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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. This years November rains brought the worst floods since 2005, and whilst Samui was hit harder than Phangan I'm sure there are a lot of people that have been somewhat put out by our annual downfall, how did they affect you personally and your local community and what has been done about it?

    Well I'll go first, I used to have a lovely rustic natural pine fence running the border of my land, until the normally small brook became a torrent of rapid water and ripped it out, there went 15,000 Baht but now we have some lovely live bamboo instead.

    Most of our garden lighting went under and was therefore disconnected, now that the water has all gone it has revealed some lovely rusty up lighters, which still have to be replaced.

    Our drive is still far to wet to even think about doing anything with it, compacted red sand and loose gravel churned nicely under heavy waters and 4x4's, so now it is more akin to a rally special stage than an entrance!! And at a 120m long it won't be cheap to rectify!!

    And maybe with a few more storms on the way the damage is not done yet for us anyway.

    Its rainseason in samui. We had about a week of raining (quite heavy) and then no rain for a week. Then came another 3-4 days of heavy rain. The island was quite flooded. I dont know what to say to people that got their house ruined and in some places people where stranded and could not leave their house for a few days.

    I dont want to sound overintelligent and master people here but i say this:

    If you live in a place that cant take (for whatever reason,housedamage,roadacces or whatever) 11 days of heavy rain, with a dry week in the middle of it, you might consider to..........i dont know....move? This is a tropical island. Its not unlightly to beleive we get this rain (or even worse) also next year, and next, and next. Infrastructure sucks on this island, we all know that. But i for one is prepared to have a rainseason every year, i expect it. Thats why i bought a house that have a 3 meter deep drainsystem all around it. Newly built powerlines and almost never powerbreaks. In the begining part of goastroad wich when it is as flooded as it ever become its 5 cm deep. I never worry. For the people that build a house along a road that floods after 11 days of rain, or the people that built a house that floods, i dont know, what can we say? Its Samui. We have a rainseason here sometimes. Normaly every year. Sometimes its heavy. Expect it, plan for it, and live with it.

    Me myself had the only problems during this last flooding that i could not visit friends in certain areas. I had a friend coming from Norway who i wanted to have a drink with. He got here the day before rain started and was stuck in his place in lakeroad for some days. His Thai girl "swam" down to lamdin and so he got food but he didnt recommend us friends to come visit. Same with a friend in lamai. Just felt after seing the pictures on this forum, that i might wait a few days.

    When we went on the weekly shopping we had to go bophut instead of south on ghostroad due to floods. Ok five minuites extra to big c but not a big deal. Most of the problems i seen on pictures since the Ban rak area never had real problems. And i did not have real problems. However, now when it is dry again, everybody that did have big problems may consider if it was bearable or not, because beleive me, this was not the last rain we had in samui. Might not be wrong to prepare yourself for more.

  2. Lakeside road in Chaweng behind McDonald.

    To good road makes everybody go way to fast. :o

    the lake road after heavy rain ,can be 2 inches of sand on the road ,together with the holes is a nightmare on a bike .

    Long time after!! Drove there yesterday and its still deserving the name "lakeroad" very well on some places! But the first part of it (coming from ringroad) they seem to be finally making new drains? And the megaholes where marked with some kind of flags so you dont hit them. Off course they mark only the holes that are directly deadly for a biker. The holes that make you smell bad or just give a biker some injuries are still unmarked! Id say its the craproad nr 1 in Samui, at least the one i personaly do everything i can to avoid. Still flooded in some parts when the rest of the island is dry already! Amazing.


    Apperently they (dont know who) put a sign up on the "ghoastroad" now (rumor from thaifriend) that says after the rainseason they are gonna rebuild it the whole way from Banrak to Chaweng. Make it wider and concrete all the way and with new drainsystems. Heard its been said a few times over the last decade but if there is a sign up it may be real this time. I have not seen the sign myself though since i never go the whole road. Anyone seen it? Its suppose to be in Thai wrighting apparently.....

    Hope is there. Samui express latest issue mention some money being released from the surathani government to rebuild samui roads, since it is a major touristdestination. Lets hope there is something left after the "filter-fingers" along the way and that some of the worst roads get fixed.

  3. I wonder if it is legal. I know that there are some posters that have two passports for work purposes. If they are in Nigeria on one passport, and their employer back in Europe has their second passport and they send it off to some consulate for a visa to a different country while the person is not in the country.

