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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. My point is about the double standard, that Abhisit is an unelected opportunist, and that the problem has not gone away simply because the current cycle of violence has abated.

    Seems to me that Abhisit was put in office in the same manner Somchai became PM. Required number of MP votes to win PM seat.

  2. Which of the PAD leaders are awaiting a court appearance for the chaos that they caused by closing down the international airport? Are they in custody? Talking about levels of violence, we should bear in mind that both sides used violence - the PAD were fighting and shooting in the streets too, and laid siege to the airport. Both sides behaved disgracefully, but only one side is held to account.

    From what I've read Sondhi was scheduled for trail on April 29. Perhaps the trial date will now be delayed because someone tried to impose their own sentence in recent days without a trial. Others charged also have dates scheduled just for your information.

    Of course I read all this in what you consider biased newspapers so perhaps Sondhi wasn't shot after all.

  3. There's no need to be rude in what has so far been a polite discussion. The tone of your post suggest mob rule, and with a name like 'ballbreaker', what more can we expect? :D

    And, which newspaper are you reading? The Bangkok Post, or the Nation? They should dye their pages yellow :o . Please tell us which newspapers you read. What, please tell us, have the PAD leaders been charged with, and which ones are currently in custody? Names, dates, and charges please.

    It's a great shame, because both the Bangkok Post and the Nation used to be balanced and for the most part interesting and informative. I think that they probably sold their souls a while back - they are a shadow of their former selves and these days contain mainly bellicose, yellow oriented rhetoric, bad grammar (in the case of the Nation), and overtly sensationalist style. A bit like the tabloid press in the UK, more's the pity. Reading them these days makes me want to weep.

    Why should I do research for you since you have already formed your opinion on this matter. But if you really want to know the details check out Bangkok Post for March 30th. On second thought why bother because you won't believe what it says.

    As to mob rule if you haven't noticed that's what seems to be going on right now. I think both sides have major faults and the winner will be...the military when they seize power in the guise of maintaining order.

    As a farang I have picked no side in this conflict and wish only to say the people will always have the government they deserve.

  4. The Yellows close down Thailand's international airport, causing mayhem and damage on an unprecedented scale to Thailand's tourist industry and reputation. None are arrested and charged, let alone convicted.

    Stop shouting this crap. PAD leaders have been charged and you would know that unless you don't bother reading the newspaper.

  5. Well I'm sure everybody remembers when the airport closed to protesters a few months back. Well I was one of many who had a ticket out. Mine was on Cebu Pacific to Clark, Philippines. As this was just a trip for fun I wasn't to disturbed when I couldn't go. Especially when they promised to return my full fare. Well it's been what 4 months and still no refund. Everytime I call I'm told still no money from Cebu please call back. Today they actually told me at least 2 more months. As Cebu doesn't have a company here in Thailand, but just agents there really isn't any recourse. Great prices, but if anything goes wrong or you have to make changes you better just forget it !

    If you didn't this is one reason you should always pay with credit card even if a few dollars more.

  6. I suggest you lock yourself in your room & seethe for the next 10 years.

    Average Isaan migrant worker in Bangkok earns between 3000-8000 baht a month. Foreign expats can't get a work permit for less than 50,000 a month most earn in excess of 100,000.

    Instead of looking at it as you getting ripped off, why not look at it as people poorer than yourself getting a discount ?

    I always love hearing this argument. What should wealth have to do with anything. I'm sure rich Thai's, more wealthy than you or I, visit Dream World at some point. Do they do offer to pay more just because they have more money than the average Thai.

  7. Easy. Rent don't buy a house. Leave your money invested in diversified investments. A home purchase in Thailand, concentrates what may be a large portion of your wealth into a risky property investment that could be taken from you one way or the other. You know Farangs can't own land in Thailand so bottom line is you can't really own a house that would really be yours.

    There are too many ways a house investment in Thailand may not even last your lifetime much less get passed on to others. Could you afford to totally lose your investment in a house?

    Could not agree more.

  8. Have you tried one of the other USB ports. I would use one of the ports on back if possible.

    I use Edge and have found one of my front ports gives me nothing but problems while the other port does not.

  9. Jai Dee

    Thanks for that article, I enjoyed it.

