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Posts posted by mobs00

  1. I was just reading another thread and I guess there is a cricket tournament this weekend. This ban is not good for those guys. I wonder when a major tournament/festival/tourist relatated event is going to clash with these bans. Cricket Sixes? What would happen then? I only got my notice on Tuessday evening and I was told to close the doors for this weekend. Are these things planned in advance? Seems like we are always finding out in short notice.

  2. Thanks Thailand for driving the tourists away yet again. All bars will be closed Thursday for a Buddhist holiday; which is good. But they will also all be closed Friday and Saturday for an election we can not vote in, again. And they will be closed on March 1st for another election.

    This info comes from local Chiang Mai sources so if any other members have some info please add it here.

    I personally hate to see the local farang forget to vote because they were out on the piss the night before.

  3. The rock show is tonight. Supposed to be really romantic, well that's what I told the missus.

    Romantic is stretching the description of Drunk Studio a bit. Novel, interesting, chaotic or rusty maybe...

    How did you get on?

    Many bands and a lot of differnet types of music. It was a lot of fun.

    For some reason towards the end of the night they all started to sound the same. I though it was hard to find the toilet there when I was sober! :o

  4. I can't believe I am adding to this thread but I have stood by and watched this debacle long enough. The best cheeseburger (and you don't have to pay extra for the cheese) in CNX is the burger stand outside John's Place/Cozy Corner. For only 39B you get a great burger with all the fixins; lettuce, tomato, onion. It comes quick and the beef they use is the same as the "best burger" in Chiang Mai. And if you want a heap of fries, that also is only 39B.

    A mate and i had a couple of these a few weeks ago. We ended up tossing them to some soi dogs.

    I guess we all just have different tastes.

    The soi dogs seemed to enjoy them.

    I have to admit, I am usually a few beers deep when I have one. Were you sober at the time?

  5. I can't believe I am adding to this thread but I have stood by and watched this debacle long enough. The best cheeseburger (and you don't have to pay extra for the cheese) in CNX is the burger stand outside John's Place/Cozy Corner. For only 39B you get a great burger with all the fixins; lettuce, tomato, onion. It comes quick and the beef they use is the same as the "best burger" in Chiang Mai. And if you want a heap of fries, that also is only 39B.

  6. Has any one been out tonight? Is the smoking ban being enforced anywhere. for me pint and a fag go hand in hand!

    Tonight we had to tell the customers they could not smoke. We were checked on twice to make sure we were in compliance. Luckily we have seating outside for the smokers, but I can tell you some were not happy but most were not surprised. The only people that were smoking tonight inside were a group of Thais who I guess didn't get the memo; although they hid their smoke pretty well.....

  7. In the latest edition of the "Chiang Mai Mail" in the "Living in Chiang Mai" column they write about Tawan Daeng. Read it yourself.

    A lot of people tell me about the legendary bar called "The Thirsty Beaver" . I haven't been there yet.

    Concerning the hash house carriers, there is a place, which says they are a the official h.h.c place. It's at the corner Moon Muang Soi 2.

    The Thirst Beaver was great about 5 or 6 years ago; but like others, has really faded away.

    That would be the Hash Pub and is the pickup point for some of the runs. The way it works is we go out to a pre determined spot outside of the city and run along trails that are marked out beforehand by the trail master for that day. After we drink a few beers, have a few laughs and then head back into the city to finish the night up at one of the bars in town. We have our normal watering holes but I was just wondering if anything new opened up or anyone had any suggestions. If people are a bit reluctant to give up their favorite spot, I totally understand. I have a few spots I don't let anyone else know about also...

  8. I guess the main reason I am trying to find other recommendations is because I am part of the local Hash House Harriers and we are looking for some new venues to go after a run.

    Not all Loi Kroh and the like, but what about some Thai bars that have cute waitresses to talk to? The restaurant/bar called "Virgin" comes to mind. They have plenty of pretty beer girls serving all types of refreshments. It is located just over the northern most bridge over the Ping river heading towards the bus station.

