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Posts posted by ballbreaker

  1. I would suggest taking a look at link below:


    Make a list of what you want in computer then price out using their site.

    I would suggest the following:

    ASUS motherboard

    Intel CPU

    RAM . . . No more than 4 gig

    Video card . . .no need for high end video card since your not gaming.

    Hard drive . . . Larger the better since you might be working with large file sizes

    DVD drive

    Case and Power Supply . . . Do not go cheap on the power supply

  2. The transfer fee and mortgage fee reduction were extended for another 12 months to March 2010.

    This was approved by Cabinet during the last days of the Wongsawat Government in December 2008, but the extension did not receive wide coverage in the press as it seemed to have been over-shadowed by other news at the time.

    (I read about it on the Real Estate Information Center website under the Real Estate News tab during December 2008)

    Thanks Mark, that means I can slow down purchase process while watching exchange rate for US dollar. If baht continues to slide against the dollar its saves money.

  3. I always get that jai yen yen phrase from the wife but I often wonder what a Thai, that has a bit of power in this country, would do in such a situation. Would he be jai yen yen or read them the riot act up one side and down the other?

  4. hi all,

    need to ask something to you guys.

    i am not really sure what is the problem with my car but when 3 people seats at the back, my car usually goes very down and the body touches the wheel.

    The springs are what support the car body so if car body touches the wheel with 3 people in back seat your springs need replacement.

    whenever there is a crack on the road, it feels really hard inside the car.It is not smooth and pleasant. It's an old lancer from 94. (ECAR).

    Have you checked your tire pressure making sure your not over inflated?

    is it a shock absorber problem? do i have to replace it? what exactly could be the problem?

    Shock absorbers dampen the spring movement so wheel doesn't bounce up and down like a pogo stick when you hit bumps.

  5. Since you can get into Safe Mode I would try doing a system restore to a date prior to your niece using computer.

    Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/System Restore

    You then just follow instructions.

    If above does not correct the next thing I would try is re-write of Master Boot Record.

    Boot computer using XP CD. During the setup process hit the "r" to bring up restoration console. I think you then select XP installation.

    Next enter the following: fixmbr (may need to be entered as capitals don't remember)

    Confirm next question with: y

    When complete: exit and try to boot on HDD.

    If fixmbr does not correct re-install of XP is in order.

  6. Rather than paying to set up a business why don't you talk about study and then she may find a course she is interested in and want you to pay for her to do that. It's a win / win:

    1) She will think it's her idea so will be much more motivated to do it

    2) The course will make her more employable and she may oneday be able to get a job doing something she enjoys. Or, if it was a small business course then she'd be in a good position to run a small business in the future and understand the potential risks and returns involved.

    I tried this but GF still does not have a job after four different schools. Says she didn't want to work 10-12 hours a day 6 days a weeks for 6-8 k.

    Finally went to work at airport as meet/greet staff for travel agency making 15k to start. Still has six day week but only works 3-6 hours a day depending on flights. Says she found something she enjoys. I think its because she only works a few hours everyday.

  7. Everyone will have different opinions on this matter so if you are considering a move rent for at least six months first before making any investments. I for one did not like it and have since moved to Bangkok because I want a wide variety activities to select from each day not the same boring stuff.

    As for meeting the parents I would not unless you are planning a long term relationship with your GF. Thai's interpret such visits far different than westerners.

    I think any concerns about her family should be discussed with your GF before you make such a trip.

  8. Me looking for hi-speed net i guess the dialup internet also would need phone connection and me got no phone connection.


    You could also use Edge connection using your mobile phone if you have one. Not high speed but if you have no other option might be worth a try.

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