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Posts posted by bunnydrops

  1. So far the hospitals I have called St Marys and the Soldier Hospital, the eye doctor is unavailable. Others no answer, Earliest, the Soldier after 4pm--maybe. So far no flashing lights in the eye and the number of floaters seems to be less ,but one very good size one just off from center.

  2. What's wrong with this story? Answer: the only source we have for it so far is Thaksin.

    Alternative scenario....

    1. Iraq casually drops to Thaksin that it's about to double its annual order for Thai rice because it's superb and cheap.

    2. Thaksin says, Wait a mo, I can use this.

    3.Thaksin spreads his rumour via his cousin or whoever.

    4. Iraq puts on a big outraged face, doubles its order, goes ballistic about troublemakers in Thailand who ought to be treated 'the Iraq way.'

    5. Reds use this to show, yet again, how mendacious rumours spread by the Yellow faction cause nothing but grief.

    6. Thaksin's sympathy quota doubles to match the new Iraqi order. And by sheer coincidence, this all happens while a certain bill is being introduced to parliament.

    Fantasy? La-la land? Just remember ... the source so far is Thaksin.

    I was thinking the same thing. No mention that they were not going to buy rice from Thailand. Only that some rice from East Asia would not meet the new standard. Iraq buys rice Thaksin saves us again.

  3. I'm in the sticks and haven't had a problem. The villagers do talk of traveling gangs usually casing the place by pretending to be scrap buyers. Like someone else said, the dogs pick up on strangers most the time. I do know of one person that caught someone in his house one night. He believes the guy was a professional because he was wearing something that made it impossible to grab and hold him. Said it was like trying to hold on to a wet fish--he got away.


    I believe an electric fence could be shorted, or circumvented with the right clothes. Rusted iron can look good if worked into the design.

    Someone told me once that the trick is not to make it hard to get in though a fence. With enough time and know how any fence can be breached. The trick is to make it look hard to get out.

  4. I remember when they had to kill all those bird flu infected chickens. They were dumped alive into burning pits by the thousands. Seeing this on the TV. Flaming chickens jumping around like popcorn. I couldn't help but think there must be a better way. At the market yesterday there was a woman selling frogs. Skinned but still alive. In both of these, I can see a "reason" even if I don't agree with that reason. But this monk is just a cruel person.

    I remember as a kid there was always those kids that liked to do things like tie cats tails together and throw them over a line to fight to the death, put firecrackers in a dogs a$$. I wonder what happen to them.

  5. might be smart to build a third rail at standard guage and slowly change over to standard gauge at some point

    That might be what they are going to do. My understanding is that the HSR is going to be put in on completely different routes. less turns, less hills. The one from Bangkok to Nong khai will not even go though Korat but meet the existing train route at Bua Yai.

    As I have posted before they are almost finished redoing the grades, new rock, ties and put in longer rails on the Korat to Nong Khai. I was surprised they didn't do two lines, but did put in more side tracks.

  6. I have found that whenever I put a paper clip or some-such in my Passport to help the Immigration officer find the proper Visa / Re-Entry permit page, the first thing they do before opening the passport is to remove the paper clip and then thumb through all 60 or so pages.

    Same here. I mark the page, they look. and then proceed to thumb though. I thought they were looking for something else, but they stop at the page with the stamp like they just found it.

  7. xermm.gif.pagespeed.ic.7f2Kr9k8HC.png I was there to and fro just a couple of months ago and was not photographed....??? In Bangkok I was, yes, on leaving and on return .. but no, ...not in Beijing ?? And no I do not agree that there were more security than passengers... not at all !!!............ Mind you I was In Transit both ways ... and never left the airport so that could make the difference

    Wow, I would think. When I went though there, there were more security than passengers. The only airport I have been to that photographed passengers that were only passing though.

    I was in transit also from SF to Bangkok. We were taken off the plane, had our passports checked and we were photographed just like were entering their country. Security standing around in groups as large as 15. I thought it funny since looking out the windows, I looked like we were in the middle of nowhere. This was somewhere around a year ago.

  8. For you train travelers. I just want to inform you that the train is running from Nong khai as far as Khong. Still have to ride bus between Khong and Korat. Was told that it will be another two months before it runs all the way.

  9. In the last 6 months they pulled all the rails and ties from Korat to Nong Khai. Graded it all, put in new rock, put new cement ties and longer rails. Put in many more bypass rails. I was impressed with the job they are doing, very professional (its a Thai Italian company I believe) I like going by train and find it a lot saver than being on the road. Most are on time unless you ride the free 3rd class.

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  10. Just to be clear

    In my state (Oregon) the selection of the jury goes like this.

    At random a number of people are selected from the states list of voters. I don't remember the exact number but by law they have to show up at the court house where both sides of the case gets to question each of them in presents of both sides of the case. Each side gets to dismiss a certain number of people until the number needed for the jury is attained, plus 3 for backup. It is not possible for one side to pick a jury that leans only one way.

  11. Zimmerman has alraedy been found not guilty. He is not on trial either.

    But he lives and the consequences of killing the unarmed boy that night, which is NOT disputed, are not finished as long as he lives.

    OJ got off too but Karma caught up with him later.

    There is a big difference. OJ was the aggressor and the jury ignored the law and let him off anyway, but in this case Trayvon was the aggressor and Zimmerman killed in self defence. The jury followed the law this time. Instant Karma has already struck.

    Why is Trayvon the aggressor? Why was Zimmerman even talking to him? Zimmerman was told to back off. He confronted Trayvon, Trayvon wasn't hitting anyone else. Zimmerman provoked Trayvon. What was said, we will never know that. After saying this, I didn't think there was enough evidence to convict him of murder. But the whole thing was because of his actions.

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  12. For the lovers of these creatures I assume that you love when they wake you up at night. I don't like to be awaken like this but I don't think you can defy nature. Have to learn to live with being awaken at night. These critters and my wife snoring and smelling like nam prik pla lai all night is wonderful. Don't take me back to civilization I would not know how to handle a full nights sleep. I forgot the bloody neighbors dogs who contribute to the sleepless night.

    That little laugh they make? I always think someone told them a good joke.biggrin.png

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