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Posts posted by mattias33

  1. does anyone know any decent houses for rent in the ban tai area which have a phone line so as to get broadband internet? thanks for any info

    Gosh... I hope the TNP mafia doesn't follow you here... :D

    j '-)

    Hmmmm.Girlx. Lived some time in kohpagnan yourself right? :D:D:bah:

    Are you running a resort you like to promote? You live on a island that are roughly 60 km all around (coastline) and ask for accomondation in Bantai?? Why dont you take a trip there and look yourself, after reading forumrules.

    Yeah, yeah, i know im not a mod, but sbk forget her job in the pagnanthreads so i have to stand in..... :D


    Did i drink to much again? Have to learn....

  2. This is not he place to discuss peoples business affairs, I do have some facts but will not be posting them here thats for sure. I was merely stating that one should not believe all they read in a newspaper. I suggest contacting the person / company involved if you want facts as the runour mill on Samui is very fast but as a concequence inaccurate.

    Coco-investors who wants answers, theoracle now told you something i bet you never tried; CALL THEIR OFFICE!!! Or call Allan sadd himself, apperently he is happy to answer all questions all of a sudden? Get real!


    Apperently many people think this is a good place for discussion. I do to. And the last year the newspapers and the forums is pretty much all info we get on this case, so if thats not accurate at all, why dont ANYBODY with facts bring them out in the open? You have alot of facts that prove all newspapers wrong and posters but you wont present them? Well, there is other posters that do present what they have and as long as we dont get any proof of them being wrong, i think we beleive them. At least i do.

  3. Yes, I need the entire power cord. As i said in my ogiginal post the generic one I bought didn't put out enough amperage. I need 19V at 6.3 amps. It is a Toshiba Satellite A75-s2112.

    Thanks for the location to get the air. My computer keeps over heating and I need to blow it.

    Haha....I said..blow it..

    Btw Paul, you should buy one of the laptop-coolers ( a little plate with 2-3 fans you put under the laptop. They are really good and easy to use (usb). Dont know prices here but i got a really good powerful one all made in metal-one (plastic get noisy after a while) with 3 fans in Bkk for 400 baht. Computer been cool ever since.....

  4. I doubt you know the facts of what happened the other day Beerguy apart from what you have read in the papers which is far from accurate from my knowledge.

    Then pray tell let us be enlightened by your superior knowledge on the subject.

    And for the record, I was informed by a text message that was sent out as it was happening. But thats another story.

    and now for the silence............................

    Another coco-thread. Those of us with some facts but not all post. Others come in and tell how little fact we know compared to them. We ask them to post facts and enlighten us. Threads done. No more posts. We have seen this quite a few times now.

    So far beerguy is the only one prsenting anything on this thread, and if anyone is going to accuse him for not posting facts i suggest you do it in a post where you prove him wrong or present facts yourself. World like "to my knowledge you are far from accurate" is pretty pointless.

    So, challenge theoracle, bring your strong facts to the thread, we are a few waiting for them.....

  5. Loso will be at Hillary on Suk Soi 4 on Feb 2nd. Saw them on New Year's eve and they were pretty good. Mostly their own thai songs but they covered Knockin' on Heaven's Door (GnR version), Purple Haze, and perhaps one other. They toured the states according to a thai friend. Not worth coming up from Samui, but if you're already in town you should check them out.

    Totaly worth it for me, Sek Loso is my favourite act i Thailand, seen him two times, latest a month ago in Samui. Thanks very much for that, now i realy have to concider going to Bangkok!!!! And its pretty close to the hotel i usually stay in aswell. :o

  6. Anybody mind if i put some balls into this thread? :o

    1:Ac/dc-Back in black

    2:Metallica-Master of puppets

    3:Gnr-Appetite for destruction

    Woke up in a hardrockmode today. If you ask me tomorrow top tre might be:

    1:Pink floyd-dark side......

    2:stevie ray vaghn-Sky is crying

    3.Eric clapton-the blues concert.

    I think a top ten list would be easier than a top 3. Man the good albums you have to take away to make a top 3!!! Not easy!

