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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. Not sure how you plan on handling your funds but here's what I do.

    All retirement funds be it SS or company retirement payments are direct deposited in my US bank account. I'm using Bank of America.

    I use wire transfers to send money from BofA to my Bangkok Bank account in Thailand and always send dollars so currency exchange is done in Thailand, better rate. Bangkok Bank has NY branch so it is very easy. Before leaving US file out paper work for doing international transfers because cannot be done once you are in Thailand. You must do it in person. The transfers can be setup on automatic schedule or on request.

    I use my US banks on-line bill pay service for paying bills in US.

    I also have US bank ATM card I use when I travel outside Thailand. In Thailand I use Bangkok Bank ATM card.

  2. I always bought bulbs at one of those small shops in MBK that's on left side as you walk toward Tokyu. If memory serves me correct its close to Tokyu and located on same floor that goes out to sky train.

    After 3-4 years of buying bulbs I dumped my Maglites and now use LED flashlights. Longer battery life and no need to buy bulbs. I have one that has a small sealed lead acid battery that you can recharge. The battery is about the size of 2 D-cells.

  3. Don't know any sites but I usually do following when suspect problems. Might be programs that do same but I'm lazy to search.

    Open Command Prompt window.

    Type following at prompt: tracert -h 50 (enter desired web name or IP address) then hit enter key (The 50 after -h is max number of hops)

    The tracert returns all the sites from your PC to destination site provided you entered enough hops.

    example: tracert -h 50 www.easynews.com

    You can then use the following to check packet loss along path still using command prompt window.

    Type following at prompt: ping -n 30 (enter IP address or web name from info returned with tracert) then hit enter key (the -n 30 is number of packets or pings you desire)

    I usually start with the Thailand gateway IP because problems are usually in Thailand.

    It returns the number of packets sent and received along with lost packet percentage.

    example: ping -n 30

  4. I believe the fee will be higher than a normal transfer of title because the land is being subdivided but I do not no cost. Family should be able to get required info and cost from land office. You will also have survey cost because of the subdivide.

    He should go to Udon to protect his interest and perhaps get choice of parcel, since he is paying, if parents allow. He also wants to make sure all parcels have road access because you never know what will happen when family members or neighbors have a falling out. A great example is 1 rai of property I looked at in wife's village. It had one very small problem. It was land locked. None of the property owners on four sides would grant right of way through their property from the road. Its still sitting unsold 6 years later.

  5. Wolfmanjack - you are entirely correct that when the lease expires, the house has either to be removed from the land, or everything left on the land (including the house) will become the landowner's property.

    That'd fine for me, because I will be dead anyway.....

    However, since I am going to build a traditional teak house, I could 'will' that house to my kids and they (ao contractors), will legally be able to dismantle and remove said house from the land :o


    Its my understanding that you can transfer and even sell your lease to another individual. So if you died I think that you could will the lease to someone and the land owner would have to honor.

    Always best to consult a lawyer. They usually give a free consultation to answer questions.

  6. That is horendous , over 25% increase in deaths and a wopping over 50% increase in accidents , when will these idiots ever learn at least a modicum of restraint in thier drinking and driving ? More to the point I guess , when will police block off roads to check for drinking , with a further block off for those turning around to escape the testing , confiscate thier blo-ody vehicles on the spot for a whole month .

    Numbers might go down if police would stop accepting cash to ignore traffic violation but instead do their job properly and write real tickets.

  7. What reasons did your lawyer give for the 2 adjournments?

    You need to insist that your lawyer not accept further adjournments.

    I have a friend who was in court over money a previous employer refused to pay. His lawyer keep agreeing to adjournments until my friend said no more. Case went to court and my friend won. end of story.

    I don't think you have bulldog lawyer which is what you should have hired.

  8. You need to contact TOT (phone company) and see if you can have ADSL line installed at you location. Its a service that runs over a normal wire telephone line.

    Another option thru TOT is IPStar Satellite. Have seen written many negaitve reports about this service but some people are very happy with service. I believe expensive for what you get.

    I use AIS for mobile phone service along with EDGE service. The service has improved so much over the last several months I have been very happy. Speed varies throughout the day depending on system load but a few months back I would get 12-18KB download speeds but for several months now I see 20-28KB download speeds. These speeds are during light loading of the phone system. Just yesterday I downloaded a 68MB file in 45 minutes. I've never seen it worse than a 56k dial up service unless system crashes.

  9. The Bangkok Vocational School (Khlong Toei) might be the one you mentioned. Its located on or near Damrong Phiphat road in Klhong Toei. Its close to Bangkok University and Theparin Hospital in Khlong Toei. You can use google map to locate.

    School offers many vocational training classes including barber training. Its 100 baht or so to sign up and student must provide own supplies including clippers.

    Bangkok has many such vocational schools located throughout the city. Another one is on the grounds or just behind Wat Thammonghol located at Sukhumvit Soi 101 sub soi 20.

  10. I went to bank exchanges on Khao Sarn, Green bank, Purple bank and Blue bank (kasik... UOB, siam bank, etc).

    None of them would do it

    What was the reason they gave?

    You can always try one of the currency exchange shops that exists around the city. The one I have used in the past is VASU at corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 7/1.

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