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Posts posted by bombis

  1. Hi, I was wondering if any of you know a good agency/agent that can process a work permit renewal for me and how much it cost?

    I know about the process applying for a WP the first time, that is a lengthy process and usually cost about 20,000 Baht. But how about the renewal, that should be much more easy and not cost as much?


    Alternatively, is it easy enough to be doing it myself?

  2. Im now in my third month now of the 6 months METV.

    I was wondering about the following: What are the regulations as to when you can re-apply for a new 6 months METV?

    I mean, lets say I get back to my home country after the approximately 9 months I had in Thailand with this VISA (if I get a 30 day extension), I assume I cannot just return home and apply for a new tourist visa straight away.

    Is there any time in between before that becomes possible?

    I don't see any info on this anywhere.

  3. One more time because I still see some replies here that did not represent the situation correctly:

    I did NOT go to the bank and tried to open an account on behalf of the company.

    As I said I never was at the bank even one single time. The registered Thai director of the company went to the bank to open a business account. And even with me NOT made a signatory of the account they still declined on the basis of the company having a foreign shareholder with over 40% of shares. That was the point why I was so surprised. The upper limit they told him are 20%. If I have up to that many shares they would be OK with it.

    I should also say that I opened another Thai company about 4 years ago and at that time there was never any such issue with opening a company account. I ran through the process before. So I was thinking that maybe some rules had changed in the meantime.

    The bank accepting to open the account by the way did so because a Thai shareholder of the company knows somebody working at that branch. I just found that out.

  4. Thanks for the many replies. Just to clarify a few things as some of you didn't understand the situation correctly:

    - I did not go to the bank myself, just the Thai director, I didn't do any paperwork as was suggested here

    - it didn't matter even if I'm not signatory on the bank account. They still wanted a work permit from me

    - it doesn't help me to open an account in my name. This is a business, so obviously a company account is needed

    We checked 2 more banks. One said the same thing and asked for a work permit

    Bank No 3 was OK with it and made an exception.

    So problem was solved by trying long enough.

  5. @gsxrnz

    Yes I can trust the them. And thanks for the suggestion. that could work. We are still trying other banks now.

    But its so weird to have to do that. I mean, I don't even care to have my name on the bank account. I don't need to. But the bank says I have to, its a requirement because of the amount of shares I hold......but then they tell me I can only be added with a work permit.

  6. I had a strange thing happen today. Im a shareholder in a Thai company. I am not working in this company and I am not a director of the company. I invested as its my friend company who is Thai.

    I have over 40% of the shares. There is nothing fishy here, all shareholders are valid and there are no nominated shareholder or anything like that.

    Now the bank (Kasikorn) told us that to open the bank business account with them, I need to show them a work permit. I said I cant as I do not work for this company, Im just a shareholder.

    They didn't accept this and told me that if we want to open a bank account with them I need to have a work permit because I have "too many shares". I can have 20% shares at the most or they cannot do it.

    Im baffled. It doesn't make sense to me because not every shareholder going to work for the company, how can they ask for a work permit based on the fact I own more than 20% of the shares?

    Has anybody ever experienced this or knows anything about this?

    We are going to try another bank now and see what they say but I just wanted to get feedback from you guys as well on this.

  7. I'm a shareholder at a Thai company. Can I get invited by this company to get a Business visa for "conducting business" in Thailand and not for working.

    Im planning to get a multiple entry non immigrant B.

    Im asking this because Im not sure if there are any restrictions when you are a shareholder of that same company that invites you for this. Or does this not matter in any way?

  8. I'm looking for a cheap notebook, no gaming machine or a real workhorse. I just wanna take it for light work when I'm traveling weekends. I have a desktop at home anyways.

    Best deal I found so far is an Ativ 4 with an i3 processor for 12,900: http://www.invadeit.co.th/category/notebooks-laptops/samsung/

    Thats pretty good but I was wondering if there is anything better out there? I do not want to spend more then around 15,000. Does not need to have a Win license.

  9. Funny how the first comments are always blaming the Thais right away... typical farang.

    To me, if the Australians would have been smart enough to tell the Thai authorities that they are transferring a criminal (which would have been normal procedure), the security could have been better.

    Like this, its simply the Australians fault that they lost him. How can 2 people loose their prisoner??? And he told them he is taking a shower? That was it? Sounds too easy to me.

    • Like 1
  10. Does anybody have any tips, be it an agent or not? I am looking for something very basic, in the area of 200-400 square meters. Doesn't need any facilities, just a plain warehouse.

    I tried on this forum and the classifieds and also on ddpropert..... website and I have seen some warehouses that might be suitable....on the other hand I am sure there are a lot of others around that are not advertised anywhere online.

    Any help is welcome.

  11. I passed a Tata Ace today and had a closer look. What I didn't realize before is the tray size. Its quite a bit longer than any pickup or thw Carry. Close to 3 meters which really puts it in a bit different class. The engine I looked yp has 103 hp which should be enough

    So considering thw size advantage and 359000 price actually seems to be a better deal as I thought before.

    @IMHO, you mentioned before you would never buy a Tata. Why? I would think for this kind if vehicle should be OK?

  12. very helpful again MHO. Many thanks.

    It would seem that the Navar is what Im looking for. Has the strongest engine and most space in the back as you say but still the lowest price of all.

    Any specific reason for that? Nissan seems to me to be one of the best or most successful Japanese car manufacturers of the past years I would have no trouble choosing them.

    The Isuzu would probably a close second.

  13. If they make the Multistrade it would make sense they make the Hypermotard here also...

    So as always well have to wait and see. The new Hypermotard is really nice....but it would be quite a difference to have a pricing in the 600000 Baht range or the 800000 Baht range (as the previous 1100 Evo model).

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