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Pod Coffee In Thailand (Nespresso Etc)


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a proper espresso maker, and grinder?

Makes better coffeee, the only thing you throw out is bio degradeable and you dont get raped on the price or bans unless you choose to splurge.

about 4k for an alright burr grinder (Verasu had a very decent one for the money at around 1600, but alas it sold out) and anywhere between 7 and 100k for the Machine.

i have 2 machines, one at a rental property, one at home, both have been going strong for the last 2 years -- the home one gets more use but is treated more kindly by me, the rental one takes a bit of abuse sold by Verasu, makes good coffee and still in excellent nick

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I have the Nespresso and I swear by it (Bought in Hong Kong though at about 1/2 the price of those in Thailand). There are options for purchasing the capsules in Central Chitlom or online. I pick up the capsules in bulk on my travels through Singapore or the UK. There are also kits to 're-make' your Pods, which for me defeats the convenience of the Nespresso pod but can offer a saving.

But, as the Op wants alternatives: I also looked at the illy brand options - These Machines looked solid as if they'll last. The illy Capsules can be found in most supermarkets (Villa and Gourmet Markets - in Bkk anyway). Boncafe also have options worth considering which utilises a 'soft pod'.

The next alternatives are the DIY options which for many are time consuming and it appears the Op is looking for a better priced alternative to the Pod type coffee machine.

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Cheers, ill look into these.

I know you can get much better from a manual machine, but im not a coffee conerseur and i dont have time for messing around or cleaning machines or waiting for them to heat up etc. i just want something better than instant. Ive use austrlaian aldi expressi capsule machine its very good and 35c for a capsules a good price.

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I use a Nespresso machine here (in Greece). The machine cost € 145 (but there's a cheaper model at about € 85) and the pods I buy online cost € 4 or € 4.50 a pack of ten, depending on the blend. If I order them online on a Monday, I will have them on the following Wednesday, latest, sometimes within 24 hrs, and I live on an island. It's a bit expensive compared to buying a half-kilo pack and making it another way, and there are other systems (Tassino? Don't remember the name) that are a bit cheaper and you can find in the supermarket, but the reason I went for the Nespresso is that they have a big range of blends (16, I think, includind a couple of decaf blends), and it makes a truly genuine cup of espresso, crema and all.

I would imagine the pods should be a comparable price in Thailand, maybe 25 baht each?

Whether it's expensive or not really depends on how much coffee you drink! The wife and I don't often drink more than one or two cups a day, so it's not a big deal in the greater scheme of things.

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a proper espresso maker, and grinder?

Makes better coffeee, the only thing you throw out is bio degradeable and you dont get raped on the price or bans unless you choose to splurge.

about 4k for an alright burr grinder (Verasu had a very decent one for the money at around 1600, but alas it sold out) and anywhere between 7 and 100k for the Machine.

i have 2 machines, one at a rental property, one at home, both have been going strong for the last 2 years -- the home one gets more use but is treated more kindly by me, the rental one takes a bit of abuse sold by Verasu, makes good coffee and still in excellent nick

It's different markets, like people who buy old whiskies versus people who buy low alcohol mix, vodka orange, vodka strawberry ...

As a marketing man, I really admire the people behind these trendy products. They found a way to sell cheap products with a lot of additives for exotic flavors 10 times (100 ?) more expensive than champagne, gold or platinum.

Back to nespresso, it makes sense if you have a trendy boutique and you want to offer your customers a variety of choices in a convenient way. For personal use, I much prefer your way.

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Would just buy a Gaggia fully automatic with bur grinder / milk frother built it.

And then just buy the beans to pour in the top. Gaggia Brera can be got for under 35k. Save you a fortune.

Starbucks has some great world beans available. It will save you a lot over capsules.

Been down both methods and won't go back to pods. (not to mention the environmental issues of capsules)

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a proper espresso maker, and grinder?