    How different would it be if someone sent you passport to the embassy in another country while you were not in that country? Maybe you could run into problems if you did not have your passport on you while in Thailand.

    :o Hmmmm :D

    Now there´s an interresting question we not seen before on this forum. Anybody with legal knowledge in this? I been working like that for many years (employer in Sweden had a extra passport for me that was sent for visa-appl. while i was abroad with another passport), makes me wonder if it realy was leagal? As far as i know you are suppose to be in the same country that your passport is. And as far as i know you are suppose to have a passport when you are in a country you are not a member of. But then again, what about when you have 2 passports?

  4. Use the train. Khon Kaen to Bang Sue/Bangkok, the down to Phun Phin[surat]. Drive rest of the way via ferry

    Many people have used the Postal Service with no adverse effects, even for large bikes. If you wrap it as if you care about it so will the Postal Service, they are very professional.

    I my ONE time i used the postal service i can say it was everything BUT professional. And if i did not pack it as carefully as i did i think there wouldnt have been a bike left. But ok, this is one time so lets not judge the whole postal-service by this case. They probably know what they are doing. I kind of lost faith in them thought........ :o .

  5. I want to bring a motorbike from Khon Kaen to Samui,

    has anyone any helpful ideas or suggestions as to the most economic and secure way please?

    I recently used the "post" or whatever it is, talking a Honda phanton from Bangkok to Samui. The price was about 2500. I did not get impressed about how the bike looked when it got here. Filled with somekind of "cementpowder" and clutch broken. Seems like they took all kind of things in the same car.

    I think the best thing if you really care about your bike is to either drive it yourself on a pick-up, or get somebody you know driving it for you. Thai-post i think i will not use again. At least not for bikes.

    But there is transportation-companies i suppose. Would be interresting if anyone have a pricelist and recommendations about such a company?

  6. My question is, do you think it's appropriate that the role of women in the East and the associated attitudes between men and women should change to reflect the Western model - is that something that should be promoted and does one size fit all - I say no.

    As for Kat's ramblings thus far. If I read between the lines what I see is a western female saying, not this same old ground again, we've already had the battle over this in the West and we won years ago so let's not bother to go there again. On that basis I presume Kat believes that one size does fit all and the East should adopt the Western approach!

    I also say no. I suppose its to much to hope for the other way around? Eastern model in the western world? Probably would take some generations to make it work again, but when i look at younger people in Europe today, they are moving towards a more eatern attitude, and realizing (also girls) that feminism is not only good. Maybe (if we look at a open perspective not only good for men but also for women) the best thing would be a combination. Something in between the western and eastern attitude between men and women?

  7. Not serious enough for me :o

    *And on that note, I've got to go. There are much better options than this tired thread.

    Yeah. I guess thats might be the reason why 20 % of the posts in this thread so far is from you? You just dont care at all about this tired subject, do you Kat?

    "I’ve followed a number of threads of late discussing male/female relations in Thailand and note with much interest the extent to which western female commentators seem to promote shades of the Western liberalised views of the feminist movement.

    Agreed. And also the fact that it always HAVE to be pointed out that "i dont care", and "this is not at alllllllllllllllllll important for me", when everybody see that these feminists usually owns these threads. Post, after post after post. In a subject that is totally uninteressting for them. I dont get that part.

    My sense is that far too many Western female commentators on the topic of male/female equality are pursuing a “one size fits all” model around the globe and are actually quite insecure with the different model they see here in Thailand and other parts of Asia and The Far East.

    Well, you put words on my thoughts. That might be the truth right there. Offcourse we will never know because the ones that could answer it will never "go that low" to tell us what they feel. They answer these questions with an direct attac on men instead, and then they tell us how little this mean to them. (with them its in this case generally speaking of feminist posters in threads like this one, no particular poster pointed out!) Seems like we have to keep on speculating in this issue, but i think you are quite close to the truth.

    I truly believe that men and women have clearly defined roles and when you break away from those roles you have unhappy couples, maybe that is why we have such a high divorce rate in the west. There's nothing wrong with a strong woman, but she better hook up with an even stronger man or I think she will be unhappy. It's basic instinct, I've never seen a happy woman that was with a weak man. Constant fighting and disrespect is NOT normal and is a big sign that SOMEONES unhappy, which is what I see back in Canada ALL THE TIME with couples. Always when the man was too weak. I'm in trouble now!