    Also the best album ever made "pump" by Aerosmith but that stands above the list.

  7. There are different kind of backpackers just as there are different kind of other tourists. But in general the people from my youth (south Sweden) that choosed to backpack where not poor at all. The had the same, sometimes more, money saved up for their holidays as the "high class" tourists who went to fancy hotels and flew first class. The only reason they did it backpack-style was to make the trip 6 months instead of 3 weeks for the same money. Not in anyway would i call them low life or human debris. With some exceptions.

    Another interresting thought is that if you are (like for instans backpackers) up to stay longer due to lower expenses, you are not spending money. Its like a circel. Backpackers find the islands first. Its very cheap. Then others find it, come in and spend big money, development starts, prices go up, backpackers disapear to new destinations. Lamai ending up like Pattaya i see very smal chans of. Its to expensive compared to other destinations in Thailand.

    Btw, i thought most backpackers today only came to Samui as a steppingstone to koh tao and marinepark? With a one night stop at kohpagnan for the moon-party?

  8. Not to worry, there will be new attemps. Probably before the end of the season..... :o

    perhaps, just as there will always be someone here ready to criticize, mock or lambaste others for attempting to do something new, or even something old with a new twist.

    i will be opening a new beer bar with ladies who smoke cigars whilst wearing a nuns habit, in lamai next month.

    i tell you this now so you will have time to sharpen your vernacular daggers in advance, more thought has been put into this endeavor than you could possibly imagine.

    Thats what i call something old with a new twist. Be sure to tell us where in Lamai this is. :D

  9. The disc golf which just recently closed was run by different people who used to run the old one. The most recent one (just below the Khao Pra Seaview Resort) had it's soft opening on October 7th. I know, I was there. I played a round with the new guy AND the old part-owner and heard all the stories. IMO, "location, location, location" contrbuted to closing it. The way to get there was flooded most of late-October thru mid-December and taking a taxi there involved a lot of hunting. Beautiful view though.

    Not to worry, there will be new attemps. Probably before the end of the season..... :o

  10. Is this in the same are as where the new disc golf course is? Is that still running too? I haven't seen advertising for it anywhere except for the grand opening party article in the Samui Express

    No dont think so. Closed already from the looks off it. At least there dont seem to be any people there.

    But the old disc-golf is still up and running i think. And thats been going for some years so that might be a better one to check out.... :D .

    Boy are we off topic in this thread?? But at least we have fun! :o

    Mattias ,

    If you are talking about the old Disc Golf in Bophut hills, that is also long gone, it is Now a golf course. Bophut hills Golf Course 9 holes.

    Ok, thanks for that correction roo, i actually thought they where still doing the disc-golf, but i just pass there occasionaly and see there is people. So what we learned here is that disc-golf buisness is probably not a good buisness-idea on this island then. Allthough im pretty sure within a few months somebody else come with a "new approach" as always. And as always they pay the "reporters" in samui express to print "articles" (all writen by the owners, same as "foodreviews"). And then close down.......Bankrupsy.

    How many times we have to watch the story over and over again? It always amuse me though, to hear the newbies with all their new ideas and new approaches and even when you tell them that its all been done before and dont waste your time and money, they still think their "new idea" is sooooooooo good. I been an expats for only 2 years and i think i already seen 50 people take over crap resorts with no potential what so ever, bars that changed owners 10 times/year. You warn them but they keep claiming "i have free food once a week so i make it" or "i put in maitservice, thats going to change it all". Sad, and amusing, at the same time. If some of these newbies only took the time to at least read Koh samui forum in Thaivisa for half a year before coming here, probably alot of the bankrupsy could be avoided.

    Mega off topic by now, but people in westernworld reading this thread before coming here and start up discgolf, hope you learned!!!


    what amuses me is people commenting with certainty on things they really have no actual knowledge of. in fact, if you would have actually read through the thread and perhaps applied a bit of reading comprehension you may have discerned that the THAI owner of the resort that frisbee golf was a part of is now insolvent and had to borrow money to host a party which was, by all accounts, a bust, in a last ditch effort to rescue his 2 hotels. 1000 baht entrance fee, 3000 baht bottles of vodka and 750 baht sang som buckets perhaps were a bit too much for the average party goer but i'm sure sounded appealing to the thai owner and thai party promoter pre-party when multiplied by the thousands of people they expected to attend.

    mega off topic now, but people in the western world reading this thread or any other, perhaps a moments pause prior to hitting the add reply before commenting on things they know nothing of, hope you learned!!!