  9. ....or hotdogs

    So I feel I have pigged out on enough hamburgers in the CM forum, so how about something a bit more useful.

    We have covered the best bars/pubs in CM, the best restaurants and of course, the best hamburgers. What about the best nightlife spots, karaoke joints, gogo bars, etc.? More of the “Hi, how are you darling?” spots here.

    I’ve noticed during the last 2 years a lot has changed in the “underbelly” of Chiang Mai. I have been known to occasionally be seen at said establishments, but the ones I used to go to, like the kickboxing bars have all but taken a huge downward spiral. Nothing wrong with lady boys, but they already have a complex near what used to be the Peak climbing wall.

    It would be great to get some up to date recommendations on places that are now popular.

  10. Fitness Thailand on the north west corner of the moat behind the computer plaza.

    That wasn't to hard to help a newbie out now was it.

    Agree on both counts!

    Am a member of FT for about 14 months now.

    Spacious......and lots of machines.

    Free parking of motorbike on 2nd floor.

    But never use it after c16.00hrs - too crowded.



    What is the current yearly membership? And, is it very crowded between 7-9pm?

  11. I didn't say it cannot be discussed. I said I am not going to repeat it.

    Libel suit anyone?

    Rumor I'd heard was it's allegedly part of the master plan to move all of Chiang Mai's more seedy entertainment venues out to Chiang Mai land to make the night bazzar/loy Kroh/Thapae area a "better" place for all these high class tourists that are coming to the new hotels. Perhaps they are targeting rich Singaporeans and want to make them feel at home?

    As far as I know, and I do know; these "high class tourists" really seem to like going to the "seedy" places. Husbands, wives, girlfriends all say they had a great time. Especially the Singaporeans and the Malays.

    And as you say they do move it to Chiang Mai Land, who is going to pay to have a dam built to stop the potential flooding that will wipe all these "seedy" businesses out?

    A lot of people do come to see temples; but not everyone....

  12. And the foodcarts thingy is part of a crackdown where the real shopkeepers in the buildings protested against the vendors coming too early or blocking their own traffic flow and thereby costing them lots of sales. The foodcarts are all off the record books for the most part, and never pay municipal taxes. Those businesses that do were getting pissed at missing out on sales.

    That would be logical and the right thing to do. But that is far from the reason I heard.

    so, what did you hear?

    Didn't you read the other thread? It's a big secret "that cannot be discussed here"; although the person that said this started a thread about it...


  13. i thought it was my imagination or poor timing, but now i am sure. the ladyboy hookers are gone.

    that may not mean much and might actually be a good thing, but it was just the first thing i noticed.

    next it was the removal of the street food vendors near sampec market in the evenings. the one's near the 7/11 along the inside moat road.

    then, just a couple of nights ago, i noticed that those small vendors inside warorot market in the evenings are also gone. the one's that set up in the small passageways at warorot, not the one's along the streets and not the food vendors there.

    i am sure there will always be crack downs on ladyboys and hookers, but removing the vendors is like taking away a large part of what makes thailand and CM special for tourists.

    so my question is... why?

    Don't worry like everything else it will take a bit of time before they realise this is a bad idea and all the charming things about Chiang Mai will be back....

    If you are really hard up though, check the alley near the Elephant Cafe and I am sure you will find what you're missing.

  14. Saturday 7.30 pm. Tuskers.

    All welcome to come along to assist me to celebrate my having attained 53 yrs + 1 week.

    Senseless and inane conversation allowed. (kash and Mobs00 also allowed).

    Drunkeness will be tolerated.

    I'm putting 2,000 thb on the bar to compliment the already 2,500+ thb in the kitty.

    So anyone who still thinks I am a wangker please come along and remove any doubt you may have.

    Especially you Thai Poorly.

    Happy B-Day and thanks for the invite but unfortunately I can't make it tonight.

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