    Agree with most of your post.

    I think you are and im pretty sure it makes 2 of us!

  8. The place where im kind of a regular is across from where Dave worked as a manager. I´ve seen Dave e few times every month for the last year and a half since he went for a drink and a quick chat on his little 10 min brakes from work. I`ve talked alot with him and we knew eachother by face. Just 5-6 days ago we shook hands and share the names. Kind of "hey, by the way, seen you alot but was is your name!". So just learned that it was Dave, and now he is dead. Very strange feeling.

    Very good guy, im sure he will be missed by alot of people.


  9. Just terrible....I currently have 27 C at 9 PM here in Chiang Mai.

    If you make it up here, be sure to bring your ski parka and wool socks. :D

    Have not been in chiang mai for 2-3 years now, but i remember November, december in the past that sock where actually needed in the night-time. Felt really cold. But ok, since mcgriffith is living there we might let him do the chiang mai comments!

    Im however living in Samui and enjoying the 6th or 7th? day in a row with lowely weather. Actually had to start watering the plants in the garden again.

    But like others said, its the tropics, its the rain season, we have to expect rain. And everybody know that. Its just the heavy flooding i think tourist might be interessted in avoiding if possible, and that seems to be over for this time. Hopefully. :o

  10. heres a tip

    buy some pita bread, spoon some tomato sauce/paste/spaghetti sauce on it ...season, sprinkle some cheese, pepperoni whatever and season...stick in oven/toaster oven

    it will be better than most pizza places in thailand..not all but most.

    i like putting bell pepper/onions/ marinated pork on mine....the juice from the pork/pepperoni will seep down into the cheese and give it more flavor

    that knorr seasoning works wonders... oven on hottest setting, prewarm it.

    pita bread and pizza bread are in the same family.

    try it youll like it

    Clipped, i gotta meet you over a beer someday, thought i was the only one who did that!! Who gave you my recepy, hahaha?

    Heres another variation for you:

    Take a baguett or any "french bread" style you find. Baguettes might be the best ones in this country. Cut the top of it and "dig" out the bread inside. Keep a little the so its not only "shell". Frie some spiced up menced beef mixed with different paprikas and chillis, seasoning. Fill it in the "breadshell". Top it with sliced onion and sliced tomatoes. And of course pharmesan and mozzarella cheeses. Owen, 45 minuites.

    With these two recepies (yours and mine) and a box of beer, the party just cant go wrong! :o

    Am i going off topic? Sorry, got inspired to share some real food experiense in this thread. Now, feel free to turn back the discussion to pizza hut.

  11. Not sure about the details here. I have only been in Bangkok about a year, but had a chance to see them a few months ago at a hotel disco on Soi 11. Very small venue, about 200 baht cover charge (include drink). Very fun show, all the locals seemed to know every song. Just a few hundred people.

    I have a feeling there will be no cover charge, small venue and no problem for you to see these guys. But I do think it is worth while.

    Actually, this time its supposed to be a big concert, like the one a month ago. I myself saw them in samui 2-3 months ago in a small place and i agree with what you say, it was worth while allthough im not their biggest fan. However, a friend of mine is on holiday in Thailand for 4 weeks and by december the 1st he will be in Bangkok, and HE really love this band. I was kind of hoping i could surprise him with a ticket for him and his girlfriend. Anybody have information on this particular concert the 1st dec?


  12. 6 Pages, 134 replies and 2625 views in 2 days. I take it this is a subject of many peoples mind. :D . Agreement on op statement to just laugh it off. Most have been said already. Western people are jealous of us western people living here, in all aspects, and the ones that are not jealous is the ones that dont make the idiotic statements. People (like my mom for instans) who only say that i made good choises and seem to have a good life and that she also want to move here eventually and so on. Genuine people. Thats what counts. The other <deleted> can keep their miserable lives for themselves and if it make them less miserable to trow a little shit our way, hmmm, why not, lets agree, hang up, and laugh it off here in paradise. :o

    Some good points, however you will not find genuine people in Thailand. If that's what counts back home to your mother you must go.