    I can only say that imho, Abhisit has played a complete masterstroke. I wonder if he was on the Oxford University Chess Team? Some things just don't add up as to why a group of very intelligent people allowed the ASEAN conference to run in the format that it did. We on this site could all see the potential problems, Abhisit must have seen them. I wouldn't be surprised if behind closed doors the first statement by him to the other ASEAN leaders was along the lines of 'guys we are expecting alot of trouble this week, we may have to postpone, I know its a ballsache but we will all be better off in the end'.

    As much as the ASEAN leaders may have thought 'how weak' when the Thai government 'allowed' the protestors through to the conference, the message was quite clear, the Thais would avoid using force at all costs unless the situation was really bad. When force was used it became completely acceptab le and understood. Thaksins news interview disassters were scripted around the 'terrible continuing military oppression' of the Thai people, he had been desperate to engineer a confrontation in order that the Army stepped in, but it has backfired more than he (Thaksin) could ever have calculated. Thaksin has orchestrated his own very public downfall. Abhisit gave Thaksin enough rope to hang himself and he did just that. There is a post on here somewhere from a forum member saying that people in his very staunch redshirt town are now no longer wearing their redshirts or will even engage in discussion about Thaksin or what happened in Bangkok.

    Abhisit I think you are a closet genius I tell you, Genius.

    edited to add


    Don't worry, what Offset said! I think if they get him back in this country they might just lose the keys. Inciting revolution could only be seen as the worst case of treason, Thaksin might be lucky to escape with his life if found guilty, and if he does I think he will be locked away and disappear into obscurity.

    These were exactly my thoughts as the events unfolded over the last 5 days.

  10. Thanks, just the info I was looking for! I didn't realize they had Internet only sims, bit that makes total sense. Cheers!

    They are not internet only SIMS. The GPRS/Edge function is always available but cost is steep unless you select one of the internet plans by dialing *138 and following instructions or call service center at 1175 and talk with live person to select an internet plan.

  11. In the past I seem to remember someone mentioning spray on liners in Pattaya but don't remember location. You might ask at some of the 4X4 shops and perhaps they can direct you in right direction. Some of the brand names are Rhino Linings, Qwik Liners and Line-X. If cannot find you could order one of the do it yourself systems.

  12. Not sure if new motherboard would take care of problem or not. Your motherboard is made by company that has been around for awhile but I know very little about their quality. I for one only use ASUS motherboards that have Intel chipset because they make a good product.

    One thing you might try is taking a look at system logs to see if anything funny is showing up during times of your problems. You can view by: Start/setting/control panel/administrative tools/event viewer

    You then look at application and system logs using event viewer to see if any errors showed up concerning USB, modem or apps you were using during time of problem.

  13. That's interesting about the power supply. My desktop is brand spanking new, so the power supply should be ok.

    We don't get many power cuts here, but we do get voltage drops and I wonder if that could be something to do with it.

    I don't use my UPS as it beeps when the voltage drops and drives me crazy, of course the laptop with its battery effectively has its own UPS.

    I will try the Desktop with the UPS in line and see if it improves things. I will also try the laptop with the battery disconnected so that it's running only on AC.


    With a problem like this don't assume anything being okay. The fact you have a new desktop does not rule out the fact they could have blown it on the circuit layout with respect to the USB ports. Component sizing and placement on the motherboard is critical with respect the the output ports. If not done properly the output spec for the ports will not be maintained. For USB 2.0 the spec is 500 ma at 4.75-5.25 volts.

    The MC727 according to data sheet draws 500 ma while transmitting and 115 when idle. As you can see it requires the max power from port.

    Another aspect of USB power is something called voltage droop. When a device is plugged in, or in your case the transmitter activated, the voltage will droop. So a motherboard must be designed to take that into account and minimize the amount and length of time it droops.

  14. My wife and baby need to take the Buriram-Bangkok bus today.Can anyone familar with the Bangkok road system tell me whether she is likely to experience any problems on that route..can the buses take a detour to avoid any blackspots if necessary?

    Many thanks.

    I drove from Korat to Bangkok this morning arriving in OnNut at 930am. Road was flowing good in both directions but one never knows about later in day.

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