    Excuse me, but to be completely honest i really dont think we are talking about the same disc-golf aswell as the same party. Yes, i know exactly what i was talking about, all the facts, due to that i got the whole story from the farang part-owner. I have to say that it sounds like you are presenting some real facts and i dont think we mean the same buisness-story. As said already, soooooooo off topic that at least i am willing to let it go.

    Over and out.

  11. I "retired" at 33 and moved to Thailand with a load in the bank. To answer your question i think $700k sounds little given that you are 45 years old. Unless you plan to die at 55. But if you have a good "buisness-brain" that money can be enough to move to Thailand and do some "quick deals" now and then. After all money creates money if you are smart about it and the options in Thailand are many and pretty easy.

    Also when it comes to your plan about the visa you have to re-think. Penang now issue only 3 touristvisas in a row, wich means if you do the 2 border-runs in between for one month visa on arrival you can stay 390 days all together that way. Then you have to leave the country for 6 months. If i understand it correctly.

    $700k would only last 10 years? By my calcs, if he spent 30k a year and increased it by 4% a year to cover inflation, his money would last 30 years. That is using a a conservative 6% return on investments. Sure, if the market tanks, the money might only last 10 years.

    Thats your way of looking at it, and im not saying its wrong. Just that when it comes to budgets there is two ways. The "safe" budget and the "optimistic in very best case" budget. I classify yours as the later, still you might be right about what you are saying, dont get me wrong.

    Lets play with the 30k/year then. Witch might btw make his money last only for 25 years and to me thats a low retirementplan if you are 45 years old. But even so, he would have about 70-75k baht per month. Sure, you can live fine on that money, but the retired life is not supposed to be about saving money. You maybe get a nicer house and a car, do some trips around, for instans leaving his homecountry in the age of 45 its a fair guess that a trip back home now a then comes into the budget. Unexpected things like for instans medical/accidents or other things that could not be planned for. Im not saying that 700k is impossible to retire on, but for me (doing the "worst-case-scenario"-budget, i always do that, dont know why) it sounds a bit low. But it is probably possible.

    I aggree, $700k might not be enough. I just thought that it would only last 10 years wasn't accurate. You were probably exagerating and I took it literally.

    True. I also beleive it can last for a good life longer than 10 years. I just used the "plan to die at 55" when my meaning was that the money will not last for 40 years. I agree that it was a missleading way to put it. Retirement for a 45 year old should be planned to last for 40 years, even though many people infact do die at 55! Well, anyways, seems like we agree. :o

  12. The $USD may indeed slide against Gold in future years (not now I don't think), but if there is one currency to be gotten out of "now" IMO it is the Euro. IMO it's the most worthless currency on earth. A very poor replacement for the Deutsche Mark.

    IMO you need a economic adviser. If you think yourself and plan your own economy, you will end up very poor. May i suggest you do some google searches before making a fool of yourself in the future?

    i agree with LRB that the €UR is a poor replacement for the Deutsche Mark. i still yearn for the good old Mark. the last five years however are proof that it's not a worthless currency. what the future holds with all these former (some are still) Banana Republics joining the EU and sooner or later adopt the €UR i have no idea. i only know it was the right currency to be for the last five years and i hesitated too long (for nearly two years) to be overweight in €UR. USD might gain some strength again, but how much? what alternative currencies do exist for a global investor besides USD and €UR and few tiny bits in high yield like TRY and ISK?

    Agreed. Thats a smarter way to put it than calling euro "the most worthless currency on earth" when infact (at this point) it is one of the strongest (if not even the strongest, difference in what source you read) currencys in the world. I too have second thoughts about what will happen in the future, and yes the german mark was better but times changes. Like it or not.

