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Posts posted by bunnydrops

  1. I just finished doing my first. They did require witnesses, but they didn't have to come in, just had to have a photo each of them signing the form and copies of their ID cards. I was asked at the office how far each lived from my home.

    The photos around the house. I brought in about 8, they took the one in front of the house with the house number, sitting in the living room, and standing in front of open bedroom clothes cabinet containing both mine and my wife"s clothes.

  2. ToT ran cable pass my place about a year ago. I went in and was told I would get a flyer in the mail within a month. Never got anything. I went back in an asked about getting hooked up. I was told they would start as soon as they had ten people that wanted hooking up. I asked to put my name on the list and fill out the paper work--- no list, not taking applications yet blink.png

  3. Back in the 60's, my girlfriend's father flew helicopter in the Navy. After the third one gave out on him, he retired. He told me above a certain altitude you could feather the prop and the hit wouldn't be too bad, but under that, you are just a hunk of metal in the air. It looks like the pilot landed in a pond. I wonder if he was trying for that. I would think an open field would have been better.

  4. Here in the countryside the locals play the "underground" lottery. The winning numbers are the same as the states. The big difference is that you can bet as low as 10 baht. Its big fun for the locals. They talk about dreams they have had, numbers on plants, Son's new car license plate. I have heard it is financed by some guy in Singapore. I have pretty much told them all this about the changes to win but they don't care. Also there is even a greater chance of being ripped off. One week a woman here won a three number. She went to get her money but the seller said she had forgotten to register the number (you get no paper ticke, its just written down in a book. Side note about the 66 winning number. My 66th birthday came up that week and I asked my wife to buy me a ticket 66. Since I had not turned 66 yet, she bought 65:(

  5. Assuming he is not killed by a drone strike or part of a rendition ending up up in some CIA 'facility', and that he is ultimately afforded the rights guaranteed by that pesky Sixth Amendment, a trial might ultimately reveal more details than the No Such Agency wishes revealed.

    The government went after Thomas Drake with a vengeance, but ultimately dropped all charges, although he did plead to a misdemeanor.

    The "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT) Act of 2001."


    prohibits persons from disclosing details re: the "tools" used to gather "intelligence"

    Note this from section 215:

    "No person shall disclose to any other person (other than those persons necessary to produce the tangible things under this section) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained tangible things under this section."

    Yes, that is what freaked me out. Being a business owner, I could not tell anybody that the government was going through my records of an employee. Freedom of speech? Not anymore. Also the last time I flew here. The airline asked me when I would be returning to the US. I asked them why the airline wanted to know. They told me " Its not the airline. Its the NSA that wants to know.

  6. hmm, well i may have made a mistake, i have attempted to "link" my online cap one 360/ ING to the BKK bank via the NYC branch, so they do like 2 test deposits to prove the link / security

    maybe bkk bank is going charge me $25 for each of the 0.02 cents transfers, or so

    i am not sure what amount was test deposited though, as i don't seem to be able to get that via Bualuang Phone yet .. hmm

    I tried to use that number at first with my account number--didn't work, Used my ATM number and it worked great. They give the amount in both baht and foreign currency, Not sure if they got something wrong. I have no WP but I get interest, but no online banking.

  7. I work on the farm without one, The Aw baw daw (sp) knows I do it, Its a small Moo Baan, and I live two doors down from their office. A friend of mine up near NongKai goes out with the village folk to fix the roads when the head man asks for volunteers . I guess its just about where you live and what you are doing. Because I also know someone that got nailed because he was seen changing the CD behind the counter at his wife's restaurant.

  8. I went in and applied for an marriage extension, Paper work in order, the 400,000 in the bank for over 2 months (this is my first marriage extension). I thought I could start using the money right away but was told not to let it go lower than 400,000 until I got the extension in about 30 days. Is this normal? It doesn't make sense to me. If I get the extension, I am sure no one is going to check to see if the money in still there and if it is refused, whats it matter?

  9. bunnydrops, I did a bit of tree cutting, mostly on fires, fire breaks, some timber/logging, damn hard work. Never will forget the first 2 man saw that I had occasion to work with. Big fire up in the Klamath, I had never seen trees so big. Cut into them and it was like hitting a water main. Logger asked me if I wanted to swamp for him, damn I thought I did hard work, my reply, politely-not no but hell no!

    Another northwester. I lived on the Olympic peninsula (Forks). The work nearly killed me, but man did my body look good.

  10. Just got back from doing this in Korat. I brought 2 copies of everything but they only took one. They went over my passport with a fine tooth comb, Not once, not twice but three times counting time between my re-entry stamps. They ten wanted two witnesses, but they did not have to come in. I had to take pictures of them signing the witness lines and bring copies of their IDs and 2 pages of their house book. The photos had to be separate of each signing. The only other odd thing was they told me not to go under the 400,000 in the bank until I got the extension?????. The 30 day was added to the exit date of my current non-o visa. Told to come in on that day-- no earlier and at that time I will get the extension or 7 days to exit the country :(

  11. I tend to smile and nod say Hello if they look at least a bit friendly. If I see someone sitting outside ( I live in a small town, not in the city) I will stop and chat. Often its the new teacher at the school (changed every 3 months, I think). Most the expats here get together on Sat. and drink-- I don't drink much and tire of the "drink" talk. Its nice to just chat and see how the others are doing.

  12. I wonder how good the husbands are back in the home country? I lived near a Navy base as a young man. It wouldn't be long after the husbands were sent out to sea that the "ComPac" wifes would show up at the bars--- Of course, the guys would come home with tells to tell to the boys over beer.

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