Makes better coffeee, the only thing you throw out is bio degradeable and you dont get raped on the price or bans unless you choose to splurge.

about 4k for an alright burr grinder (Verasu had a very decent one for the money at around 1600, but alas it sold out) and anywhere between 7 and 100k for the Machine.

i have 2 machines, one at a rental property, one at home, both have been going strong for the last 2 years -- the home one gets more use but is treated more kindly by me, the rental one takes a bit of abuse sold by Verasu, makes good coffee and still in excellent nick

It's different markets, like people who buy old whiskies versus people who buy low alcohol mix, vodka orange, vodka strawberry ...

As a marketing man, I really admire the people behind these trendy products. They found a way to sell cheap products with a lot of additives for exotic flavors 10 times (100 ?) more expensive than champagne, gold or platinum.

Back to nespresso, it makes sense if you have a trendy boutique and you want to offer your customers a variety of choices in a convenient way. For personal use, I much prefer your way.

Convienence over quality and price.

Pod coffee costs 10x more than a good cup made with a French press.


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Boncafe also have options worth considering which utilises a 'soft pod'.

Thanks for that. I have been looking for these coffee-pads for ages.

I always bring them whenever I go to Europe.

And guess what, Boncafe sells exactly the same Petra machine I brought from Germany years ago.

Very good coffee.

Thanks again, I'm off to Boncafe now.

Thanks again.

Yermanee wai.gif

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  • 4 months later...

i used a Nespresso Pad machine way back in Germany, until the day came when I realized that one single 36 Euro cents pad gave me just the amount of a small Italian Espresso cup. If I wanted to pour myself an American Coffee cup, i needed at least 5 (!) pads to fill the cup and still had space left for milk and a cream cap! Since I love to sip up to two Grandfather cups every golden morning, I started to feel downright stupid ! Do the maths, and you will want to look for alternatives !

I turned back to a hand-operation coffee bean grinder and a 15 bar pressure Espresso maker from AEG, costs 85.- Euro in Germany, i have three households, each one is equipped with an AEG machine, brought into Thailand in my luggage. I love to prepare myself an Espresso, Cappuchino or American Coffee within a minute, from freshly ground beans. I keep changing the beans ( Boncafe, Illy, Lavazza, Doitung, etc) to prevent getting overfed by the same type. I especially love the Doitung Coffee beans from the North Thailand mountain people. It works for me, there is little time saving in handling a Nespresso vs the Espresso Machine : you will have to clean the moving parts and the rack on both, and with the Nespresso, you will soon forget the broken capsules inside the enclosed bin, and not discover them until green fungus starts to build up (I admit it happened to me!)

You can get everything in Thailand for a little more, grinder at most Robinson stores for 800 BAHT, Espresso Maker for just 4275 BAHT at Verasu). Start with a simple setup, keep it clean, I promise you will love the experience of the REAL thing !

Edited by crazygreg44
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I would imagine the pods should be a comparable price in Thailand, maybe 25 baht each?

Whether it's expensive or not really depends on how much coffee you drink! The wife and I don't often drink more than one or two cups a day, so it's not a big deal in the greater scheme of things.

You are WRONG! Capsules in Thailand are double the price in Western Europe (i.e. 1 CHF per pod in Central Festival Pattaya, here in Switzerland 50 cent). Nespresso does not have a plant yet in Thailand and Thailand has ridiculous import taxes on fixed foreign coffee...

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Boncafe also have options worth considering which utilises a 'soft pod'.

Thanks for that. I have been looking for these coffee-pads for ages.

I always bring them whenever I go to Europe.

And guess what, Boncafe sells exactly the same Petra machine I brought from Germany years ago.

Very good coffee.

Thanks again, I'm off to Boncafe now.

Thanks again.

Yermanee wai.gif

Agree with you. Boncafe is the best alternative as long as Nespresso has these high prices in Thailand

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If you don't need the espresso coffee, get some good coffee from Starbucks and get a coarse grind, then use a simple french press. Makes 4-5 cups of good coffee. But of course, it's not espresso. I would probably buy a 20K or so real espresso machine before I got the Nespresso pod one, since their capsules are a scam price wise.

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