  13. As far as i know Oslo (capital of Norway) has been nr 2 after Tokyo as the most expensive town in the world for many years. And i think last year they officially past Tokyo and are now nr 1. Ive been in Norway quite a few times and i would say NOTHING is cheaper in Norway than Thailand.

    Anyway, living in Samui this thread makes me very hungry first of all :D and secondly very jealous of you guys living in Bangkok with so many different options for Mexican food. You are lucky!

    Then i totaly agree with Sunrise. You have every right in the world to answer in a thread about your buisness. In fact i wich more people do so. I mean company-owners that regulary read comments from their customers and listen to what they say, that is a great way of using a messageboard. It is great for the owners aswell as us customers. And also for the rest of the readers who get the oppinion from many posters, put it all together, and make a descission to go there or not. A foodreview in a magazine is most of the time (at least in Samui, but its common practice in many newspapers) a person going into a restaurant and saying "hi, im from a paper and want to write a review, can i eat for free?". If he gets alot of food he write good. But food is so much more than the taste. Priceworthy and so on is something you never can now from a foodreview in a magazine. In here you can.

    Next time im in Bangkok i am going to try sunrise, thats for sure! :o

  14. I "retired" at 33 and moved to Thailand with a load in the bank. To answer your question i think $700k sounds little given that you are 45 years old. Unless you plan to die at 55. But if you have a good "buisness-brain" that money can be enough to move to Thailand and do some "quick deals" now and then. After all money creates money if you are smart about it and the options in Thailand are many and pretty easy.

    Also when it comes to your plan about the visa you have to re-think. Penang now issue only 3 touristvisas in a row, wich means if you do the 2 border-runs in between for one month visa on arrival you can stay 390 days all together that way. Then you have to leave the country for 6 months. If i understand it correctly.

    $700k would only last 10 years? By my calcs, if he spent 30k a year and increased it by 4% a year to cover inflation, his money would last 30 years. That is using a a conservative 6% return on investments. Sure, if the market tanks, the money might only last 10 years.

    Thats your way of looking at it, and im not saying its wrong. Just that when it comes to budgets there is two ways. The "safe" budget and the "optimistic in very best case" budget. I classify yours as the later, still you might be right about what you are saying, dont get me wrong.

    Lets play with the 30k/year then. Witch might btw make his money last only for 25 years and to me thats a low retirementplan if you are 45 years old. But even so, he would have about 70-75k baht per month. Sure, you can live fine on that money, but the retired life is not supposed to be about saving money. You maybe get a nicer house and a car, do some trips around, for instans leaving his homecountry in the age of 45 its a fair guess that a trip back home now a then comes into the budget. Unexpected things like for instans medical/accidents or other things that could not be planned for. Im not saying that 700k is impossible to retire on, but for me (doing the "worst-case-scenario"-budget, i always do that, dont know why) it sounds a bit low. But it is probably possible.

  15. The $USD may indeed slide against Gold in future years (not now I don't think), but if there is one currency to be gotten out of "now" IMO it is the Euro. IMO it's the most worthless currency on earth. A very poor replacement for the Deutsche Mark.

    IMO you need a economic adviser. If you think yourself and plan your own economy, you will end up very poor. May i suggest you do some google searches before making a fool of yourself in the future?

  16. I am 45 and considering my options regarding retirement. I hope to to retire in Pattaya or Chiang mai. I have total assets of $700,000 of that about 85% equities 12% bonds 3% cash. These pay an annual income of about $30,000.

    Any self funded retirees happy to tell me if this a comfortable position from which to retire?

    Bearing in mind I will have to pay for visa runs probably to Malaysia every 3 months.

    Currently I have the option of working which obviously means I will have more assets if I retire at a later date.

    I "retired" at 33 and moved to Thailand with a load in the bank. To answer your question i think $700k sounds little given that you are 45 years old. Unless you plan to die at 55. But if you have a good "buisness-brain" that money can be enough to move to Thailand and do some "quick deals" now and then. After all money creates money if you are smart about it and the options in Thailand are many and pretty easy.