    Sorry to tell you that the group of people around you might not be representing either general Thais NOR expats living in Thailand. Yes i do find genuine people in Thailand. Alot of them. In fact all the people i hang out with on general basis (Thais and foreigners) i consider VERY genuine. Feel a bit sorry for you though, when i read your statement. Seems like a sad situation, hope you get by fine anyway. :D

    Yes, many newbies find thais genuine. The longer you stay in thailand the more likely you will see thru the illusion, hopefully before you loose all your money.

    Sounds like someone has had some bad experiences.

    Indeed it does. Like i said, Jimmy, feel sorry for you being cheated and not being able to meet genuine people. Just dont make stupid statements please. Thailand (population of approx 60 milj. people) dont have ANYONE genuine? EVERYBODY is making "illusion" to cheat you for money? I cant help but wonder whatever happened to a person that would make such a statement? You must have been cheated bigtime. Sad for you, but like i said, you had bad luck met the wrong people. Dont judge the whole population because you met some a**holes. Thais in general are good people. Thats my oppinion.

  13. 6 Pages, 134 replies and 2625 views in 2 days. I take it this is a subject of many peoples mind. :D . Agreement on op statement to just laugh it off. Most have been said already. Western people are jealous of us western people living here, in all aspects, and the ones that are not jealous is the ones that dont make the idiotic statements. People (like my mom for instans) who only say that i made good choises and seem to have a good life and that she also want to move here eventually and so on. Genuine people. Thats what counts. The other <deleted> can keep their miserable lives for themselves and if it make them less miserable to trow a little shit our way, hmmm, why not, lets agree, hang up, and laugh it off here in paradise. :o

    Some good points, however you will not find genuine people in Thailand. If that's what counts back home to your mother you must go.

    Sorry to tell you that the group of people around you might not be representing either general Thais NOR expats living in Thailand. Yes i do find genuine people in Thailand. Alot of them. In fact all the people i hang out with on general basis (Thais and foreigners) i consider VERY genuine. Feel a bit sorry for you though, when i read your statement. Seems like a sad situation, hope you get by fine anyway. :D

  14. Have you already booked your hotel? In that case ask them if they do pick up in the airport. Most hotels and bookingagents organize transfer to/from airport for their costumers. Some of them for free even. Worth checking, if you booked already that is.

    And you have the right attitude towards samui taxi. Dont use them.

  15. Regardless of whether you are indoors or out, in a pub or on the beach - when you live in a country where it's cold and rainy all year long - every little bit of sunshine and dry weather helps and I can't imagine that anyone would want to find out their holiday destination has just been declared a disaster zone!

    Offcourse not, you are right about that. Anyway the whole "disaster zone" thing was a bit exaggerated if you ask me. Dont take too much out of that. The real problems where a evening and a night and if the rain had continued at that stage i could have been a bit of a disaster on some parts of the island.

    However, another sunshine day today. 3rd day without rain now. And if you do have bad luck you can always go north after 2 days. Now its looking good anyway, and today is sunday and you where gonna make a descission this weekend? Go for it!

    Have a nice holiday. :o

  16. Thanx. I remembered reading something about it but when I did a Thaivisa search for "dehumidifiers" I got another older thread. I need to stop the mold invasion so I hope to get out and buy some of that stuff soon.

    In the mean time, run the aircon.

    Hey, the smal "lyckys" or what ever they are called is actually doing miracles in my own closeths. But if you have big mold problem on furniture and so on, as people said already: Aircon rules. Also pricewise on your electricbill.

    Cheers man! :o

    And off topic: Get ready for tomorrow, seems to be a fair chance its coming on. Migh even call you tonight for a short drinksession!!

  17. Just driven from Bophut to Nathon, couple of spots of bother, but no major drama.Pumps workin & roads clearing.

    Are people out and about? I really don't want to cancel!!! Hanging onto every hope and dream!

    Well, the last 2 days chnged the whole picture. No rain all day yesterday and the night befor. Also no rain tonight and today has been a sunshining day so far. Alot of the roads are now dry again. Yesterday i drove bike to fishermansvillage, and whre they apperently had "canote-taxis"?? on the road between fishermans and ringroad, was already dry yesterday evening. I say from the looks of it you wont have to cancel your dream, but then again, 2 days of heavy rain change the whole picture. Sorry to confuse you, but at the end of the day, going here you take a chans. There is a big chans you get the perfect holiday, and theres a chans it gets ruin by flooding. It might be worth the chance since when it is good it realy is a one of a kind holidayisland. As you know. Good luck anyay. We will keep you updated on this thread for the next days.

