what you talk about here, and it is absolutely correct.

    For roreign registered aircrafts and ppl flights.

    That might be the case in this op then, im sorry i didn´t realize this.

    The pilot before was a CPL-IFR with ATPL teory (and of course seaplane), and at that time it was Thairegistered as i understood it. But ok, if this was a ppl-flight with a foreign registered aircraft i stand corrected.

    Sidepoint: must be quite a expirienced ppl pilot to fly it. It had more than 5 seats (requires 150 hours plus) and it was more than 5000 kilos i think?? That is the limit for ppl, but maybe there is ways around that one?

  11. Doesn't mean it was true or that you even had a clue what you were talking about.

    Posting fictional speculation as if it were real news is something admin frowns upon.

    I certainly didn't mean to make it appear as real news and apologize if anyone took it as such. When I started the post by writing "looks like", I meant only to suggest that it possibly "appears that" something very fishy is going on here. As an airplane owner in Thailand I am quite familiar with the aviation scene and international flight plan protocol. I am as anxious as everyone to know the full story and concede that it is likely that we won't. It is far more likely that I'll here the real deal from others in aviation than from posters on TV.

    Well, as an "aeroplane owner" you would surely know that it would be impossible to depart Thai airspace, enter Malay airspace and fly for over two hours in this airspace without being intercepted. I would suggest that there is nothing more "fishy" than a missing Singapore ADIZ (Air defence Identification Zone clearance number) combined with a dodgy couple of VHF radios having not being used for a couple of years.

    There is a distinct lack of coordination with Singapore Civil/Military. The last time this same aircraft was flown into Singapore from Samui (NOV 2006) the same situation would have occured but for the fact that we had read the rules.

    (For SBK only, this is fact).


    As a licenced ppl pilot i dissagree. As long as the aircraft is maintained and book and papers are in order it´s no problem to take of. Within Thai airspace even without a flighplan, and if you tend to leave Thai airspace you hand in a flightplan 30 minuites before take of, no problem at all.

    I am close friend with the Australian pilot (not this one!) that was hired to fly for coco before. He left the job a year and 3 months ago due to not being paid salery. Up til that date (dont know what happened after my friend left) the plane was always in flying condition, even though it was never flewn, or rarely, they could take of any day. They used it mostly for visarun flights to ranong, since the original idea "fly and dive" never got airborne due to lack off licences for landing on water.

    (also facts only in this post)

    All of this has no relevance to the interception issue. I realise that you hold a hard earned Private Licence but I have no intention of entering into a one to one argument on the Forum as it is not terribly interesting for the other members. If you really want facts please feel free to PM me. Just interested, but have you ever flown as Pilot in Charge from Samui? Also just for the record all of the licences for landing on the water at Tao, Plai lam, Ang Thong were obtained from DCA, Marine and Environment but not used as they could only be used Privately.Your Ozzie mate would/should have known this.

    I have never flown as a pilot in command in Samui. This is irrelevant as the rules are international (to make a long story short you can read about ICAO, google it). Indeed the PILOT would have known this. He was told to never land on water and the loggbook of the plane said the same thing. Licence for waterlanding not renewed. At least according to him and quite frankly i beleive him more than you. It had waterlanding licence in Phuket where it was based (with the same pilot) before coco bought it. But never here. At least according to the man who looked in the loggbook every day, saw to it that services where maintained and flew it!! And we where a group that wanted to use it privatly but waterlanding was NOT allowed. Very strange, would like to know your factsource..... :o .

  12. I've only ever taken the Lomprayah bus and never paid for a taxi :o Why not go that route and avoid the extortionate taxi prices altogether (well, at least for those of us travelling on to Phangan and Tao, you Samui people are stuck).

    So, the lompraya-trip is free now? No, you never pay for the pick-up becaue you paid all included for the boat. If you book a room on Samui many hotels/resorts also have a pick-up.

    I agree with claudfellers post. You are right. Everything.

  13. Doesn't mean it was true or that you even had a clue what you were talking about.

    Posting fictional speculation as if it were real news is something admin frowns upon.