    Also when it comes to your plan about the visa you have to re-think. Penang now issue only 3 touristvisas in a row, wich means if you do the 2 border-runs in between for one month visa on arrival you can stay 390 days all together that way. Then you have to leave the country for 6 months. If i understand it correctly.

  17. i was hoping for some inside info on the real good fights not the normal ones. they sometimes sneek some special events in during the year. i need in insight as to when they are. like the ubc fights.
    just pick a night at one of the stadiums when there are no farangs fighting, sure then too be some good fights.

    i must admit i like seeing big forangs getting taken apart by small thai's even if they are from england. i am not patriotic with boxing. i love the larry large nuts getting a pasting

    Indeed that is a bit amusing! Foreigner with muscels and punch to a level where one hit would probably kill the smal Thaiboy. All going down on the fact that the smart little fellow realised that legs are longer than arms. :o

  18. Wife and son going to Bangkok for a few days at the end of the month. I have not decided if i should join the trip or stay here in Samui and catch up on some long lost bartime. One thing that could help me make a decission in this question is if there is a good rockconcert in Bangkok in the period 30 jan - 5 februari. I asked my wife, who called a friend and she claimed there is a concert in Impact arena the 31st. I asked "who" and she just say "i dont know, farang"! Now i figured that a "farang" in impact-arena must be a world known artist.

    Anybody know who it is?

    Also other concrts in this period i like to hear of. Rockconcerts preferable. :o


  19. Hi heres my price list for the Triton ...

    Single Cab 2WD TRITON SINGLE CAB 2.5IDI GL* (Solid) ........ .440,000

    Mega Cab 2WD TRITON MAGE CAB 2.5IDI GL* (Solid) ..............490,000

    TRITON MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLX............................................ .548,000

    TRITON MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLX AT....................................... .578,000

    TRITON PLUS MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLX.................................... 590,000

    TRITON PLUS MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS.................................... 639,000

    TRITON PLUS MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS AT .............................. 669,000

    Mega Cab 4WD TRITON MAGE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS....................... 628,000

    Double Cab 2WD TRITON DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GL.................... 574,000

    TRITON DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GLX...............................................608,000

    TRITON PLUS DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS.....................................718,000

    TRITON DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GLX AT ........................................648,000

    TRITON PLUS DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS AT................................758,000

    Double Cab 4WD TRITON DOUBLE CAB 2.5DI-D GLS....................718,000

    TRITON DOUBLE CAB 3.2DI-D GLS ................................................818,000

    TRITON DOUBLE CAB 3.2DI-D GLS LIMITED AT............................898,000

    There's a new Million Edition out now ... Not sure of the price..

    This is the One I bought....

    Triton plus 2.5 Lt 2WD GLS

    Turbo Intercooler, 2 Door Mega cab - Automatic , managed to get some


    Bed Liner

    Window Tint ( 60% x 40% )

    Dash Board cover

    Front bonnet bug deflector

    Side window air deflectors

    Chrome door sill protectors

    Front off side forward wing mirror

    Rear Lights chrome trim

    Rear Tail Gate handle Chrome trim

    Rear Tail gate 2.5 GLS chrome badge

    Door handle chrome scratch protectors

    Work shop Manual in English

    under body corrosion protection ( have to take to shop every 6 months for check up on the protection )

    paint lacquer protection

    Mitsubishi Wall Clock

    Mitsubishi base ball cap

    Mitsubishi Polo Shirt

    Mitsubishi Tee Shirt

    Mitsubishi Key ring

    1,000 Baht of Diesel voucher ( which I filled up with on the way home )

    Mitsubishi portable side windows sun screen

    17,000 Baht discount as I did not want the free Insurance

    Total Cost ..... 669.000 Baht

    Ive fitted a reversing camera myself, and a few other things all in all very happy .

    Some Triton Accessory web sites ...








    more info at ..... http://www.mitsubishi-motors.co.th/mitsubishi/index.html


    Thanks for the very good and informative post!

    Beleive it or not but the trito i look for is the only one not in that price-list, hahaha! Do you happen to know the price for the trito plus 3,2 4wd with 4 doors. And another question: Is there a turbodiesel option for it?


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