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  1. Bob is no longer thyere but they do sell Honda mowers. There is another dealer in Ta Kli. I have the same model and usually find parts in AliExpress.
  2. This snake appeared in the air conditional duct....
  3. You are such a waste of breath.......
  4. <deleted>.....you
  5. I presently have an excellent insurance policy that covers Internationl claims. My Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield policy is connected with Global Corps for these International claims. I have lived in Thailand since 2009 and go to Bumrungrad every 3 months for health reasons. A year ago I was treated for cancer and all my claims were covered 100%. My 3 month checkups are also covered. But the problem is that Immigration will not accept this in place of a Thai insurance policy. If I take the cheapest Thai policy it will interfere with my US coverage plan. Is there any way I can Can get Immigration to accept my US policy?
  6. I have excellent medical insurance from the US but immigration insists on Thai insurance. Is the an inexpensive policy for this 76 year old with prvious medical conditions?
  7. 4-5000 Baht, Nakhon Sawan ...excellent attorney....she will meet you in Big C.....
  8. 45,000 short of 400,000 yesterday for marrige renewal in Nakhon Sawan. I have a second bank where I make my transfers to from the States and it much more than the monthly requirements. So I took the bank info where I thought I had the 400 and a 6 month printout from the transfer bank. Still denied and they told me I would need a 12 month transfer statement. I thought there was a combination method when renewing an extension of stay.
  9. Has anyone managed to lower the seat height and add a back box to Filano?
  10. How did you contact Lazada? I find that impossible to do and they never respond. Phone calls seem to be useless.
  11. mine have been invaluable over the past couple of years.
  12. How do you get a hold of these people at Wise. They don't respond to emails...too busy they say....I'm trying to get through the verification process but they keep saying the pictures or whatever are not clear, etc. They are to my naked eye. I've been using them for over a year. What's goinf on?
  13. What kind of savings do you recoup from this setup?
  14. Can you can Durian?
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