    I certainly didn't mean to make it appear as real news and apologize if anyone took it as such. When I started the post by writing "looks like", I meant only to suggest that it possibly "appears that" something very fishy is going on here. As an airplane owner in Thailand I am quite familiar with the aviation scene and international flight plan protocol. I am as anxious as everyone to know the full story and concede that it is likely that we won't. It is far more likely that I'll here the real deal from others in aviation than from posters on TV.

    Well, as an "aeroplane owner" you would surely know that it would be impossible to depart Thai airspace, enter Malay airspace and fly for over two hours in this airspace without being intercepted. I would suggest that there is nothing more "fishy" than a missing Singapore ADIZ (Air defence Identification Zone clearance number) combined with a dodgy couple of VHF radios having not being used for a couple of years.

    There is a distinct lack of coordination with Singapore Civil/Military. The last time this same aircraft was flown into Singapore from Samui (NOV 2006) the same situation would have occured but for the fact that we had read the rules.

    (For SBK only, this is fact).


    As a licenced ppl pilot i dissagree. As long as the aircraft is maintained and book and papers are in order it´s no problem to take of. Within Thai airspace even without a flighplan, and if you tend to leave Thai airspace you hand in a flightplan 30 minuites before take of, no problem at all.

    I am close friend with the Australian pilot (not this one!) that was hired to fly for coco before. He left the job a year and 3 months ago due to not being paid salery. Up til that date (dont know what happened after my friend left) the plane was always in flying condition, even though it was never flewn, or rarely, they could take of any day. They used it mostly for visarun flights to ranong, since the original idea "fly and dive" never got airborne due to lack off licences for landing on water.

    (also facts only in this post)

  14. But the "high-class" educated Thais, who infact mot of the time only make 15-20k

    This figure is wildly inaccurate. I have many Thai friends who are in no way "top income" earners, rather, fairly well educated young Thais with English abilities who earn more than you are saying. My girlfriend makes double what you are quoting, again, middle class Thai. "High-class" Thais earn far far more than you think my friend. Just look in the Bangkok Post, most decent jobs are in the range 50-90k month. Of course, Thais who own there own businesses can earn much much more...

    As for your police example, it is well known that there are alternative means for police to supliment their income over and above their quoted salary. Not saying your friend does this, simply that it happens.

    The figure is not in any way inaccurate since it is based on conversation with Thais. And you saying you have many friend that not are top income earners in any way but they make more than 20k. How do you mean? I this thread a poster have already proved that the average income in Thailand is 7000/month. I think that people that have a salary 200% over average can call themselves top income, but thats my way of looking at it.

    I agree there are some well paid jobs, but for a thai to make 50-90k is not easy. Even with good education. At least i never met a Thai with that kind of salary. At least not with 90k. But i beleive it may exist but it can not be that common. And dont forget that alot of companies promise alot in the ad, but once you are on the interview the negosiation starts, this is quite common from what i hear. That you see alot of ads in Bangkok post is not as relevant as speaking to Thais themselves. Anyway, the avarage is 7000, i think minimum wage for a Thai is 5000 if i remember correctly. So to make the average 7k there cant really be that many that make 50-90k/month. Sure you can know 2-3 Thais that make that money but it is not very common, if it was the average would go up.

  15. My neighbour (thai) has a brand new car and bought his house (2 mill baht) go to trips on monthly basis with his family. He is a bit educated and work as a manager for a hotel. His salery:16500/month.

    A policefriend of mine in Bangkok (some kind of divisioncheif) has a salery of 18 000 and also seem to live a halfway lyxury life on this money. Drives a Toyota fortuner and come to Samui 3-4 times a year with the family and stay in highclass hotels.

    I´ve had good conversations with these two high-income thais and asked them how its possible to drive new cars and live "lavida loca" on so little money? Both of them claim that a thai with this salery easy credit 100% of a car on many years payback. Banks give them loans for good houses, also with no deposit at all and on long time. I dont know the truth in this but surely you see thai working people that live like they are very rich. I never saw a thai that make 50k/month though and even on that money i would´nt feel rich. General Thai workers (7k/month) always say the are poor and live the poor mans life. Cheap rooms, eat for free at work and so on. But the "high-class" educated Thais, who infact mot of the time only make 15-20k drive nice cars and have big villas. Strange fact but from my knowledge the banks borrow them money easier. Thats the explanation i´ve got from many friends.