  18. "forced" to go back for some months next summer and i am not looking forward to it. Sure, see family and so on is ok, some special food and some friends, will keep the first week passing by. I guess the mainfactor being the money here. Just think its a complete waste when i start to calculate the flight-ticket for my wife and me, living in Sweden for some months, presents and so on. When i convert the amount into Thai bahts thats when my tears starts coming and i realy ask if it is nessesary, hahaha. I would not go back if i didnt have to but i guess it will be fun the first week!

    And dont forget the most fun part, coming back and being reminded of how good life is here! :o

  19. 6 Pages, 134 replies and 2625 views in 2 days. I take it this is a subject of many peoples mind. :D . Agreement on op statement to just laugh it off. Most have been said already. Western people are jealous of us western people living here, in all aspects, and the ones that are not jealous is the ones that dont make the idiotic statements. People (like my mom for instans) who only say that i made good choises and seem to have a good life and that she also want to move here eventually and so on. Genuine people. Thats what counts. The other <deleted> can keep their miserable lives for themselves and if it make them less miserable to trow a little shit our way, hmmm, why not, lets agree, hang up, and laugh it off here in paradise. :o

  20. I live in Ban rak, and yes, as late as midnight planes where departing. Now, yesterday late evening it was only light rain. In the middle of the night it was no raining, and from 6 in the morning til 11 it was sunshine. Two days like this and most flooding is gone, except for some roads witch you can avoid as a tourist. 2 days of heavy rain right now and the flooding increase. Impossible to say if you should go here or not. I suppose its depending on what part of Samui you want to be in and what you are planning to do on your holiday. As you seem to know already, this time of the year we dont have sunshine garanties on this island, but its been discribed as a "disaster-area" and so on and if you come here a week from now you might not understand that at all. Or you might understand it. It is at a point now where if it rains more its not a funny place. If it dont rain for a few days its back to normal. So, follow weather-reports. And we keep you updated on this thread.

    Update 1:

    Sun has been gone for an hour (no rain) but its (the sun) coming around the corner now!! Better go out and get a quick tan! :o

  21. Now that my son is born I speak English in to him and Thai to my wife.

    My wife now only speaks Thai when around him; although sometimes she forgets.

    I have been told that this is the best way to help a child become bilingual.

    Before my son was born we tended to mostly speak Thai.

    When I am annoyed about something I only speak English.

    I beleive your a right about the child thing, and this is where i have my consern with my child coming in a month. Im Swedich. My wife is Thai. We are both trying to learn our languages even though i speak more Thai than she speak Swedich. For natural reasons since we live in Thailand. Thing being that her Englich is not so good and we have "developed" some kind of language between ourselves where a normal sentence contains 2 englich words, 2 swedich words and 2 thaiwords. We kind of learned how to say to make the partner understand as quick as possible. Now here my consern:

    Im going to speek only Swedich to my child, thats the only way "it" will learn Swedich. So Far so good

    My wife is going to speak only thai to the child. Also very good.

    I heard that a child with two languages being spoken to him/her automaticly learn both and also to generalize between the two languages.

    The problem is when me and my wife starts to speak to eachother. I think that can confuse the child completely to put in a third language and might even make him/her afraid and unsecure in talking? So my conclusion is, my wife (as she already claims) learn swedich and i learn thai together with the child, we simply stop the englich for a while, at least in the house. Or (kind of my own idea) my wife and i dont speak to eachother, hahaha. At least not infront of the child. I dont know, i just dont want to confuse the kid. Anyone with a child in a similar situation care to comment. If your are englich or amerikan this problem dont come. But "3 language speaking" familys, i would be interessted in what you say.


  22. Hey why have posts been deleted here Mods?Thanks I got my answer but why delete posts?

    Have you ever been in a multi story car park and your parking perfectly well when a guy comes up behind you with a whistle? It's annoying to say the least, but remember its all he has. Same thing with mods all they have in the world is a delete button let them enjoy their nano second of power. :o

    Good point. :D

    Power of the delete botton. Useless in real life but here it ruuuuuuuuuuuules!!!

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