    What many Thais dont seem to understand is that loans sometimes is supposed to be paid back, and thats the said thing about it. :o

  16. THE POLICE playing.... but in Singapore..... :o

    got the flyer when I was on my usual twice-yearly HMV-MEGASTORE-shopping-tour at Orchard road 3 days ago.....

    treat urself a good seat at just 600 Singa-$ each, a bargain, isnt it ? :D

    4th of February, could be easily combined with the CNY-celebration there..... tickets available from sistic.com.sg

    Thanks....i guess??

    Please read my op again....... :D

  17. I went to Tesco and can not find any compressed air. I found plenty of spray cleaners that shoot out a foam that claim to be safe for spraying inside a PC.

    I really lucked out though. It just so happens that a friend of mine was in BKK. I called him and he went and got the exact power cord I need for my laptop as well as a can of compressed air! He returns to Samui tomorrow so I think I'm saved, but it just goes to show that Samui is really lacking in critical computer supplies. I wish someone would open a big electronics store here.

    Thanks for everyone's help. Now I have to take my laptop apart, clean it, put it back together and then pray that it still works.


    They dont have it. Bought a can in Bangkok myself, and i can not swear that some computershop in Samui dont have it, but you are right, Samui is nothing compared to Bangkok when it comes to computers!!

    Then again: Samui is supposed to be a tropical island right??? We are now living here complaining about the lack of com. parts while a few years ago they complained about the lack of european sausages. You want to live high tech, leave Samui. I think most of us living here know that. Anyway im glad your problems is solved, btw im going to Bkk next week, close to panthip so if you come to think of anything you need, pm me.

  18. does anyone know any decent houses for rent in the ban tai area which have a phone line so as to get broadband internet? thanks for any info

    Gosh... I hope the TNP mafia doesn't follow you here... :D

    j '-)

    Hmmmm.Girlx. Lived some time in kohpagnan yourself right?

    Are you running a resort you like to promote? You live on a island that are roughly 60 km all around (coastline) and ask for accomondation in Bantai?? Why dont you take a trip there and look yourself, after reading forumrules.

    Yeah, yeah, i know im not a mod, but sbk forget her job in the pagnanthreads so i have to stand in..... :D


    Did i drink to much again? Have to learn....


    What a strange post Mattias :D .

    Where has girlx gone against forum rules? How do you know she hasn't already checked all the accommodation available that is advertised visibly (there are many houses rented privately in the area - probably what girlx is getting at). How do you know she is even on the island at the moment? And what on earth makes you think she is advertising a resort???!!

    Perhaps go on the wagon??? :D

    Strange post??

    That means only you have not followed the history Girlx is always claiming she lived in pagnan for so and so many years, dont remember how many. But one drive around the island takes 2 hours and includes all resorts around so me being a tourist there for five days could give a excpat recomondations for housing? Sounds against forumrules to me to be honest, but i leave your promoting alone from now. Keep the plan going, i bet nobody see true it. ;)

  19. Send an email to them then Mattias.

    Beerguy my lack of reply backs up what I said about discussions on faceless forums.

    Faceless Forum? Better then Mirage homes, now you see them now you don't. Bouncy cheques? God forbid a LIE. Debtors? NEVER.It's all a big misunderstanding is it not?Not really, because of the unreachable faceless perators.

    This is the best Englich-speaking forum about Thailand there is. A local thread about many locations. Alot of other threads where you find all kind of information. Infact its now, since the Samui community (or whatever the name was?) closed down the only source for news that means something for expats on samui. To call this forum faceless proves more about the one who say it than it does about the forum. Other forums opened up, lately alot, but non of them are even close to Thaivisa. And another thing i been thinking about, why would you ever become a member on a forum, post, and then call it faceless?? Somebody forced you to join?? Dont get it at all.


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